Do you want to discuss boring politics? (26 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
I’d like to know more about the links between a life of grind and spirituality
I'm not shmmee I can't spend all day on here.
Six Nations & the small matter of Swansea upcoming.

My interpretation of grind.
I am referring to hard work consistently applied over decades : clearly there will be challenges along the way. Overcoming them and staying the course can be a grind, but ultimately worthwhile.
Personally I never saw an alternative. Apart from giving in.
Along the way you need support. Faith.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
You've got this completely wrong, and clearly never read anything I've written about Islam properly whatsoever.

The treatment of women and the LGBT community is a massive issue, and something I've spoken about a lot in the past. As is the growth of this religion in the UK and the effect it has, and will have. None of which is nonsense either - as you can look at any other country that has experienced this. Just this week someone was assassinated in Europe for burning a holy book and you say nothing.

Like I said, it's pointless trying to have a discussion with people like you about it. You don't want to know and just seek to have a go at people who raise concerns. Probably because you don't have the balls to challenge this particular group and it's the easier choice to go after anyone who just won't sit there quietly and accept it.
How huge is this ‘growth’ of Islam in the UK exactly? Bearing in mind it is unlikely to be the dominant religion of the migrants heading to the UK given where they are coming from. Is there some kind of birth rate explosion in the indigenous UK Muslim community?
Given more people in the UK are becoming ambivalent about religion generally, it hardly indicates some kind of earth shattering shift to Islam does it?

I agree there are huge issues with Islam - its doctrine is archaic. But you don’t make any headway in trying to challenge that with sensationalist claims like Sharia Law is taking over.


Well-Known Member
It can pay spiritually & financially. If "you" reach the sunny uplands one can look back on a life well lived.
& the grind is in the past.I feel sorry for those who don't have the "work ethic" at their core particularly in their early adulthood.
You can have a work ethic and still be on long term sick


Well-Known Member
We've tried to talk about them. It isn't possible. Other than supporting a decrease in native population, who knows what your opinions and thoughts actually are. It doesn't even look like you know, which is why this is all a waste of everybody's time.
I haven’t said I support that, for a start! If you’ve misread or misunderstood my views, that might explain why you find them so objectionable.

Again, I don’t think people see my contributions here as a waste of time - maybe you struggle with it, but other people seem quite capable of interacting with me. I don’t know why you find it harder to find meaningful discussions on here when you make incendiary statements on religion and then make insinuating comments about people’s wives when they disagree. It’s a total mystery!


Well-Known Member
Last few pages on here have not exactly been a million miles away from Great Replacement Theory
I learn something every day on here.

Interesting that this theory is not limited to white “Christian” countries. Indian Hindus concerned about the eventuality of Muslim prime minister as the demographic changes as Muslim birthrate is higher than Hindus’. Sunak is a Hindu, but the bridge of first Asian PM has been crossed.

If you are going to imagine a majority Muslim nation with a de novo Islamist political party having won a landslide victory with a 200 seat majority ( not impossible, even Starmer managed it), surely you then have to think about what they would do. IF sharia law was anywhere on the agenda, the first things they would need to do would be around ensuring security. I say that anticipating the potential scale of right wing protests.

Perhaps an Islamist form of the US National Guard, updating / reintroduction of the Riot Act, banning of certain organisations and there actions and imprisonment of political opponents.

So, one thing follows on from another and you end up an uncomfortable distance from the (relatively) safe and tolerant culture and society we all enjoy now. And the messenger doesn't so much get shot, more machine gunned at close range.
Nobody is denied protections under UK law. They apply to everyone. Sharia councils are voluntary arbitration for people who want things resolved according to Islamic doctrine. But they aren’t extrajudicial.
Good points, but given the apparent intrinsic misogyny of Islam, how free do you think females are to access standard protections under UK law if they have been encouraged to try the Sharia route first.


