Coventry City fans to discuss possibility of supporter-led takeover (25 Viewers)


You use this site in the same way the Telegraph use theirs, to get as many comments as possible. I disagree, your comments are nearly always to contrary to the general consensus, or at least they seem that way to me. And I think you do it just to increase traffic... just like you're doing now I guess!

But leaving that to one side, you still have a responcibilty to the fans and the club to report and interact effectively. Use this forum to get inside the Trust and reflect the alternative views.

How do you know what I have and haven't offered to do to help?

Just because I don't agree with things, it doesn't make it click bait. It makes it my opinion.

When the same thing is tweeted every 15 minutes and there are then threads made based on the reaction of the other threads then you can probably compare. Have you noticed how I edit titles and delete tweets when people put up naughty titles that mislead to prevent exactly that? Like when it's "so and so signs.." then you open it and it says "for somebody else".

If I just wanted to increase traffic I'd do a proper job on it and be right on the SISU out bandwagon as I'd guess many more people would be on here posting.


Well if you are on about David then he is the chair of the protest group not on the Trust Board.

So why is he sat on the stage at a trust event and why is Moz calling the protest group "we"?

As the SD guy said, it needs to be completely separate.

That isn't saying Moz can't have opinions and views or be well up for a protest, that is saying that he needs to put his professional hat on when it's the trust and not saying things like "giving Seppalla a valentine's present" and laughing. He can want to put brick through her windows in his head, but he can't say things like that and then try and keep things separate.

Surely you can see that and why it just fuels reason for joy to say fuck off if she gets a letter? That's not me slagging anybody off, it's me saying the same thing as the SD guy. The same as I have in the past, before he did.

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
What about the bit where the speaker said you can pretty much forget Championship when it was fan owned?
What about the bit where it was said somebody was a troll because they were unhappy about players being sold to break even at a fan owned club?
What about the bit where the supporters direct guy pretty much echo'd the things Fisher says about needing to be break even?
What about when the SD guy said that the trust need to distance themselves and be professional? (he didn't say they weren't now, but that was confirmed just after by the Trust anyway).
What about the bit where the Pompey guy (I think it was) said that things need to be taken on board from fans even if not agreed with?

Plenty of other bits.
There will always be people who don't like it because the club are not spending millions on new players or because a player has to be sold. They are not the majority. Most fans will be able to make up their own minds about decisions being made in the long term interests of the club just like they do now with Sisu.
You talk about the Trust agenda being to encourage a boycott. Having read through this thread it seems that you have a completely negative agenda about the meeting, it's content and are obviously anti Trust. As mentioned if you object so much to the direction of the Trust, why do you not stand for the board or at least attend meetings like this to voice your dissent. Ideas are put forward to try and get our club free from the claws of Sisu. You just rubbish them without suggesting any credible way forward yourself. It is you who are out of step with the way that most fans feel. As was mentioned tonight, a lot of people are just so fed up with the way that CCFC are being run that they just cannot stomach going any more until Sisu have gone. That may be NOPM, however I think in most cases it is simply "customer" choice as they don't value the "product" they are buying any more.


Well-Known Member
Just a side thought.....
At the moment apparently we need a good relationship with the council (we don't have one)
We have to sell players to stay at breakeven
We have an owner who can't put money in
We have to run at breakeven.
The current financial model as admitted by the person running the club doesn't add up if we get into the championship.
We need a good relationship with our landlords (doesn't seem like we have that)
We desperately need to engage our fans and have them onside trusting us that when we made decisions they are the best for the club and not what's best for a different business, whether it's good for the club or not.

