Look at it logically. Sisu only care about money. If you owned a profitable business in Northampton why would you invest upwards of £30m in building a new stadium 35 miles away?
No I am supporting my team.
Because your customers are only handing money over during an interim period. They would not continue to attend if the relocation was made permanent.
Each to their own. It seems to me that certain posters will sit back and let others do the sacrificing(NOPM etc) They will go to "Home games" and watch a team kitted in Sky Blue win, lose or draw. They will travel 70 miles round trip in doing so. Meanwhile The "Stay away fans" (Me being one of them) will fight for the right of Coventry City FC. playing IN THE CITY OF COVENTRY. It smacks of a mass school v school fight Our school wins the fight and it's "Look at us WE won....We lose the fight and it becomes(The ones who go to Northampton) Pftt nothing to do with me, I wasn't involved with it. THAT..is what it looks like to the ones who TRY to make a difference!!!
League rules state they wouldn't allow what has already happened.
I think sisu are more reliable than the league, and that's saying something!
By giving money to the owners you are supporting them. Unless you have freebies. In which case you have still justified what they are doing.
It will never be made permanent, just the move back will be continually postponed.
As hard as it is, you should want the team to lose cup games... The last thing you want is a plum draw in the cup and Sisu making good money out of it.
At the end of the day, you watch the team and support the club, but sometimes it's hard to do these when the people in charge are strangling the air out of every living breath the club has left. By winning cup games it just gives them a chance of bigger income
Skybluerevolution (Pt2) I agree to point, I dont want a big game, but if we did get Spurs again...I and many NOPM would be there like a shot..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Like I said, there are those that try and make a difference, and there are those that don't(If the cap..and all that) I think you underestimate the resolve of the majority of fans mate![]()
At least your no willing them to lose.
Is your name Roger? just a hunch from your forum name...
No my name is not Roger.....
I respect your right stay with the team and your unwavering commitment( although I do ask whether you feel that your commitment is being reciprocated in any way?) and make no comment whatsoever about the reason we are in this situation but we are where we are and its not a situation where I take the same course of action as you feel you can. And heres why: i have put decades of emotional support in to CCFC and countless thousands in to supporting them and buying the tat that comes with it, losing relationships that were less important to me than CCFC but I have had enough of being taken for granted by my club, by its sport and by its masters.
I will now seek another avenue to satisfy my Coventry fix and I will look to follow a path that brings a fresh and unsullied club that will represent the City of Coventry and Warwickshire with honesty and integrity and believe that others will see this is a way ahead without the stink that currently prevails over my city's current representative.
1. All those parties offered what the club is worth, not what sisu want.
2. I don't understand what you mean by "kill the club"? If you mean another administration that sees the back of sisu then yes I think that would be brilliant for the club. Whether sisu let that happen is the key question.
3. I have not spread any anti Ccfc properganda. Sisu sell all the players anyway so what's the difference? Also if your agreeing that you don't have to go to Northampton then what are we arguing about?
You missed my other point as well. If we financially support this move then why would sisu move back to Coventry?
The hypocrisy of this point astounds me, given that SISU are roundly slated for offering to pay what the rent is worth, as opposed to what is wanted by the owners.
Who? will they come in quick enough for us to complete our next fixture, to pay the wages of playing and non paling staff, to pay Northampton their rent? or will we just go out of business...? is it not a better idea we support the club until a new buyer is found, then we might just have something to sell, all I can see is us going out of business, the saying "biting your nose off to spite your face" comes to mind...
The hypocrisy of this point astounds me, given that SISU are roundly slated for offering to pay what the rent is worth, as opposed to what is wanted by the owners.
Skybluerevolution Pt2. All you have to look at is the news this morning that SISU have told Carl Baker, Leon Clarke and Joe Murphy they are free to leave. This is a result of going to Northampton you know the move you must be in full support of as you are going to attend. I have no issue with fans attending games at Northampton if that's what they want to do but don't come out and say you don't support the owners because you and everyone else that is going is basically funding the move. There are other ways to support the club than going to Northampton could you not go and join in the protests on the hill outside where you will be able to see the game and then support the team at away games by buying the tickets direct from the home team.
I think you will find that only selling 220 season tickets and the NOPM has not helped the financial struggle, therefore SISU will cut their cloth accordingly, so its you and your cohorts that are putting the club at risk this why these players are being told they can leave and £8k a week in league 1? is that a good salary for some of our players? would you agree that is not sustainable in this current climate? Again I am supporting the team and not the owners, you have your opinion and I have mine, btw you will sit on that hill maybe once then you will be moved by the Police, if you try resist you will be arrested and banned, so good luck with that...
There were at least three other serious bidders (including the Trust, which you can scoff at but in the event of liquidation I'd hope you'd be with me in purchasing shares to enable a fans takeover if needed) at a sale that the administrator refused to confirm that even the GS was part of, let alone then entire club as it now transpires. I think there'd be interest, that argument is less valid that is was pre-admin.
Also, we might go down to the youth team, we might end up owing players money, but as Portsmouth have shown, everything will be done to keep us alive and relatively competitive. I think you assume a doomsday scenario too quickly.
Skybluerevoloution - What's a pathetic post you Small minded clown
Some garbage being spoken I here at present I see
Some garbage being spoken I here at present I see
lots on this thread and others are wanting our club to lose - makes me feel physically sick - we are ALL to a man and woman fed up, but surely our lads don't deserve this bollocks, do they?
If this makes you physically sick you need to take a long hard look at yourself