Im not sure how that’s here or there. I’m not interesting in moralising, I just don’t want to see kids punished for their parents supposed crimes. Unless you’ve got the stones to attempt mass castration, once those kids are born they deserve as full a shot at life as anyone, regardless of how shit their parents are. So all the two minute single-mums-with-iPhones hate achieves is accidentally making it worse for those in genuine need while those you rant about crack on regardless (note how it’s moved on from “flat screen TVs” now you can’t buy any other sort, my ten year old has a fucking iPhone).
This “deserving poor” bollocks has been around as long as poverty has and it’s always a weaselly excuse for inaction. I’m so tired of hearing it come back, and as I say it’s always under the Tories that we suddenly discover this epidemic of laziness, wastefulness and bad parenting. Weird how it tracks exactly with poverty.
If you genuinely believe there’s parents out there spending cash on nails rather than feeding their kids then you should be campaigning for more funding for social services.