Deleted member 5849
They won't be stupid and buy land as long as there's a slight chance of them being able to buy ACL.
Whyever not though? Can always sell it again later.
They won't be stupid and buy land as long as there's a slight chance of them being able to buy ACL.
Arsenal borrowed the cash for their stadium.
Borrowing the cash to build a ground isn't in itself a problem.
Saying it and having it are two very different things! They have said many things.....
Can you see any financial institution giving them a mortgage?
Whyever not though? Can always sell it again later.
That's true - but a large empty land piece will require a suitable buyer.
Arsenal borrowed the cash for their stadium.
Borrowing the cash to build a ground isn't in itself a problem.
Of course it is if you haven't got a pot to piss in. Arsenal had the Highbury development as security.
Surrounded by crispy tissues.....you should try it, get a bit of fresh air and sunshine, get away from that keyboard you hide behind all day every day!
Given the excitement of the development opportunities around the Ricoh, and the large empty land pieces around there... I'd have thought a buyer for such a piece of land elsewhere would be immensely easy to find.
But to keep it with CCFC where it will be safe for our club?
Who would buy the club in those circumstances?
![]() | Quote |
“One of the reason’s given by the council for rejecting the CVA that caused the ten point loss was they wanted an investigation into where players contracts sat but, the truth is, they have known all along and have chosen to act as if it is some kind of mystery. “The Football League, finally confirmed last week that they have been registering players in ‘Holdings’ rather than ‘Ltd’ and as we have maintained for months, this has been going on since way before SISU took over. “That is significant because there is a myth that somehow SISU have set up this structure because they have something to hide when, in fact, it was a structure they inherited. T. Fisher, CCFC v Preston NE programme notes, 25 August 2013 |
![]() | Quote |
Tim Fisher admits some players were registered to Coventry City Football Club Limited despite repeatedly insisting they were registered to another company, Coventry City boss Tim Fisher has today accepted some players were registered in Coventry City Football Club Limited - despite repeatedly insisting players were registered in another company. Mr Fisher told us: “In these instances, the documentation clearly shows Limited as the registering company.” |
Exactly .
Arsenal borrowed the cash for their stadium.
Borrowing the cash to build a ground isn't in itself a problem.
Didn't fund all of it.
Borrowing the cash isn't a problem, as long as there's a sane plan that allows it to be paid off.
I think that could be the end of Mr Fisher,epic epic epic fail, Sisu have now lost all credibility that's what little they had before.
Given the behavioural evidence, highly plausible.I wonder if a few months ago there was a conversation like.....
Look, we haven't filed accounts again so we can say what we like, we've already said that Ltd is a none trading property arm with no assets and just a lease that we cannot / will not / not happy to pay. Lets appeal the 10 pts deduction 'cos everything is in holdings do do with the football side of things......
ring ring 'hello FL here how may I direct your call?'
'Hi I'm CEO of a football club you've just deducted 10 pts from and we want them back'
'Putting you through now sir'
'Hello Mr FL man, can we have our pts back?'
'Get lost!'
Ring Ring 'Hello FL here how may I direct your call?'
Hi I'm the solicitor for a football club that you've deducted 10 pts from and I need to talk to the block who said get lost.'
'Putting you through now sir.'
'Hello I've been instructed to tell you that we will take you to court over the pts as the football side is in Holding and we only out Ltd, a none trading company into admin, and we will sue you big time.'
'Ah thank you for your call, I suggest you go away now and tell your client that if they are foolish enough to carry on this route then we will let all the interested parties that the GS and contracts are will Ltd and your prfered bidder would have to pay the going rate to buy Ltd.'
'Ok thank you bye.'
Roll on a few months..
'Hi I would like to take away a football club that has played in it's home town for 130 years and move it 30+ miles away, so I can get my own way, nobody likes me anymore and I just want to show them who's boss.'
'Are but the FL are all for the supporters, it's in our logo's and everything.'
'Ah yes, I understand. Shall I leak it out that you knew all along about the GS and contracts?'
'No that's not required, we'll have to come up with the correct wording about not being a club anymore, a bond etc.'
'we won't be paying a bond'
'Of course not. You don't have to pay it, we just use these words so the thick twats who give us money think we are looking after them. Between us I'm sure we'll be able to sort it.'
So we agree that affloading the club but keeping the Ricoh isn't an option?
Let me think. Who would I prefer? Shall I lend millions to Arsenal or SISU? Prem Arsenal with lots of assets or SISU?.............
Such a hard decision.
No. Sell for a quid? Sell to another dodgy owner in their hope of promotions? If only they cared about us in the slightest. They are with us for the money. What would make them the most?
You need to borrow less though...
Look, do I think a ground is in the plan? Nope.
But that doesn't mean that in principle I'd have no problem, no problem at all with the club borrowing money to build one.
I'd far rather they did that then borrowed money to buy the likes of Robbie Keane...
Agreed......but.............do we have to go through this again? :thinking about:![]()
So, what would make them the most would be to unite club and ground... and then sell both.
Quote “One of the reason’s given by the council for rejecting the CVA that caused the ten point loss was they wanted an investigation into where players contracts sat but, the truth is, they have known all along and have chosen to act as if it is some kind of mystery.
“The Football League, finally confirmed last week that they have been registering players in ‘Holdings’ rather than ‘Ltd’ and as we have maintained for months, this has been going on since way before SISU took over.
“That is significant because there is a myth that somehow SISU have set up this structure because they have something to hide when, in fact, it was a structure they inherited.
T. Fisher, CCFC v Preston NE programme notes, 25 August 2013
4th September 2013
Quote Tim Fisher admits some players were registered to Coventry City Football Club Limited despite repeatedly insisting they were registered to another company, Coventry City boss Tim Fisher has today accepted some players were registered in Coventry City Football Club Limited - despite repeatedly insisting players were registered in another company. Mr Fisher told us: “In these instances, the documentation clearly shows Limited as the registering company.”
I think that could be the end of Mr Fisher,epic epic epic fail, Sisu have now lost all credibility that's what little they had before.
I think this is the fourth time it has been raised and responded to in the same thread. A new record?
When you have a business bank account you can nominate a few names to it for receiving cheques and payments received for the purpose of continuity and so not to avoid the obvious. So my bank account says several different ways of naming the company but remains identifiable by the common denominator ie: Paxman Ltd, Paxman, Paxman Inc, etc. What is most important is the account number which gives it the full identification.
I don't see this as very different if I'm honest. The press will report it as hot news and sensationalise it, the SISU haters will form ranks and meanwhile everyone just keeps looking for angles while doing nothing to get our team back in Coventry by getting people in a room to find a way forward.
what can you or i do to get people in a room to find a way forward?
...protest at all parties and that would include the council, ACL, try nopm to the Ricoh (stop supporting anything there) Force ALL the players around the table. Stay away from concerts, casino, bloody Northampton and anyone or anything associated with these protagonist until they see the light.
...protest at all parties and that would include the council, ACL, try nopm to the Ricoh (stop supporting anything there) Force ALL the players around the table. Stay away from concerts, casino, bloody Northampton and anyone or anything associated with these protagonist until they see the light.
Has Fisher ever said anything truthful?
I'll give him: "Two turkeys do not a budgie make" but apart from that??
Yes, why not?