So fan ownership gets you

Running at breakeven only (we already are)
Selling players to stay at breakeven (we already do)
A good relationship with the council ( you would like to think so)
Good relationship with our landlords (better chance than we have now)
Good relationship with the fans (you would like to think so)
Decisions made solely with the best interests of the club (you would like to think so)

Big downside

SISU don't want to realise their loses.
They don't seem to have a long term plan.
So looks like fans may have to wait a few years for the unfortunate nature to take its cause
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There will always be people who don't like it because the club are not spending millions on new players or because a player has to be sold. They are not the majority. Most fans will be able to make up their own minds about decisions being made in the long term interests of the club just like they do now with Sisu.
You talk about the Trust agenda being to encourage a boycott. Having read through this thread it seems that you have a completely negative agenda about the meeting, it's content and are obviously anti Trust. As mentioned if you object so much to the direction of the Trust, why do you not stand for the board or at least attend meetings like this to voice your dissent. Ideas are put forward to try and get our club free from the claws of Sisu. You just rubbish them without suggesting any credible way forward yourself. It is you who are out of step with the way that most fans feel. As was mentioned tonight, a lot of people are just so fed up with the way that CCFC are being run that they just cannot stomach going any more until Sisu have gone. That may be NOPM, however I think in most cases it is simply "customer" choice as they don't value the "product" they are buying any more.

Yes, I said I can see it going that way. Otherwise why would David Johnson be saying the same thing twice in one day?

Why do you have to stand for the board if you disagree with something? I guess every time somebody from the trust disagrees with the manager they send their CV in when the job comes up? How many times have trust members applied for jobs at the Football League or FA because they disagree with something?

I have been quite constructive throughout over the years rather than just "rubbishing" things. I have spent a lot of time thinking of things that might help at least unite the fans also. I could understand if my posts were just "trust r crap" over and over again, they are pretty much always constructive whether people agree with it or not.

What happens if the product is pretty much limited to league 1 or 2 like the pompey guy says? If it is only about the product on the pitch then it doesn't matter if it is the fans or SISU. The product would be no different at all, the only difference would be no Fisher and somebody else, which isn't the actual product.

Again, that's not me slagging anybody off it is me asking a question about what was said.
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Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Yes, I said I can see it going that way. Otherwise why would David Johnson be saying the same thing twice in one day?

Why do you have to stand for the board if you disagree with something? I guess every time somebody from the trust disagrees with the manager they send their CV in when the job comes up? How many times have trust members applied for jobs at the Football League or FA because they disagree with something?

I have been quite constructive throughout over the years rather than just "rubbishing" things. I have spent a lot of time thinking of things that might help at least unite the fans also.

What happens if the product is pretty much limited to league 1 or 2 like the pompey guy says? If it is only about the product on the pitch then it doesn't matter if it is the fans or SISU. The product would be no different at all, the only difference would be no Fisher and somebody else, which isn't the actual product.

Pompey getting 16000 crowds in League 2 with 12000 season ticket holders and presumably a positive atmosphere about the place have far more chance of success than we have with our shrinking fan base. Both clubs are operating a break even policy but the Pompey version is a world away from Fisher's. The difference is that in the case of the Pompey version, their board have the best interests of the club at heart. Fans know this and the majority can accept the lack of million pound transfers in and the sale of good players at a time optimum for the club. You do rubbish this idea and as far as I can see seem to feel that sticking with Sisu is preferable. I think most City fans would disagree with you. The fact that fans would have the opportunity to have a stake in their club again, a club run on democratic lines would mean a lot more would be on board with any difficult decisions. You say this model limits the club to league 1 and 2. Do you really believe with Sisu that we have a chance of anything above this level? As mentioned above, a fan owned club would be able to make decisions on incoming investment that might propel us to a higher level while insuring who ever puts the money in has the best interests of the club at heart. City owned by fans in a similar way to Pompey, or continue with Sisu? If you say neither of these, what is your way forward, particularly as no rich benefactor has so far made themselves known.


