Dale Evans ....... (1 Viewer)


CCFC Finance Director
This is getting silly :banghead:

Leave aside Mr Evans. When was the last time anyone saw SISU moved this quick on anything, or without proper legal representation, NDA's, warning letters, credit checks, etc let alone allow it to be done publically unless they started it and as for verbally................

Will need to have agreement from the EFL wont he for a deal to have been done. That takes time

The only bit I could believe, if Evans has the money and I don't know if he does or doesn't, is that he might seek to join up with the consortium that is already established.

What has been displayed so far might be good intentions but it makes me very concerned about how the club might be run should he ever acquire it. If he can back his claims of wealth up then I would think SISU are sitting there dreaming up ways to extract the maximum amount from him. That is if they are of a mind to sell at all..... and I do not think they are.

If he or anyone else is buying the shares in Otium Entertainment Group Limited then frankly I think they are off their trolley. You buy the assets and leave the debt behind. Why would you even then write SISU an open cheque by disclosing your wealth to anyone that will listen

a few guesstimate figures to think about
cost of acquisition could easily be upwards of £500k in professional fees? (SISU paid out 271k in 2008 to acquire the club)
initial cost of "club" (not the actual value on paper of course) but upwards of £10m I would guess based on having to clear ARVO who in 2016 accounts were owed 12m (they are probably owed more now because of the interest accruing)
Working capital over next 3 years probably upwards of £5m to cover losses and player acquisitions. get promotion to Championship it could easily be more than that just to compete
Yes increased crowds but that is going to be eaten up by increased wage costs the higher up we go. Promotion also brings bonuses for players and contractual wage increases
State of art training ground & academy £10m plus? (Fleetwoods was £9m)
Performance payments to SISU ? Think what Hoffman was prepared to offer previously - that has to be financed from somewhere.

That's upwards of £25m for the whole deal.....

For an apparently successful poker player why the hell does he keep showing SISU and everyone else his hand. It just puts the price up!

Most that will come of this, if he has the wealth he says, is that he becomes part of the consortium...... and I am not convinced of that as it stands

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Well-Known Member
I found these 3 anagrams of Dale Evans that I have a feeling will be quite prophetic...

Nevada Les - Leased Van And Leaves.


Well-Known Member
If you bought the assets but not Otium what happens with the legal action and any potential compensation claim, as unlikely as a SISU victory is.


CCFC Finance Director
If you bought the assets but not Otium what happens with the legal action and any potential compensation claim, as unlikely as a SISU victory is.

Well SISU wont want to sell the compensation rights in the first place. If you buy the assets and goodwill off Otium then Otium still exists and is still involved in the Court case. The compensation would be based on the period that SISU owned the football business either as Otium or CCFC/CCFCH. SBS&L are still involved and can claim loss on investment etc.

However whilst SISU still own the football business the compensation claim figure is steadily rising (in interest let alone anything else). That's why I don't think they will sell, plus in their thinking it is putting Wasps further in to a hole and that opens opportunities


Well-Known Member
When I heard him on the radio on Friday he just sounded so implausible,"Can someone gives me Gary Hoffman's number?" But he has kept going despite getting dogs abuse apparently. The fact that he would be willing to subject himself and his family to even worse if this all turns out to be a wind up is what is now making me hope that somehow this is genuine.
I can imagine the feeling when I know that Sisu have gone and that we have got our club back. The thing is I don't want to just imagine it, I want it to be real. To have people running the club who really care would be just so fantastic.
I just want this to be true.
People talk as though having a sizeable personal fortune goes hand in hand with education,
Plausibility, good Business savvy and even commen sense, it doesn’t.
Fact is, if you want something and it’s for sale ‘providing you have the readies it can be yours,
Everyone has always said you’d have to be crazy to buy this club.................Well.


Well-Known Member
File under 'dreamer', imho.

With apologies if I've missed it, has anyone seen independent verification of this chap's claims of wealth?


Well-Known Member
As for the rumour, I'm was 100% convinced that this is total rubbish. The only thing that has slightly changed my mind is if his family is getting targeted on social media and he's still communicating. If it is a wind up, he's played a blinder.

Fingers crossed but until I see a Sky Sports - Breaking News ticker tape confirming it, I'm not gonna get worked up about it. Too many questions to sound plausible.

For me Al Jeezera news is more trusted than SSN.
Anyone tried contacting our head of communications today?

I sent him an email and he has denied he received anything from me...


Well-Known Member
The fact that this is all so bat shit crazy is the only thing keeping me thinking that there is something in it. Nothing normal has happened to this club for ages, so if we do get taken over it'll probably be this way.


Well-Known Member
Well it is a concern, because a club on pathetic gates of 6k isn't really going anywhere in the short or long term

6k is decent for L2, just not for our club the way it is set up.