Well-Known Member
How huge is this ‘growth’ of Islam in the UK exactly? Bearing in mind it is unlikely to be the dominant religion of the migrants heading to the UK given where they are coming from. Is there some kind of birth rate explosion in the indigenous UK Muslim community?
Given more people in the UK are becoming ambivalent about religion generally, it hardly indicates some kind of earth shattering shift to Islam does it?

I agree there are huge issues with Islam - its doctrine is archaic. But you don’t make any headway in trying to challenge that with sensationalist claims like Sharia Law is taking over.
I didn’t say Sharia law is taking over. I asked a question, given the poster I was replying to seemed unconcerned about cultural change given shifts in demographics?
My first post on this started as follows “Will Sharia law be acceptable as a modification of British culture”. Post #48,413
That isn’t the sensationalist claim you are making it out to be. You just jump on to something which catches your eye and then attack it with no attempt to investigate / research the context in which it was said or indeed whether what you think was said was actually said. Then most on here will believe that I said what you have said I said because your politics is nearer theirs than mine is. It is obvious that very few people look back over posts they have missed - evidenced by the number of times the same question is asked and replied to by different posters over even a few pages. Nobody has answered my initial question.

Having asked the question, I think it is incumbent to consider what the impact of such a change MIGHT be IF it happened.

There are probably two extremes. (1) there is no impact, so the change is as effective as a Labour government with a massive majority. The other extreme is as I hypothesised based on what seems to happen in many, not all, Muslim countries.


Well-Known Member
It can pay spiritually & financially. If "you" reach the sunny uplands one can look back on a life well lived.
& the grind is in the past.I feel sorry for those who don't have the "work ethic" at their core particularly in their early adulthood.
'If' is doing a lot of heavy lifting there. It's a nonsense sold by those with shitloads as to why you don;t have and it and why they therefore should. Because if you're a good boy and work hard do you know who benefits the most? The person you work for - not you. You never hear of the millions of people who don't reach those uplands despite working hard. Fact is the sunny uplands are mostly there for those who either have rich family or arselick and backstab their way to the top, not hard work. But they rely on people like yourself falling for this myth that the only reason you don't have what they have is because you don't work hard enough.

Anything can happen during your life that makes all that graft and putting up with shit a waste of time. I know of a couple of hard working guys who did everything you'd think should lead to the 'sunny uplands' but had strokes in their 40's and 50's. Ended up on sick benefits with a pension pot unable to be sustainable because it wasn't paid into for the full length of time. There will be loads of people in similar situations who suffer injuries or illness that stops them doing what they'd like to do at a far earlier age than they expected.

One of my parents and one of my grandparents both died suddenly less than a year after retirement despite a lifetime of graft and basically looking forward to the 'sunny uplands' of their retirement. Do you think if they'd known that outcome earlier in their lives they've have spent that time on their 'work ethic' or enjoying the life they had left?

In recent years I've put my work/life balance and my own peace of mind first and I've never felt happier, even though I have less money. Having the 'work ethic' of long hours and putting up with shit was destroying me physically and mentally. I'd rather enjoy life now while I know I've got it in decent health than on some hope it'll still be there by the time I reach 70.


Well-Known Member
Good points, but given the apparent intrinsic misogyny of Islam, how free do you think females are to access standard protections under UK law if they have been encouraged to try the Sharia route first.

I think this is fair an I worry about the culture for exactly that reason. It’s why I’m against Islamic (and Jewish and private) schools. Schools are the last bastion of a unifying culture and you shouldn’t be able to opt out of them.
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Well-Known Member
This isn't a loaded question, but how do you define a decrease in the native population? Would this include someone like me born to two non-UK parents?

Yes, probably. Only because you've stated several times that you are Irish. You've also gone on record and claimed you don't care about the English football team, so probably whilst it isn't a loaded question, you have your answer.

Not sure the UK is at massive threat from a takeover by the Irish though. It's in a slightly different league to that of the situation the country sees itself with the Islamic community.


Well-Known Member
I haven’t said I support that, for a start! If you’ve misread or misunderstood my views, that might explain why you find them so objectionable.

