Do you want to discuss boring politics? (17 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
You missed some criteria out. Who want to save whales.

And cycle no doubt


Well-Known Member
The thing is, if adoption of Sharia Law was ever proposed, how complete would the debate be. Or would it be limited to exclude the less appealing elements of it. The ones which would lead to what’s been described as my sensationalist and implausible scenario. Which aren’t implausible in other parts of the world.

If the moon was made how of cheese how tasty would it be? 🤔


Well-Known Member
Personally think it’s more likely that Islam gets banned in the UK before Sharia law becomes the law of the land, but that won’t stop people like Malc fretting about it.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, if adoption of Sharia Law was ever proposed, how complete would the debate be. Or would it be limited to exclude the less appealing elements of it. The ones which would lead to what’s been described as my sensationalist and implausible scenario. Which aren’t implausible in other parts of the world.

You missed some criteria out. Who want to save whales.
There was one on the news earlier,saved from a salmon farm in Scotland.


Well-Known Member
Personally think it’s more likely that Islam gets banned in the UK before Sharia law becomes the law of the land, but that won’t stop people like Malc fretting about it.
I’m not particularly fretting about it, I wont be here to experience it.
40% of Muslims want “some aspects” of sharia law. So that’s about 3% of the public.
3% now, that will soon change with continuing immigration and decline in native population birthrates.
And cycle no doubt

Or use their private e-scooters through pedestrianised areas.
I'd say we've seen far more organisations and people call for the banning of Islam in this country, so I guess we've got no problem then have we.
Aren’t most of them in prison for a while ?

The banning of Catholicism went well, didn’t it?


Well-Known Member
3% now, that will soon change with continuing immigration and decline in native population birthrates.

Careful with the outright white supremacist conspiracy theorising, let’s keep it all deniable here.

Back in reality the immigrant birth rate is around replenishment level and as people integrate here their birth rate drops because the defining factor in birth rate isn’t your skin colour but your wage packet. And even if it wasn’t you’re talking generations here. Like hundreds of years, not something for you to be concerned about.


Well-Known Member
There are some people on here that don't live in the real world, Ian. Malcs point was a bit exaggerated, but no one has actually really made any good counter arguments against it.

When you're met with denial and whataboutary there's little point in having a discussion. Some things even deliberately get ignored. The shooting in Sweden being a prime example.

Like I said, and waste of time, but not for the reasons you think.
What you and Malc are suggesting is nonsense.
You’re saying the UK would trade its existing set of laws for a set of laws intrinsically tied into a religion. The same UK famously renowned for its stance on adopting non UK laws, as demonstrated in the 2016 EU Referendum. The same UK that screwed itself over under the illusion of ‘taking back control’
It may even have been noble of you if you were raising concerns about the rights of Muslim women who through their own religious community have very little voice, are subject to sharia councils (which incidentally have no legal basis in England) and find it incredibly difficult to exercise their rights to leave a marriage. That’s a debate worth having for sure.

But no - we’re trading our laws in so some bearded blokes can legally have 5 wives and we can stone some gays to death in the street.

As Salam alaykum my friend.


Well-Known Member
What you and Malc are suggesting is nonsense.
You’re saying the UK would trade its existing set of laws for a set of laws intrinsically tied into a religion. The same UK famously renowned for its stance on adopting non UK laws, as demonstrated in the 2016 EU Referendum. The same UK that screwed itself over under the illusion of ‘taking back control’
It may even have been noble of you if you were raising concerns about the rights of Muslim women who through their own religious community have very little voice, are subject to sharia councils (which incidentally have no legal basis in England) and find it incredibly difficult to exercise their rights to leave a marriage. That’s a debate worth having for sure.

But no - we’re trading our laws in so some bearded blokes can legally have 5 wives and we can stone some gays to death in the street.

As Salam alaykum my friend.

I have serious concerns about allowing any group to have their own schools, abuse their family members to keep them in line, etc.

Weirdly the people I’ve seen on here adamant we should allow segregated schools and should be suspicious of attempts to give women more power to report and leave abusive men haven’t been the one legged black lesbian public sector working lefties.


