Craig Danny (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
what I don’t get is why would you post about him?

2 days after the game

would you say something to his face? No

but happy to go online and slag him

shows the sort of person you are

id rather have Craig Danny in my company who sticks up for himself over someone who gets brave on the internet to slag someone but wouldn’t say a word in the ‘real world’

Does he stick up for himself? He seems to get massively rattled if someone tells him to piss off if he's being a nuisance then calls them out for fights.

Wouldn't really call that sticking up for yourself, I'd call that being incredibly unhinged.


Well-Known Member
Does he stick up for himself? He seems to get massively rattled if someone tells him to piss off if he's being a nuisance then calls them out for fights.

Wouldn't really call that sticking up for yourself, I'd called that being incredibly unhinged.

When was this then?

I’ve been there and people shouting and goading him because it’s him

Basically trying to bully him. sometimes he’ll just walk away and other times he’ll go over and ask them what

as I said. I’ve never seen him cause trouble unprovoked

is he a Nusisance at times of course but most regulars just ignore him

so when did you last see him cause trouble?


Well-Known Member
what I don’t get is why would you post about him?

2 days after the game

would you say something to his face? No

but happy to go online and slag him

shows the sort of person you are

id rather have Craig Danny in my company who sticks up for himself over someone who gets brave on the internet to slag someone but wouldn’t say a word in the ‘real world’
Yes I would if he was sober otherwise it's a complete waste of time he wouldnt listen. And show me where I've slagged him off? I posted suggesting he needs help.


Well-Known Member
Yes I would if he was sober otherwise it's a complete waste of time he wouldnt listen. And show me where I've slagged him off? I posted suggesting he needs help.

you’ve come on here to slag him

it’s blatant to see

if you had that much concern for him, you raise with the safeguarding officer at the club

not on a public forum


Well-Known Member
When was this then?

I’ve been there and people shouting and goading him because it’s him

Basically trying to bully him. sometimes he’ll just walk away and other times he’ll go over and ask them what

as I said. I’ve never seen him cause trouble unprovoked

is he a Nusisance at times of course but most regulars just ignore him

so when did you last see him cause trouble?

Literally last year I saw him in a pub screaming Sky Blue Army directly at a few youngish chaps who were just keeping themselves to themselves.

They laughed and nodded to him, he kept on doing it, they told him to piss off as they were having a conversation he then called them all out for fights.


Well-Known Member
Is he any different to the old boy Leicester fan that used to walk around the home pub telling coventry fans we were shit 🤔

Bit of a celebrity with their lot until he died couple years ago .

Harmless really , unless you make it a big deal


Well-Known Member
Literally last year I saw him in a pub screaming Sky Blue Army directly at a few youngish chaps who were just keeping themselves to themselves.

They laughed and nodded to him, he kept on doing it, they told him to piss off as they were having a conversation he then called them all out for fights.

What game?

so he’s the only Cov fan to shout sky blue army in pub before

some on here live in a bubble


Well-Known Member
you’ve come on here to slag him

it’s blatant to see

if you had that much concern for him, you raise with the safeguarding officer at the club

not on a public forum
Go fuck yourself. My opening post I suggested someone who knwos him should take him aside, said I feel sorry for him and also that he clearly loves the club, puts the miles in and it should be sorted before he's beaten up or banned. No slagging at all.

Youre just a bit of a c**t who gets rattled because you're called out for thinking you know stuff that you get third hand and post on here. And I'll happily tell you that at Swansea if it massages your ego that I wouldn't say it in real life, but no I dont want to fight you I'm older, sometimes wiser, will have my family with me and I enjoy going to the games so not interested in showing off to pricks.


Well-Known Member
people goad him. especially the younger lot in a group who wouldn’t say a word if on their own. He stands up for himself but never seen him start trouble without being provoked

If you don’t speak to him he will cause you no issue

he’s hypo, loud but no threat to anyone
I've definitely seen him causing issue with people who don't want to be on many occasions. Albeit, most were probably before his previous ban.

Genuinely shocks me how so many people on here don't know who he is, maybe I am just a magnet to him but feel like I see him at 10+ away games a season (which is to his credit).

Mucca Mad Boys

Well-Known Member
it’s because it’s Craig Danny

don’t get me wrong, he can be a nuisance at times But so can many others who are pissed up

you just ignore them

it’s the ones on here slagging him off, saying he should be banned. most don’t even go games especially away

Yep, if we did an inquest into football fan behaviour, a lot of people be guilty of acting unacceptably.

It’s just a bit too personal to be talking about a specific person, making speculative judgements based on what they’ve seen/heard of them and that person isn’t here to defend themselves.

Is he harming anyone? If the answer is no, leave them alone.


Well-Known Member
This wasn't in a game this was on a random Thursday in the middle of Leamington.

There were about 5 people in the pub.