Pompey getting 16000 crowds in League 2 with 12000 season ticket holders and presumably a positive atmosphere about the place have far more chance of success than we have with our shrinking fan base. Both clubs are operating a break even policy but the Pompey version is a world away from Fisher's. The difference is that in the case of the Pompey version, their board have the best interests of the club at heart. Fans know this and the majority can accept the lack of million pound transfers in and the sale of good players at a time optimum for the club. You do rubbish this idea and as far as I can see seem to feel that sticking with Sisu is preferable. I think most City fans would disagree with you. The fact that fans would have the opportunity to have a stake in their club again, a club run on democratic lines would mean a lot more would be on board with any difficult decisions. You say this model limits the club to league 1 and 2. Do you really believe with Sisu that we have a chance of anything above this level? As mentioned above, a fan owned club would be able to make decisions on incoming investment that might propel us to a higher level while insuring who ever puts the money in has the best interests of the club at heart. City owned by fans in a similar way to Pompey, or continue with Sisu? If you say neither of these, what is your way forward, particularly as no rich benefactor has so far made themselves known.

I wasn't the one who said it limits the club, the speaker tonight did.

I can fully understand the break even stuff, would other fans? I have said over and over that break even could be still achieved but gone about it a much better way with a different result.

You said about the product, I said the product would still be the same which is League 1 / League 2 football.


Well-Known Member
How do you know what I have and haven't offered to do to help?

Just because I don't agree with things, it doesn't make it click bait. It makes it my opinion.

When the same thing is tweeted every 15 minutes and there are then threads made based on the reaction of the other threads then you can probably compare. Have you noticed how I edit titles and delete tweets when people put up naughty titles that mislead to prevent exactly that? Like when it's "so and so signs.." then you open it and it says "for somebody else".

If I just wanted to increase traffic I'd do a proper job on it and be right on the SISU out bandwagon as I'd guess many more people would be on here posting.

Look Nick I don't mean to sound like I'm having a go, I just think you and your forum have so much more to offer the Sky Blue cause. It doesn't matter what your opinion is, the fact you have one, and it's valid, means you should be more involved. This forum is the biggest vehicle for getting fan opinion heard. I don't agree with everything the Trust say, the Trust don't agree with everything each other say, but they are the biggest supporter group associated with the club. And I honestly believe one day they are going to be at the forefront of fan involvement at the club... and if you and others who have differing and valued points don't get involved, they will be shaping our club without your input. You can help unite support, it doesn't matter who is responsible for our current position the fact remains it's shit and it's NOT acceptable. Whilst everyone is fighting amongst themselves we're slipping further into the shit, and we could well be facing the end for our club.

I apologise if I sound like I'm having a pop, I'm just fed up now. My club is on its knees, and something needs to change.

The Trust should be a true representation of our fans base: young, old, male female, black, white... even Grendal and Torch! And until that happens it will not have the influence it should have.

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I wasn't the one who said it limits the club, the speaker tonight did.

I can fully understand the break even stuff, would other fans? I have said over and over that break even could be still achieved but gone about it a much better way with a different result.

You said about the product, I said the product would still be the same which is League 1 / League 2 football.
I can't believe that you truly think that. The position and outlook of the two clubs are poles apart. For a start their fans have hope. So do you think the Pompey "product" is the same as our " product". They are a league below us but I bet their fans are a lot more positive about things than we are. I can accept being League One or League Two. I can't accept that we have to carry on in the same hopeless manner because Fisher says there is no alternative when quite clearly there is. Something has to change at this football club if we are to survive. If we have no rich benefactor what do we do?
Who is in the better position Pompey with their fan owned club or us with Sisu?


Well-Known Member

2 hours 11 in.

David Johnson going on about a boycott as a scenario as the fans buying the club because they can pick the club up via administration.

Pretty much the same thing as insinuated tonight.

Funny how you praised SISU when they tried to distress ACL in order to reduce the purchase price but you recoil in horror when someone suggests doing the same to SISU. Hypocritical to say the least.