Well-Known Member
What you and Malc are suggesting is nonsense.
You’re saying the UK would trade its existing set of laws for a set of laws intrinsically tied into a religion. The same UK famously renowned for its stance on adopting non UK laws, as demonstrated in the 2016 EU Referendum. The same UK that screwed itself over under the illusion of ‘taking back control’
It may even have been noble of you if you were raising concerns about the rights of Muslim women who through their own religious community have very little voice, are subject to sharia councils (which incidentally have no legal basis in England) and find it incredibly difficult to exercise their rights to leave a marriage. That’s a debate worth having for sure.

But no - we’re trading our laws in so some bearded blokes can legally have 5 wives and we can stone some gays to death in the street.

As Salam alaykum my friend.

You've got this completely wrong, and clearly never read anything I've written about Islam properly whatsoever.

The treatment of women and the LGBT community is a massive issue, and something I've spoken about a lot in the past. As is the growth of this religion in the UK and the effect it has, and will have. None of which is nonsense either - as you can look at any other country that has experienced this. Just this week someone was assassinated in Europe for burning a holy book and you say nothing.

Like I said, it's pointless trying to have a discussion with people like you about it. You don't want to know and just seek to have a go at people who raise concerns. Probably because you don't have the balls to challenge this particular group and it's the easier choice to go after anyone who just won't sit there quietly and accept it.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, it's pointless trying to have a discussion with people like you about it. You don't want to know and just seek to have a go at people who raise concerns. Probably because you don't have the balls to challenge this particular group and it's the easier choice to go after anyone who just won't sit there quietly and accept it.
What's with this constant projecting on people who disagree with you? There are interesting discussions to be had here, but it seems like every time someone tries to engage you in debate about anything, you flounce around with this same old line moaning about how pointless it all is.


Well-Known Member
What's with this constant projecting on people who disagree with you? There are interesting discussions to be had here, but it seems like every time someone tries to engage you in debate about anything, you flounce around with this same old line moaning about how pointless it all is.

Yeah, because it is absolutely true. There are a handful of you that are completely in denial and not capable of having a discussion. You are also included in this as one of the biggest culprits, playing stupid constantly, and then coming out with deliberately opposite opinions that you then concede that you don't actually mean when challenged. Tell me, why would anyone bother to engage with that?


Well-Known Member
Yeah, because it is absolutely true. There are a handful of you that are completely in denial and not capable of having a discussion. You are also included in this as one of the biggest culprits, playing stupid constantly, and then coming out with deliberately opposite opinions that you then concede that you don't actually mean when challenged. Tell me, why would anyone bother to engage with that?
Plenty of people seem to have very little difficulty engaging in discussion with me, including those who don't agree with my opinions at all.

You have some interesting viewpoints, it's a shame you keep trying to pick up your ball and go home every time someone challenges them.


Well-Known Member
Careful with the outright white supremacist conspiracy theorising, let’s keep it all deniable here.

Back in reality the immigrant birth rate is around replenishment level and as people integrate here their birth rate drops because the defining factor in birth rate isn’t your skin colour but your wage packet. And even if it wasn’t you’re talking generations here. Like hundreds of years, not something for you to be concerned about.
Last few pages on here have not exactly been a million miles away from Great Replacement Theory


Well-Known Member
What you and Malc are suggesting is nonsense.
You’re saying the UK would trade its existing set of laws for a set of laws intrinsically tied into a religion. The same UK famously renowned for its stance on adopting non UK laws, as demonstrated in the 2016 EU Referendum. The same UK that screwed itself over under the illusion of ‘taking back control’
It may even have been noble of you if you were raising concerns about the rights of Muslim women who through their own religious community have very little voice, are subject to sharia councils (which incidentally have no legal basis in England) and find it incredibly difficult to exercise their rights to leave a marriage. That’s a debate worth having for sure.

But no - we’re trading our laws in so some bearded blokes can legally have 5 wives and we can stone some gays to death in the street.

