Do you want to discuss boring politics? (20 Viewers)


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Well-Known Member
I know all politicians lie, especially to get into power

However I genuinely don't think we've seen a government proven to have been lying on such a huge scale, so quickly into their term
I Dunno the biggest lie was found merely hours after the biggest decision in the country’s history was taken.

Remember that £350m a day Boris and Nigel promised us for the NHS? Nige backtracked in an interview directly following the result. We then voted in great numbers for Boris to lead the country who was then show to be a *Shock* liar….

turns out the British public don’t give a shit about being lied to


Well-Known Member
I Dunno the biggest lie was found merely hours after the biggest decision in the country’s history was taken.

Remember that £350m a day Boris and Nigel promised us for the NHS? Nige backtracked in an interview directly following the result. We then voted in great numbers for Boris to lead the country who was then show to be a *Shock* liar….

turns out the British public don’t give a shit about being lied to

In fairness to Farage he wasn't part of the Vote Leave campaign that promised that, and he obviously isn't in government anyway to deliver on it. He was part of the campaign.

Johnson was and was though as were plenty of other Tories


Well-Known Member
In fairness to Farage he wasn't part of the Vote Leave campaign that promised that, and he obviously isn't in government anyway to deliver on it. He was part of the campaign.

Johnson was and was though as were plenty of other Tories
he was stood outside the bus stating it. He pretty much endorsed it. Correct - he wasn’t part of the government so ultimately he had no power whatsoever. But everything the campaign promised has been bollocks


Well-Known Member
This is it

I'm not big in to politics because it's just 2 cheeks of the same arse isn't it

Whoever people have voted for, the crux is Britain is being let down by those in power and has been for decades.

None of them have come up with a plan to actually fix the NHS instead of just saying it

None of them have stopped the rampant profiteering from places such as supermarkets, insurance companies etc

None of them have the bollocks to tell councils and others that the millions they rake in a week from the taxpayer have been pissed away

None of them have got a handle on rampant uncontrolled immigration

I could go on

Britain will always be a choice between 2 parties who are fuck all different when you get down to it

I mean half of this is bollocks TBF mate.

Rampant profiteering from supermarkets that have profit margins of 1.8% compared to a UK average of around 8%?

No plan to fix the NHS despite increased funding and several reform plans?

Councils are pissing money away when the vast majority of their budget goes on social care?

Uncontrolled immigration meaning 30k people on boats a year that both governments have been focused on?

It’s just a load of shite you’ve picked up off Twitter. The reason you think they’re all the same is because you clearly don’t understand the first thing about the stuff you’re whining about or pay any attention beyond a meme in your WhatsApp group I’m sorry.

If nothing is changing to your liking it’s far more likely there are structural reasons why that you don’t get and not because “everyone’s the same and they’re all cunts”


Well-Known Member
I mean half of this is bollocks TBF mate.

Rampant profiteering from supermarkets that have profit margins of 1.8% compared to a UK average of around 8%?

No plan to fix the NHS despite increased funding and several reform plans?

Councils are pissing money away when the vast majority of their budget goes on social care?

Uncontrolled immigration meaning 30k people on boats a year that both governments have been focused on?

It’s just a load of shite you’ve picked up off Twitter. The reason you think they’re all the same is because you clearly don’t understand the first thing about the stuff you’re whining about or pay any attention beyond a meme in your WhatsApp group I’m sorry.

If nothing is changing to your liking it’s far more likely there are structural reasons why that you don’t get and not because “everyone’s the same and they’re all cunts”

I'm not reading all that

Sorry it happened / pleased for you though


Well-Known Member
People deeming eight sentences to be an impenetrable wall of text and an information overload is a big part of the problem.


Well-Known Member
Like if you find politics boring then fair enough, I find rugby boring so I don’t pay any attention or get involved in conversations about it. But if you’re bothered enough to be angry and have strong opinions at least put the work in to understand what you’re angry about.


Well-Known Member
I used to be quite into politics

Just find them all insufferable bell ends now

Been drumming it into my kids to find a better life abroad when they're older, this place is past help


I mean we are on the sad chart on a football forum but people who devote their life to politics and defending politicians. That's on a different level of weird.


Well-Known Member
I used to be quite into politics

Just find them all insufferable bell ends now

Been drumming it into my kids to find a better life abroad when they're older, this place is past help

I think it’s increasingly less relevant tbh. Most of the issues are things like population aging (most of the nhs and council problems) and other stuff that’s affecting every country (immigration needed because of falling birth rates, economy slowing, etc).

There’s not easy answers to a lot of it. The US is rich so you can avoid a lot of it if you can earn money there but is shit if you can’t for any reason. But basically anywhere in the EU, Japan, etc has most of the same issues (but nicer weather). China, India, south america, africa and the Middle East and Russia are hell holes for their own reasons. Australia has massive fucking bugs. At least here you get footy and a decent cup of tea


Well-Known Member
I mean we are on the sad chart on a football forum but people who devote their life to politics and defending politicians. That's on a different level of weird.

Got to have a hobby.


Well-Known Member
Safe to say that's weirder than people who buy pictures of feet online.

Man in blue tie does X and Y = Evil, scum, what a c**t
Man in red tie does the same = hero, doing his best, doing whats right for the country


But they’re not doing the same is the point. You sound a bit like a bird asking why we cheer for the blue team and not the red one when they’re all just kicking a bag of wind about.


Well-Known Member
Like if you find politics boring then fair enough, I find rugby boring so I don’t pay any attention or get involved in conversations about it. But if you’re bothered enough to be angry and have strong opinions at least put the work in to understand what you’re angry about.
You need to get a job mate.
Or stop taking the piss out of your employer.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I used to be quite into politics

Just find them all insufferable bell ends now

Been drumming it into my kids to find a better life abroad when they're older, this place is past help
Wife and I decided last year to give up on hoping for governments and politicians to do the right things and just look out for ourselves.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Best way really.
We’re going to be in a lot of financial difficulty when Jnr comes along later this year but we knew that going into it. Will just do the best we can and not counting on the government to help does at least make it simpler


Well-Known Member
Safe to say that's weirder than people who buy pictures of feet online.

Man in blue tie does X and Y = Evil, scum, what a c**t
Man in red tie does the same = hero, doing his best, doing whats right for the country


You were saying they're all the same last night and so I asked you to point out corruption by this government. You apparently couldn't reply.

So they aren't doing the same are they, that's the point.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
How does that manifest itself then? You don’t contribute to any political parties? Pay any tax? Vote?
In practical terms it means we won’t vote in elections or otherwise engage with politics. We used to write quite often to our MP with things we wanted answers to or thought he could at least flag up. He didn’t acknowledge any of them.

Case in point as a couple consisting of a postgraduate and a full time worker we qualify for zero childcare support and also cannot get shared parental leave. It’s a crack we’ve fallen into but the government seems not to care.


Well-Known Member
What's going on here then?

Where do the stories come from and why now?

Tories for some reason desperate to relitigate PartyGate. If I didn’t know better I’d say they’ve got Labour and Reform agents working the inside. They think focusing on this will make people go “oh they weren’t so bad” but as this thread shows at best you get “they’re both cunts”.

Badenoch’s advisors are the worst I’ve seen since whoever did Millibands campaign. They do the same with immigration and reform which just reminds people reform exist and aren’t tainted by a terrible record in office and makes reforms vote go up.

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