Again, I don’t think people see my contributions here as a waste of time - maybe you struggle with it, but other people seem quite capable of interacting with me. I don’t know why you find it harder to find meaningful discussions on here when you make incendiary statements on religion and then make insinuating comments about people’s wives when they disagree. It’s a total mystery!

I don't really see anyone interacting with you on this forum properly at all to be honest. It's probably another thing that's in your imagination. Most of the time you are arguing with other posters and they aren't humouring you. Other than ROS, no one really supports what you say, and that poster himself is an admission of humiliation.

You've actively said you are happy with a decrease of native population in the UK, so it doesn't really matter what semantics you try to pull from this point. The evidence is there. Your wife is relevant because we all know that you would choose her religion over the preservation of this country.

Send my regards to your wife by the way. No doubt you'll pass it on from the cuck chair.


Well-Known Member
Your wife left you, didn’t she?

No, I'm in a very happy relationship and it is beautiful. I'm very content with my life, and it is the most fulfilled I have felt in many years.

In fact, it is to the point I don't feel the need to follow people around a football forum and argue the opposite on everything just for the sake of it.

I hope one day it can be the same for you too.


Well-Known Member
No, I'm in a very happy relationship and it is beautiful. I'm very content with my life, and it is the most fulfilled I have felt in many years.

In fact, it is to the point I don't feel the need to follow people around a football forum and argue the opposite on everything just for the sake of it.

I hope one day it can be the same for you too.
You told me a few years ago that your wife left you to go back to the UK and you’d decided to get divorced. Is that not the case?


Well-Known Member
She has moved back to the UK. Unfortunately after the car accident our relationship which had already been struggling became terminal and we´ve decided to get divorced. Not the best year mate, but it has been two years or so of trying to make it work so what can you say? It almost felt like a sick joke when everything here went into full lockdown, but hopefully next year will be better.

I´ll be sitting in my pants on christmas day getting wrecked, hopefully you can find some similar activity to keep you entertained!
Poor Earlsdon - who knows where his wife is tonight? No wonder he’s so upset with me. The cuck jokes make a bit more sense now.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
You've also gone on record and claimed you don't care about the English football team.
There are also plenty of English football fans who don’t care about the national team as well - I’m not sure it’s a reliable way to measure the erosion of British culture.

BTW, I’d probably identify myself as both English and Irish.


Well-Known Member

Sick Boy

Super Moderator


Well-Known Member
You told me a few years ago that your wife left you to go back to the UK and you’d decided to get divorced. Is that not the case?
Poor Earlsdon - who knows where his wife is tonight? No wonder he’s so upset with me. The cuck jokes make a bit more sense now.

I mean, you really couldn't be more rattled could you? Sitting on the internet at 1am on a Saturday night and making things up about someone that you have made it a mission to follow round a forum about football.

What is it?

1) Your own relationship is terrible
2) You are trying to compensate for the fact you previously had a tantrum and left the forum because someone made an innocent comment about your wife's religion
3) Seeing someone else do well and be in a happy relationship makes you jealous

I suspect it is probably a combination of all three. Regardless, this meltdown of yours last night is quite telling, and I feel sorry for you. It must be a very miserable place you are in to behave the way that you do. I am very happy with my life, and my relationship. I genuinely hope you can find the same solace, because it is very fulfilling. Good luck with it all.


Well-Known Member
I mean, you really couldn't be more rattled could you? Sitting on the internet at 1am on a Saturday night and making things up about someone that you have made it a mission to follow round a forum about football.

What is it?

1) Your own relationship is terrible
2) You are trying to compensate for the fact you previously had a tantrum and left the forum because someone made an innocent comment about your wife's religion
3) Seeing someone else do well and be in a happy relationship makes you jealous

I suspect it is probably a combination of all three. Regardless, this meltdown of yours last night is quite telling, and I feel sorry for you. It must be a very miserable place you are in to behave the way that you do. I am very happy with my life, and my relationship. I genuinely hope you can find the same solace, because it is very fulfilling. Good luck with it all.
My guy - if you're going to start making it personal with cuck jokes at 1:06am, then sometimes people are going to come back at you with the same stuff. Especially when you have quite an....interesting backstory in this area.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea at this stage how things will play out, or to what level, but I think things like this are a massive concern and it is a good idea that we don't ignore it:

Absolutely not. We have to be a lot more muscular enforcing our laws on things like this and domestic violence and equal opportunities. But that doesn’t mean we’re about to be taken over, that’s the thing I’ve got issue with.