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="Nick, post: 1249244, member: 1" Moz get excited about "giving Seppalla a valentines present"?
Do people really not realise that just gives Fisher ammo to go off on a tangent? [/QUOTE]

Fisher going off on a tangent? Or Nick going off on a tangent? To be honest it's hard to see any difference between them in terms of their attitude toward the Trust.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
What's a click bait comment?

I'd say I'm much more constructive than empty back pats and cheers because somebody says something about Tim Fisher.

which is why you should get involved.
The guy from SD said you need supporters who are going to question the trusts actions. There were a lot of people there last night who were singing from the same hymn sheet, it needs people with alternative ways of looking at things.
So many people are entrenched in their views, we have all got to start listening to what others have to say.

What became clear last night is that you don't just take a club over on a whim because it's about to go under. You have to be ready, prepared for any scenario, first thing first, is a united front behind a credible organisation, from what I saw last night, the trust has a long way to go, (not a criticism, these things don't happen overnight). But people need to get involved.


Funny how you praised SISU when they tried to distress ACL in order to reduce the purchase price but you recoil in horror when someone suggests doing the same to SISU. Hypocritical to say the least.
Strange, it's not distressing sisu is it to pick it up cheap. Although I guess if you say sisu and not ccfc it doesn't sound as bad.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has been mentioned before................Wouldnt it be best to speak to Wasps first? No good even trying to get Sisu to sell if you dont have a viable home that you can afford to play at. Sisu will only go when every last penny has been squeezed out of the club. I applaud the people trying to do something as maybe these are the people left to pick up the pieces.
(Maybe a word in Wasps ear to tell them to refuse to let Sisu renew the rent might put a different light on things. The way the hospitality has been ran recently it might be already happening).:bored:


Well-Known Member
For me now I'd like to see something from the Trust to outline the major scenarios. Buying from SISU, buying from admin and liquidation. What is required for each and what as supporters we could expect to be the outcome.

There's no way the fans are buying off SISU without some serious investment from wealthy fans so we need to know if they exist and are prepared to basically gift their money or are we just waiting for SISU to put us into administration at some point down the line.

If the clubs not going into admin you have to give SISU an exit strategy. For example Ryton was said to be worth £8m for housing wasn't it. You could say to SISU give us the club and you keep Ryton. Ask the council for a loan to build training facilities to complement those at Warwick Uni, so we'd basically own the same as we do now but also have use of their facilities for the academy. Then pressure can be put on Wasps to give us a better deal as we are potentially fan owned.

Something like that and you might get SISU's interest.

Now that was the theme from the night and what I took away from it. The trust need to prepare from every imaginable eventuality (although SISU being SISU the exit strategy is bound to be unimaginable).

At the moment SISU are not interested in selling or at least not even interested in looking like they're interested in selling. When the trust wrote to JS asking to talk about the prospect of selling the club the reply came from their solicitors not Joy and basically asked to see proof of funds even though no offer was made. You then got TF trying to spun it at the SCG that the trust had made an offer, which they hadn't and then go on to say that the trust had no funds. Something lapped up by some on here.

It seems pretty obvious that SISU are more interested in playing silly buggers at the moment than discussing the sale of the club. Why I don't know, some would have you believe it's spite.

I was eleven in 87

Well-Known Member
Look Nick I don't mean to sound like I'm having a go, I just think you and your forum have so much more to offer the Sky Blue cause. It doesn't matter what your opinion is, the fact you have one, and it's valid, means you should be more involved. This forum is the biggest vehicle for getting fan opinion heard. I don't agree with everything the Trust say, the Trust don't agree with everything each other say, but they are the biggest supporter group associated with the club. And I honestly believe one day they are going to be at the forefront of fan involvement at the club... and if you and others who have differing and valued points don't get involved, they will be shaping our club without your input. You can help unite support, it doesn't matter who is responsible for our current position the fact remains it's shit and it's NOT acceptable. Whilst everyone is fighting amongst themselves we're slipping further into the shit, and we could well be facing the end for our club.