Not sure what kind of bubble you live in but that isn't overly normal in mine.

To be fair , Kenilworth is a bit boring 😂

But seriously, look up bernie the Leicester fan , he's just a younger version of that really


Well-Known Member
A drug addled idiot that goes to City games and gets chucked out for behavioural issues.
I found this on facebook, I believe the gentlemen being escorted by security is the chap, apologies if it ain't. 😁
View attachment 40937
And he looks such an intelligent, cultured man!


I dont know him.
Seen him a couple of times.
Hasn't bothered me.

I think when some of our fans egg him on it probably will get him to do stupid shit.

Let's not forget that one with the bog brush.... People try to make these people celebrities nowadays,.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
This is also making an assumption the person is disabled when they may not be. You also don’t want to upset unstable people and potentially put these supervisors in danger.

This is a non-issue to be honest. Football fan behaves poorly at many football games, it’s not new.

He's a nuisance away from football as well but as others have said he's harmless really.
He's just more well known than other nuisances because of his antics at the football.


Well-Known Member
And are massively overworked and if it’s just someone a bit pissed up at a football match (I don’t know) isn’t their remit.

I was under the impression he had mental health issues, which sounds like it could potentially be flying under the radar.


Well-Known Member
I dont know him.
Seen him a couple of times.
Hasn't bothered me.

I think when some of our fans egg him on it probably will get him to do stupid shit.

Let's not forget that one with the bog brush.... People try to make these people celebrities nowadays,.
Bog brush got caught doing something much worse than getting pissed up and fighting.


Well-Known Member
some much worse wronguns about

including the fat little 4 eye lad who got outted for trying to meet a 13 yo girl

the cov twitter gang were very quiet about that
He is a nuisance, clearly something not right with him.

He sometimes comes in the Cherry Tree and people try to avoid him like the plague. He has caused a few arguments in there too, he loves to stare at people and look them up and down saying "I'm Craig Danny" and swinging his shoulders when he walks.

People saying he is harmless, i agree to some extent, but its how much you can deal with nauses.

Hope nothing happens to him, but again, wouldnt want to be in his company.


Well-Known Member
Craig Danny isn’t a bad lad

he goes to far more games than 95% of people on here for a start

the police banned him years ago. since that ban he has calmed down

hes harmless aslong as you let him be

he has very little to no social skills
I disagree on the social skills bit. He told me he loved me and gave me a cuddle at Cardiff :ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
He doesn't reserve his behaviour just for the football. I've seen him in the day time in town on his own shouting and swearing. Not sure how he gets away with it just because he's known to the old bill, it's intimidating for women and kids. Personally I think he's a fucking idiot.


Well-Known Member
I disagree on the social skills bit. He told me he loved me and gave me a cuddle at Cardiff :ROFLMAO:
The first time I encountered Craig was a mid week away game at Wycombe years ago.Me and the wife went
into their social club and sat at the same table as Craig and his girlfriend we had a chat and they were fine,
talking mainly football and very knowlegable.On the coach back there was a big arguement that turned out
to be them so that was the first sign of his issues.My wife saw them a coulple of weeks later and things seemed
to be ok,then we heard they had split up.He started going to matches on his own and unfortunatly his behavior
got worse,we stepped in on several occasions then I think thats when he got banned.He is basically a good lad
he always talks to us on rare occasions we see him,just wish there was more that could be done to help him.I
think people need to show a bit more empathy.


Well-Known Member
Having seen Craig at numerous games over the years and interacted with him, he can come across as a bit of an arse, but actually he's a nice lad, loves to talk about Coventry City and he's followed City all over the country even in it's darkest days.

Does he get himself into some states I wouldn't dare get myself in - yes.
Is he loud and sometimes obnoxious - probably.

Nobody is perfect however and it doesn't bother me personally.

Let him carry on, happy to have him as a Sky Blue fan.


Well-Known Member
He’s a huge city fan who I’ve seen all over the country even in our worst times. The fact he was there at Blackburn says it all.

We shouldn’t be laughing at him or insulting him, we should respect him as a fan and if he needs help, help him find it.

I had the misfortune of ordering a drink stood next to him in the pub before Blackburn game. Completely unprovoked, he started having a go at a young Cov fan and it took some “mates” and bouncers to calm him down.

My view is that he needs help rather than people take the piss out of him - I actually think he could be a real danger to himself and others - in the wrong situation, it could turn messy.


Well-Known Member
craig is a nice lad just different to most people

he loves the club and goes to more games than most

yet again on here people jump to characteristically judgmental conclusions without knowing the lad
Yeah, I agree and that's all well and good. We should never just jump to conclusions.

Having said that and I don't want to go down a rabbit hole again on this, but you're the same bloke who said the Southport attacker was an illegal immigrant who was on the MI6 watch list.

That was one huge, jumping, judgemental conclusion.

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