Well-Known Member
Do you think cases will continue to rise, or go down with an increase in Islamic population?
Do you think those girls are safer from it in a country where not only is the practice banned but it also illegal to take a child who is either a citizen or resident of that country out the country to receive that treatment or do you think it’s safer for those girls to remain in a country where the practice isn’t banned?


Well-Known Member
My guy - if you're going to start making it personal with cuck jokes at 1:06am, then sometimes people are going to come back at you with the same stuff. Especially when you have quite an....interesting backstory in this area.

Not even five minutes to get a reply in, you really are rattled. How much time have you spent with your wife in the last 24 hours? I feel sorry for her too. Imagine not seeing your husband and then finding out the reason he is ignoring you is because he is captivated and obsessed by a stranger on the internet he needs to follow around.

I'm going to do your marriage a favour and ignore you from now on, like most other people do on this forum. Good luck with it all, I really mean that because it doesn't give me any joy seeing someone who's clearly in a disturbed state. I really hope you can find some solace.


Well-Known Member
Not even five minutes to get a reply in, you really are rattled. How much time have you spent with your wife in the last 24 hours? I feel sorry for her too. Imagine not seeing your husband and then finding out the reason he is ignoring you is because he is captivated and obsessed by a stranger on the internet he needs to follow around.

I'm going to do your marriage a favour and ignore you from now on, like most other people do on this forum. Good luck with it all, I really mean that because it doesn't give me any joy seeing someone who's clearly in a disturbed state. I really hope you can find some solace.
How much time have you spent with your wife in the last....actually don't answer that.

Seeya then!


Well-Known Member
Absolutely not. We have to be a lot more muscular enforcing our laws on things like this and domestic violence and equal opportunities. But that doesn’t mean we’re about to be taken over, that’s the thing I’ve got issue with.

I get your point. I've been honest about my views on the religion itself, that isn't an attack on individuals as I know and am friends with many great people who follow it. I just don't think it is very progressive, and many of its values do not align with that of a modern and fair world. That includes FGM, but also attitudes towards LGBT people and women. I'm not really seeing it adapt either, so instead of seeing these things stamped out, I suspect they will get worse. I think generally speaking Islam is a very quick-growing religion, with forecasts in Europe of it to increase quite substantially among the population.

Most people who talk about Islam don't know what they are talking about, and get quite defensive, but I think it is important to be educated about it. One of my old lecturers wrote a great book (he is also a Muslim), particularly focussed on Honour Killings - and it is quite eye opening.



Well-Known Member
I get your point. I've been honest about my views on the religion itself, that isn't an attack on individuals as I know and am friends with many great people who follow it. I just don't think it is very progressive, and many of its values do not align with that of a modern and fair world. That includes FGM, but also attitudes towards LGBT people and women. I'm not really seeing it adapt either, so instead of seeing these things stamped out, I suspect they will get worse. I think generally speaking Islam is a very quick-growing religion, with forecasts in Europe of it to increase quite substantially among the population.

Most people who talk about Islam don't know what they are talking about, and get quite defensive, but I think it is important to be educated about it. One of my old lecturers wrote a great book (he is also a Muslim), particularly focussed on Honour Killings - and it is quite eye opening.

I can’t find stats on honour killings specifically but “honour based abuse” stats don’t have it in the breakdown so I’m going to say it’s very rare.

On whether it’s changing again stats are hard to come by but this is quite in depth on Muslim social attitudes (and attitudes towards Muslims) and suggests younger Muslims are generally more socially liberal than older Muslims which would both make sense and suggest there is liberalisation going on:


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