I apologise if I sound like I'm having a pop, I'm just fed up now. My club is on its knees, and something needs to change.

The Trust should be a true representation of our fans base: young, old, male female, black, white... even Grendal and Torch! And until that happens it will not have the influence it should have.

Totally agree with this.
We ALL need to put behind us all of this shit about who was right or wrong as right now this is just wasted energy.
All sides have monumentally fucked up but its in the PAST and we cannot change it.
The key point from last night is the need for fan unity and you Nick and this forum have a big part to play in that.
The Trust, the Cov Telegraph, the Cov Observer and this Forum should get together and thrash out a way forward to get our club back and save us from oblivion.
I would take league 1 or 2 football if I felt that this was OUR club again!!!!
That's not to say I don't have ambition for the club I want us in the premier league but small steps and let's get the feel good factor back, just like the Pompey fans appear to have currently with their 12,000 season ticket holders.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure how you got that as the thrust of the evening Nick, it wasn't the case.
I'm not saying it wasn't mentioned but I think all scenarios are being considered.

The guy from SD was trying to encourage talking to sisu but the trust reckon they just don't want to know, if so it makes negotiation very difficult.

The guy from SD also warned against a boycott during the five minutes of a two hour meeting that it was mentioned. He referred to Blackpool's fans boycott as a nuclear assault and talked about another club (Colchester I think although I'm not 100% on that) where fans boycotting basically contributed to the closure of the club. Although they did start a phoenix club which is back to where they were.

Strange that Nick hasn't pointed out those things that were discussed during the brief period in the night that the boycott was on the agenda. Too busy making out that it was a load of people shouting boycott for two hours.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree with this.
We ALL need to put behind us all of this shit about who was right or wrong as right now this is just wasted energy.
All sides have monumentally fucked up but its in the PAST and we cannot change it.
The key point from last night is the need for fan unity and you Nick and this forum have a big part to play in that.
The Trust, the Cov Telegraph, the Cov Observer and this Forum should get together and thrash out a way forward to get our club back and save us from oblivion.
I would take league 1 or 2 football if I felt that this was OUR club again!!!!
That's not to say I don't have ambition for the club I want us in the premier league but small steps and let's get the feel good factor back, just like the Pompey fans appear to have currently with their 12,000 season ticket holders.
Yep and we have to stop all this 'Jan said this 6 years ago' and 'the Trust did that 4 years ago' stuff.

Times change, people's stances can change. Circumstances change.

Do we all believe and think exactly as we did 5 years ago.

We need to stop looking backwards and start thinking forwards.

It's all become us against them a bit on here that past couple of years and that clearly doesn't help.

If they can reach a peace agreement in Ireland then surely we can find some common ground for a proxy sports club.

Let's all at least seek that common ground.


Well-Known Member
To be fair you need to at least think like him or think about his move before he makes it surely and make sure you rule out any chance of him getting out of something?

That's what Dave Johnson did during the CWR session. He got TF begrudgingly to admit that the magical £1M profit he was bragging about as if it means he's doing a great job and there are no problems was ebit. No way that would have been mentioned if DJ hadn't pushed it.


Well-Known Member
Was it in response to the floor this morning also? Just a massive co-incidence I guess?

You do realise they don't have to actually say "EVERYBODY BOYCOTT" because that would be even more stupid. However, keep saying about administration because of a boycott and the chance to pick the club up is a massive hint isn't it, even suggesting that would be a bit naughty.

I don't know what your agenda is Nick but it's becoming clear you have one. No one has to say everyone boycott. SISU have already made sure of a boycott happening organically in the fan base. If a boycott is anyone's baby it's SISU's. Maybe that's your agenda. Because it's theirs you're trying to make it someone else's.


