Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (5 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The EFL would have to cover costs. What ever happens its going to be messy. The simplest solution would be to end the season now. Rather that pussy foot around trying to make it look like they are doing something.

No they will have to cover nothing


Well-Known Member
If they void the league then surely the positions won't be relevant?

hence why a solution needs to be found to decide where people finish.

Clubs would also lose income if voided.I think a few clubs will go pop due to all this.


Well-Known Member
Exactly. How would they work out who plays in Europe next season?

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International tournaments will definitely be cancelled they’d just replay this season competition with the same teams I suspect

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Paxman II

Well-Known Member
I just heard that Italian leather firms sold out to Chinese firms in Whuhan. As a direct result there are more than 1000 chinese workers from Wuhan who have been working in Italy and travelling to and from with families. Mkae of that what you will but Italy certainly went rampant quickly! New media as usual not even mentioning this.

steve cooper

Well-Known Member
I think that all these people now being tested positive mostly caught it 1 to 2 weeks ago and only now are showing symptoms. Do people realise that 2 weeks ago (according to official figures) there were less than 30 cases in UK, and I think, at that time there were no reported deaths. 2 weeks ago many people in this country barely thought about catching it, but now seeing people who we can actually identify with testing positive, will be a major wake up call. In the next 2 weeks obviously the cases will rise dramatically, but there could be a situation, realistically where it tails off fairly quickly despite what the "experts" are telling us, which are anyway, a worst case educated guess. I doubt very much it will be under any kind of control in 3 weeks but there could be a situation where games can resume behind closed doors. After all many other people will continue doing their jobs (i.e. shop workers, delivery drivers, medical staff, utility workers etc.) otherwise we are really stuffed.


Well-Known Member
I just heard that Italian leather firms sold out to Chinese firms in Whuhan. As a direct result there are more than 1000 chinese workers from Wuhan who have been working in Italy and travelling to and from with families. Mkae of that what you will but Italy certainly went rampant quickly! New media as usual not even mentioning this.

Backs @Grendel claim up


Well-Known Member
I don't either, the medical advice was it is safer to gave low risk events rather than disperse them to potentially higher risk events

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The high risks event was watching games in pubs though. If there’s no games people won’t be going to watch them in pubs.

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Well-Known Member
Didn’t think for one second it would come to this really hope this works in out favour of players having a rest rather than it sending us backwards


Well-Known Member
I think that all these people now being tested positive mostly caught it 1 to 2 weeks ago and only now are showing symptoms. Do people realise that 2 weeks ago (according to official figures) there were less than 30 cases in UK, and I think, at that time there were no reported deaths. 2 weeks ago many people in this country barely thought about catching it, but now seeing people who we can actually identify with testing positive, will be a major wake up call. In the next 2 weeks obviously the cases will rise dramatically, but there could be a situation, realistically where it tails off fairly quickly despite what the "experts" are telling us, which are anyway, a worst case educated guess. I doubt very much it will be under any kind of control in 3 weeks but there could be a situation where games can resume behind closed doors. After all many other people will continue doing their jobs (i.e. shop workers, delivery drivers, medical staff, utility workers etc.) otherwise we are really stuffed.

Yeah, two days ago everyone was dismissing it as hyperbole. Now things are getting cancelled and shut by the hour.

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Well-Known Member
As much as writing the season off would be a disaster for us I think it’s looking the most likely outcome. Let’s say this goes on for months as the government were saying last night, if you keep pushing games back you’ll eventually encroach on next season. Contracts will be expiring. Teams and fans will want a resolution just to know what’s going on. I assume at some point it will go to a vote in which case it probably suits most teams to write the season off.

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13 clubs in the championship are within two wins of a £100 million bonus


Well-Known Member
Agreed, people are too bogged down with upsetting the beginning of a new season as if the dates can't be changed. Finish this season at whatever date, next season starts when it starts, if you've lost a month or two then cancel Checatrade, league cup and maybe even FA cup.
Yup, I said the same. And I also suggested that instead of 46 game season, you have a 36 game season. Play every team once and then randomly selected, you get to play 13 teams twice.


Well-Known Member
I just heard that Italian leather firms sold out to Chinese firms in Whuhan. As a direct result there are more than 1000 chinese workers from Wuhan who have been working in Italy and travelling to and from with families. Mkae of that what you will but Italy certainly went rampant quickly! New media as usual not even mentioning this.

Is it possible that they’re not mentioning it because it’s bullshit?

Taking news off social media isn’t especially reliable. Everywhere is likely to see a very fast rise in cases, that’s what happens with epidemics.

I’m not entirely sure what the point of these kind of stories is, especially if they’re just made up. Is it to drive fear and hatred of Chinese people perhaps? Some knuckle draggers have already started down that road and we could do without further encouraging them.


Well-Known Member
And which 'medical crap' are you subscribing to? I take it you're dismissing the advice from leading experts based in the UK? Fine, but I doubt your position is any more grounded in scientific certainty than the rest of us.

Next season will be relevant, because life will go on. The consequences for many families will be terrible, but we're talking about a virus with a CFR of around 0.75-1%. It won't decimate humanity. Life will go on and they'll be football next season.
The pseudo medical speculation on here. The decision has been made and the thousands of words on here are now obsolete. Now we talk about the ramifications of the decision to suspend games rather than graphs, survival rates and opinions on Boris Johnson and Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
This might spook Boris into a lock down position, it’s becoming inevitable and there are signs in some countries that have done this lock down had helped. As for football the EFL need to come public and say what their plans and ideas are for the rest of the season. If players self isolate properly by April they should be clear and at the very least matches could happen behind closed doors to get the season finished, most teams only have about ten games left should get them done in a month.

And if you are reading this Mr Keys you are a prick


Well-Known Member
13 clubs in the championship are within two wins of a £100 million bonus

Yes, so if the choice is void or let the current table stand what do you think they’ll vote for? Then you’ve got the relegated teams, teams who has missed out on CL etc.

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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if it has already been mentioned .i cant be bother to troll through the endless pages on this.but as all games are basically off until the Peterborough game.why not void all games between now and then and continue with the rest of the season from April onwards.would almost garantee us up and would make for some interesting games at both ends of the table.scrap rhe playoffs top three up.its just a suggestion.but could work
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This is my worry. It’s the easiest and simplest. Hopefully things calm down and we finish the season late though.

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It won't be easy when clubs are hammering the legal action. Look how much teams in the Championship will miss out on when not going up.

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