Coronavirus Thread (Off Topic, Politics) (12 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Good interview which probably explains the governments true priorities. Basically they want to use the capacity in the NHS


Well-Known Member
Todays daily briefing is a complete mess.

On how to identify if a track and trace call is genuine the advice from Harris was ‘It will be very obvious. These are professionally trained individuals. It will be evident from how they speak.". Schools fine to open up but she says play parks are a no go because "'multiple different families all in one go, children climbing up slides, wiping their nose not a good place to be". Talking about the relaxation of restrictions she said people should "minimise the freedoms that are there to ensure that we can come out of the pandemic"

It's pretty clear the experts don't agree with the actions of the government.

After a couple of days of them not being allowed to answer questions or even being there at all we had Van Tam yesterday saying "In my opinion the rules are clear and they have always been clear. They are for the benefit of all and they apply to all.". Now today we have Harris saying "They are all rules for all of us. It's important we all follow them to the best of our ability. For me, it's a matter of personal and professional integrity"


Well-Known Member
But they only did 115k tests yesterday. Matt Hancock said they could have done 200k though.
For the 9th day in a row no figure available for the number of people tested. Now gone from blaming a technical error to saying its been paused to ensure consistent reporting.

Is that government speak for trying to find a way to fix the figures so they look less embarrassing?


Well-Known Member
They really are treating people like complete idiots. First it was number of people tested, then it changed to tests and now its changed to testing capacity.

They've even hit the 100K people a day target they initially set. Fudged it on the last day of the month by mailing out tens of thousands of testing kits and counting them. Now on the last day of this month we miraculously hit the 200K target by shifting it to testing capacity.

Just be positive m8 u r lovin this m8

David O'Day

Well-Known Member


Sorry be positive

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Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Are people sending their kids to school or keeping them off? we have decided to keep them off to help shield our daughter a little longer in case she didn’t catch it from us, my wife had the antibody test of Friday and is waiting for the results.


Well-Known Member
Are people sending their kids to school or keeping them off? we have decided to keep them off to help shield our daughter a little longer in case she didn’t catch it from us, my wife had the antibody test of Friday and is waiting for the results.
Can you get that test for the kids TGP?

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
Can you get that test for the kids TGP?

I think it’s just front line staff at the moment but I would imagine Mrs TGP will be asking, but I would imagine they are behind Tory mps daughters and the like in the list.
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Well-Known Member
Are people sending their kids to school or keeping them off? we have decided to keep them off to help shield our daughter a little longer in case she didn’t catch it from us, my wife had the antibody test of Friday and is waiting for the results.

We’re keeping ours off. If and when the school says they’re ready of course. Which for now they’re not. Also I have two one Reception and one Y5, and we decided not to send them back until both are back.


Well-Known Member
Are people sending their kids to school or keeping them off? we have decided to keep them off to help shield our daughter a little longer in case she didn’t catch it from us, my wife had the antibody test of Friday and is waiting for the results.

Off. The school asked us to let them know a couple of weeks back and all but thanked us for saying we won’t be sending him in.


Well-Known Member
Are people sending their kids to school or keeping them off? we have decided to keep them off to help shield our daughter a little longer in case she didn’t catch it from us, my wife had the antibody test of Friday and is waiting for the results.

I don’t have much choice as we have to shield my daughter as she has an anti-body irregularity that affects her immune system. She’s in Y7 and my son is in Y4 so they weren’t part of the initial phase anyway. That aside there is no way I would have sent them into school at this juncture. I worry that this will probably be the most dangerous couple of weeks now as we are about to release a lot of uninfected people into society and we don’t know where the virus is. I have grave concerns about what will happen now.

Death toll, confirmed cases and infection rate are higher now than when we went into ‘lockdown’ - and no system in place to track the virus and its inevitable spread.

Just for context my brother in law lives in Sydney - their kids are back in school and they do not have any social distancing in place as it is impossible. They however have had less deaths in the entire time than we had yesterday.

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