Active Member
I think we need to have a separate thread on here for people who want to argue with Nick.
You could decide if you want a 10 or 15 minute argument and get on with it.
Then the rest of us can get on with trying to read the fucking thread:mad::mad:

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Sorry if this has been mentioned before................Wouldnt it be best to speak to Wasps first? No good even trying to get Sisu to sell if you dont have a viable home that you can afford to play at. Sisu will only go when every last penny has been squeezed out of the club. I applaud the people trying to do something as maybe these are the people left to pick up the pieces.
(Maybe a word in Wasps ear to tell them to refuse to let Sisu renew the rent might put a different light on things. The way the hospitality has been ran recently it might be already happening).:bored:

This was mentioned last night. Reply was that they have spoken to Wasps about the viability of a rental deal. I think the outcome was that Wasps would be happy to meet and discuss a potential deal if the situation arises.


The guy from SD also warned against a boycott during the five minutes of a two hour meeting that it was mentioned. He referred to Blackpool's fans boycott as a nuclear assault and talked about another club (Colchester I think although I'm not 100% on that) where fans boycotting basically contributed to the closure of the club. Although they did start a phoenix club which is back to where they were.

Strange that Nick hasn't pointed out those things that were discussed during the brief period in the night that the boycott was on the agenda. Too busy making out that it was a load of people shouting boycott for two hours.
where did I say that was the whole meeting? I said I can see where it's going ;)

Strange, you didn't reply to my other points about what was said?


The guy from SD also warned against a boycott during the five minutes of a two hour meeting that it was mentioned. He referred to Blackpool's fans boycott as a nuclear assault and talked about another club (Colchester I think although I'm not 100% on that) where fans boycotting basically contributed to the closure of the club. Although they did start a phoenix club which is back to where they were.

Strange that Nick hasn't pointed out those things that were discussed during the brief period in the night that the boycott was on the agenda. Too busy making out that it was a load of people shouting boycott for two hours.
where did I say that was the whole meeting? I said I can see where it's going ;)

Strange, you didn't reply to my other points about what was said?

Irish Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The guy from SD also warned against a boycott during the five minutes of a two hour meeting that it was mentioned. He referred to Blackpool's fans boycott as a nuclear assault and talked about another club (Colchester I think although I'm not 100% on that) where fans boycotting basically contributed to the closure of the club. Although they did start a phoenix club which is back to where they were.

Strange that Nick hasn't pointed out those things that were discussed during the brief period in the night that the boycott was on the agenda. Too busy making out that it was a load of people shouting boycott for two hours.
The other club was Chester City. (Another CCFC) . He did actually say though that their fans were so thoroughly fed up with the strangulation of their club by the owners that there was virtually nothing left of the old Chester City and an AFC club was formed which quickly returned to the same league level as the dead club had been at.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Why were SISU reneging on making £20m available for players to "Take the Football Club forward"?
What good would resigning from Coventry City fc do with regards to the "Loans" to Cardiff City fc"?...It certainly wouldn't get him off any charges should they be proven would it?
Is shitting on the fans of Coventry City fc. by SISU something a business of integrity would do in your opinion?
Why was he loaning Cardiff city money on high interest rates to buy players while chairman do you think?

Is that something a person of integrity would do in your opinion?

I will try again....

Why were SISU reneging on making £20m available for players to "Take the Football Club forward"?
What good would resigning from Coventry City fc do with regards to the "Loans" to Cardiff City fc"?...It certainly wouldn't get him off any charges should they be proven would it?
Is shitting on the fans of Coventry City fc. by SISU something a business of integrity would do in your opinion?[/QUOTE]


I don't know what your agenda is Nick but it's becoming clear you have one. No one has to say everyone boycott. SISU have already made sure of a boycott happening organically in the fan base. If a boycott is anyone's baby it's SISU's. Maybe that's your agenda. Because it's theirs you're trying to make it someone else's.

I really don't have one Tony, you can try and push it though if you want? It's quite entertaining how it must be an agenda, imagine if it came out I had worked with sisus pr team to go to Ann Lucas house or something ;)

I'd pick a better agenda than sitting watching awful football in the cold.

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