Well-Known Member
I don't see how you could win that much without anyone knowing. The company you won it from would want you doing promo and surely it would make the news. Looking online it would be by far Bet365 (who it is now claimed it was with) biggest payout. I can't even find anything to suggest you can stake $1m as he has claimed.

He claimed that on CWR on Friday, he said SISU had given a figure and he had more than matched it - not sure why you'd give them more than the asking price. Then it turned out he hadn't even met with them and all that had happened was one email being forwarded on.

He claims he won on one hand with a stake of $1m yet its now claimed he's not a businessman. Where did that stake come from then?

To date there is zero evidence of his claimed wealth and zero evidence that any of his claims regarding meetings with Fisher, ACL, CRFC or anyone else are true.

Would love it to be happening but there's too much that doesn't add up at the moment.

He has bets on his Facebook page with serious sums of money being put down. He put £250k on Mayweather.


Well-Known Member
He has bets on his Facebook page with serious sums of money being put down. He put £250k on Mayweather.

What sort of mug would advertise to people that they can lay their hands on that level of money, he's a fantasist.

That said, I hope I am proved wrong but I doubt very much I will be.


Well-Known Member
I've just seen this.....PUSB


  • Screenshot_20171026-123008.png
    416.4 KB · Views: 130


Where have we heard the back the bid stuff before?

While we are gambling, at what point does Richard Keys start up again?


Well-Known Member
This is the biggest load of bullshit I've seen in a while. I really don't get after how much we've been through, that people are still falling for something like this so easily. I'm actually staggered.

Even if he is sincere, he comes across as very naive at the very least (that is being kind). Maybe his intentions are honest, but even if they are: 1) Does he have the ability to pull this off? Almost certainly not. 2) Even though SISU are awful, would you want someone like this who appears to be completely all over the place, running the club? He's banging on about a deal already being done (who fucking publicises something like that), and that we have a new state of the art facility to replace Ryton (which he couldn't even spell right).

I am very disappointed in this guy for getting people's hopes up. If you just look at the facebook page, you can see people pretty much begging for news and no doubt refreshing the page every 30 seconds. This is a wind up, or at the very least a poor publicity stunt.

The only way this is going to happen is if the consortium take the money off him (if he has it) and lead the talks. Anything other than this is ridiculous, and even that has about a 1% chance of happening.

If he had the money, he should have kept his mouth shut and gone through the correct channels, not leading a load of CCFC fans to the river like the Pied Piper.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
Wether it's true, or not, unless a successful bid is totally free of any encumbrance..ie- SISU don't have any secret "Claws" into CCFC whereby they have more money over the years to come(A la Hoffman consortium) then they can "Shove it where the sun don't shine"


Well-Known Member
Wether it's true, or not, unless a successful bid is totally free of any encumbrance..ie- SISU don't have any secret "Claws" into CCFC whereby they have more money over the years to come(A la Hoffman consortium) then they can "Shove it where the sun don't shine"

Agree 100%, biggest flaw in the Hoffman deal was maintaining any link with SISU. Clean break with a new company purchasing the assets is what's needed.


Well-Known Member
If it is true (and it’s not) any involvement of Hoffman or JE would be the worst thing about it.

I just want someone with either the cash to make us a success or a link to the club and enough business sense to get us on an even keel.

GH and JE have shown themselves to be complete amateurs, I’m not sure adding another amateur is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
Wether it's true, or not, unless a successful bid is totally free of any encumbrance..ie- SISU don't have any secret "Claws" into CCFC whereby they have more money over the years to come(A la Hoffman consortium) then they can "Shove it where the sun don't shine"
And this will be the next excuse the NOPM crew will use for not going up when SISU finally leave.... (Not saying this would be the case for SBK)


Well-Known Member
I can’t get my head round all this is or true ? Is it bollox ? If true Ithis has to have been going on for some time and this Evans fella isn’t on his own, can’t be.


Well-Known Member
I can’t get my head round all this is or true ? Is it bollox ? If true Ithis has to have been going on for some time and this Evans fella isn’t on his own, can’t be.

It’s bollocks. It’s clearly bollocks. It’s a very bad attempt at faking evidence matched with a story full of holes and contradictions.

To believe it’s true you’d have to accept:

- Someone won millions and their friends and family found out through a CWR interview
- It’s possible to fly to Amsterdam, buy a business and fly back in six minutes
- The veracity of a clearly badly Photoshopped betting slip where the numbers don’t add up
- Bet365 waived their max bet rules multiple times, then refused to publicise their biggest winner ever by some margin
- That when shopping for houses/cars you’d choose to post publicity shots from the web rather than phone pics you took yourself
- That Sisu did a deal at 2am midweek in record time

And if you accept all that, I’ve got some homeopathic medicine to sell you.

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