Cwr (3 Viewers)


New Member
Why has Linnell introduced the section saying 'The club is facing liquidation after the CVA was not agreed as they have failed to negotiate a rent agreement for the Ricoh.

Then when anyone says why hasn't SISU agreed to the rent negotiation he replies 'The rent agreement wasn't on the table it was only the CVA'

Is he bonkers? Or am I?

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Linnel says SISU stated that it wasn't they couldn't pay, but won't pay....Total contradiction to Fisher saying "We can't afford to pay"(The Rent) Lying twats.


Well-Known Member
Why is he adamant that SISU couldnt have agreed ACL's offer before the CVA was signed? It may not have been able to form part of the CVA, but it could still have been agreed surely, allowing ACL to then agree to the CVA? Is he missing the point big time on purpose?

He said that Admin issue was more important. Yet agreement would have solved the admin issue, so I don't see his point. He kept interrupting the caller to repeat this....


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he's gone back to being a SISU-loving rat!


Well-Known Member
Houchen, legend, lovely bloke .... but he knows nothing of the ins and outs of this situation. Would rather have some input from somebody who can add something to the debate rather than what a bloody shame it all is.


Well-Known Member
The 150 thousand rent could have been sorted bofore they entered the administrators office to sign the cva . Why is linnel saying its not allowed ? He's said it 10 feckin times !


Well-Known Member
The 150 thousand rent could have been sorted bofore they entered the administrators office to sign the cva . Why is linnel saying its not allowed ? He's said it 10 feckin times !
People are forgetting even hoffman offered to pay the fucking rent! sisu didnt have to pay anything


New Member
Why is he adamant that SISU couldnt have agreed ACL's offer before the CVA was signed? It may not have been able to form part of the CVA, but it could still have been agreed surely, allowing ACL to then agree to the CVA? Is he missing the point big time on purpose?

He said that Admin issue was more important. Yet agreement would have solved the admin issue, so I don't see his point. He kept interrupting the caller to repeat this....

Well he's not stupid so he must be doing it on purpose, but he's had his own slant on it from day one. I challenged him on here about being neutral, he said himself on here that everyone approaches an issue with their own opinion - obviously himself included!! NOT NEUTRAL!


Well-Known Member
Why has Linnell introduced the section saying 'The club is facing liquidation after the CVA was not agreed as they have failed to negotiate a rent agreement for the Ricoh.

Then when anyone says why hasn't SISU agreed to the rent negotiation he replies 'The rent agreement wasn't on the table it was only the CVA'

Is he bonkers? Or am I?

I presume this ties in with what Appleton has stated.

On the flip side, why could'nt ACL return with a legally viable offer? I think they have been outmanouvered here and perhaps should have offered this at the orginal meeting where their powerbrokers decided not to to attend.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
The 150 thousand rent could have been sorted bofore they entered the administrators office to sign the cva . Why is linnel saying its not allowed ? He's said it 10 feckin times !

I've come to the conclusion that he's not only more stubborn than a mule, but not nearly as intelligent as one.


Well-Known Member
Well he's not stupid so he must be doing it on purpose, but he's had his own slant on it from day one. I challenged him on here about being neutral, he said himself on here that everyone approaches an issue with their own opinion - obviously himself included!! NOT NEUTRAL!

Oh come off it...


Linnell has been a disgrace throughout this debacle


Well-Known Member
Well he's not stupid so he must be doing it on purpose, but he's had his own slant on it from day one. I challenged him on here about being neutral, he said himself on here that everyone approaches an issue with their own opinion - obviously himself included!! NOT NEUTRAL!

"Stuart is NEUTRAL and is pointing out that many more people are at fault here, NOT just the current owners"
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Well-Known Member
Well he's not stupid so he must be doing it on purpose, but he's had his own slant on it from day one. I challenged him on here about being neutral, he said himself on here that everyone approaches an issue with their own opinion - obviously himself included!! NOT NEUTRAL!

Stuart is NEUTRAL and is pointing out that many more people are at fault here, NOT just the current owners! PUSB

Well if you think he's neutral, that proves that he isn't!


New Member
So don't listen. simple. use your heads not your hearts. its a business. a very badly run one. bad times.


Well-Known Member
He hasn't been back on here for a while...seems like he's getting some stick tonight.hope he hasn't slipped back into his pro sisu ways :)


Well-Known Member
Ask yourself why ACL didn't make the offer of £150,000 rent last November (or much earlier)?????


Well-Known Member
Great caller...Steve I think his name was. Stuart 'SISU' Linnell doing his utmost to push the blame away from Fisher and co.

Speaking of bullshitters, Byng is on now. 'The Chinese don't understand'. He comes from the same mental institution as Fishcake! I'm sure in two weeks time we will never hear from this deluded buffoon again

M&B Stand

Well-Known Member
Bing having a pop at ACL, Linnel should ask him if he can see any chink of light at the end of the tunnel.

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