As Salam alaykum my friend.
wa ʿalayka s-salām

I’m sure I mentioned the like of honour killings and enforced wearing of niqab ( other options are available - hijab, burka) while the accompanying males are generally in full western attire. I also think my reference to people being thrown of roofs should have been an obvious reference to Sharia treatment of LGBTQ+ communities. I am also aware of local Sharia councils operating despite having no legal status. Perhaps the leftie woke human rights barristers could defend those who are being denied rights under UK law rather than illegal immigrants. (I need to ignore that fact that there is probably more money in the former than the latter).

People always seem to ignore key parts of posts, or of the post which is being responded to. There were posts looking to a future where reduced ”native population” birthrate coupled with continuing immigration results in a majority immigrant population, without seeing it as a potential challenge to British culture. Short sighted in my view as it creates a situation where, to put it bluntly, bearded blokes are in a position to pass laws as they see fit. I seriously doubt that any laws passed by said beards would be as tolerant as the UK’s currently are and I would imagine we would be out of the ECHR faster than you can say Allahu Akbar. So not all bad, but I would rather stick with the status quo than go down the sharia route.


Well-Known Member
Plenty of people seem to have very little difficulty engaging in discussion with me, including those who don't agree with my opinions at all.

You have some interesting viewpoints, it's a shame you keep trying to pick up your ball and go home every time someone challenges them.

I have some viewpoints, most of which people on here get wrong deliberately because they can't debate it. I haven't really seen many actual counter-points that are relevant. As for you, other than wanting to see a decrease in native population in the UK and claiming you can't see any changes in the UK over the last 30 years, what actually are your viewpoints? They seem to change every five minutes depending on whoever it is you feel that you need to have an argument with. It's all you ever do on here, and like I said before, it is quite sad that that you have this nervous tick which makes you compelled to argue with anyone even if you don't actually disagree with them. It isn't healthy at all.

I use the shooting after the Koran burning in Sweden again, as no one has had the balls to talk about it. That's the reality of Islam. Will you not challenge this because your wife is a muslim? What is it?


Well-Known Member

Stop trying to 'fix' the symptom and address the actual problem. Rather than threatening to take benefits away in an attempt to force people back to work why not look into what is causing the level of long term sickness and mental health issues

Work life balance, for lack of a better term, is fucked. People have long commutes, long work hours, little free time. Then we wonder why so many people are burnt out, stressed and having anxiety issues. Yet when anything is suggested that could help with those issues, and at worst maintain productivity levels, people lose their mind at the thought of someone getting an option they don't have.

I suspect the vast majority of people who are off work with long term issues would love to be able to contribute to society. You don't need to beat them with a stick, you need to help them find something that is achievable.


Well-Known Member
Stop trying to 'fix' the symptom and address the actual problem. Rather than threatening to take benefits away in an attempt to force people back to work why not look into what is causing the level of long term sickness and mental health issues

Work life balance, for lack of a better term, is fucked. People have long commutes, long work hours, little free time. Then we wonder why so many people are burnt out, stressed and having anxiety issues. Yet when anything is suggested that could help with those issues, and at worst maintain productivity levels, people lose their mind at the thought of someone getting an option they don't have.

I suspect the vast majority of people who are off work with long term issues would love to be able to contribute to society. You don't need to beat them with a stick, you need to help them find something that is achievable.
Yeah it's called life. It's called work ethic.
Too many can't handle the rigor & the grind.
The ones that do have relative success.
The ones that don't live on welfare its a better option than what was once available , absolute poverty.


Well-Known Member
Stop trying to 'fix' the symptom and address the actual problem. Rather than threatening to take benefits away in an attempt to force people back to work why not look into what is causing the level of long term sickness and mental health issues

Work life balance, for lack of a better term, is fucked. People have long commutes, long work hours, little free time. Then we wonder why so many people are burnt out, stressed and having anxiety issues. Yet when anything is suggested that could help with those issues, and at worst maintain productivity levels, people lose their mind at the thought of someone getting an option they don't have.

I suspect the vast majority of people who are off work with long term issues would love to be able to contribute to society. You don't need to beat them with a stick, you need to help them find something that is achievable.



Well-Known Member
wa ʿalayka s-salām

I’m sure I mentioned the like of honour killings and enforced wearing of niqab ( other options are available - hijab, burka) while the accompanying males are generally in full western attire. I also think my reference to people being thrown of roofs should have been an obvious reference to Sharia treatment of LGBTQ+ communities. I am also aware of local Sharia councils operating despite having no legal status. Perhaps the leftie woke human rights barristers could defend those who are being denied rights under UK law rather than illegal immigrants. (I need to ignore that fact that there is probably more money in the former than the latter).

People always seem to ignore key parts of posts, or of the post which is being responded to. There were posts looking to a future where reduced ”native population” birthrate coupled with continuing immigration results in a majority immigrant population, without seeing it as a potential challenge to British culture. Short sighted in my view as it creates a situation where, to put it bluntly, bearded blokes are in a position to pass laws as they see fit. I seriously doubt that any laws passed by said beards would be as tolerant as the UK’s currently are and I would imagine we would be out of the ECHR faster than you can say Allahu Akbar. So not all bad, but I would rather stick with the status quo than go down the sharia route.

Nobody is denied protections under UK law. They apply to everyone. Sharia councils are voluntary arbitration for people who want things resolved according to Islamic doctrine. But they aren’t extrajudicial.

I have some viewpoints, most of which people on here get wrong deliberately because they can't debate it. I haven't really seen many actual counter-points that are relevant. As for you, other than wanting to see a decrease in native population in the UK and claiming you can't see any changes in the UK over the last 30 years, what actually are your viewpoints? They seem to change every five minutes depending on whoever it is you feel that you need to have an argument with. It's all you ever do on here, and like I said before, it is quite sad that that you have this nervous tick which makes you compelled to argue with anyone even if you don't actually disagree with them. It isn't healthy at all.

I use the shooting after the Koran burning in Sweden again, as no one has had the balls to talk about it. That's the reality of Islam. Will you not challenge this because your wife is a muslim? What is it?

There are issues with fundamentalist Islam and many issues with Islam generally. There are also issues with people like you who are extremely anti Muslim. The two biggest domestic threats are Islamists and the far right and most normal people want nothing to do with either of them.

People don’t want to join in with the c**t rioting and hacking randoms down in supermarkets and killing MPs and so you will get reticence to even look like that.

most Muslims aren’t fundamentalists just like most people with issues with immigration aren’t far right terrorists.

Everyone is against political violence. I’m not sure what you want in reply to a shooting in Sweden? If it’s “that’s bad” well no shit. If it’s “Islam is fundamentally evil and all Muslims need driving from our shores” well now you sound like just another fundamentalist prick and no I don’t want to associate with you.


Well-Known Member
I have some viewpoints, most of which people on here get wrong deliberately because they can't debate it. I haven't really seen many actual counter-points that are relevant. As for you, other than wanting to see a decrease in native population in the UK and claiming you can't see any changes in the UK over the last 30 years, what actually are your viewpoints? They seem to change every five minutes depending on whoever it is you feel that you need to have an argument with. It's all you ever do on here, and like I said before, it is quite sad that that you have this nervous tick which makes you compelled to argue with anyone even if you don't actually disagree with them. It isn't healthy at all.

I use the shooting after the Koran burning in Sweden again, as no one has had the balls to talk about it. That's the reality of Islam. Will you not challenge this because your wife is a muslim? What is it?
There you go again with the projection. You think I support someone being shot to death in Sweden because of my wife’s religion? Are you mad?

If you want to know my viewpoints then maybe we can just….talk about them? Maybe it would make things a little clearer for you.

Ring Of Steel

Well-Known Member
It can pay spiritually & financially. If "you" reach the sunny uplands one can look back on a life well lived.
& the grind is in the past.I feel sorry for those who don't have the "work ethic" at their core particularly in their early adulthood.

I’d like to know more about the links between a life of grind and spirituality


Well-Known Member
There you go again with the projection. You think I support someone being shot to death in Sweden because of my wife’s religion? Are you mad?

If you want to know my viewpoints then maybe we can just….talk about them? Maybe it would make things a little clearer for you.

We've tried to talk about them. It isn't possible. Other than supporting a decrease in native population, who knows what your opinions and thoughts actually are. It doesn't even look like you know, which is why this is all a waste of everybody's time.

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