Yeah I’m calling you names, well done. Doesn’t change my point though, both of you constantly post gotchas of things both sides do. Don’t like stupidity and racism of Claudia Webb, fine with stupidity and racism of Tories. Don’t like expenses scandals of Labour MPs, fine with bigger expenses scandals of Tories. Don’t like the condescending attitudes of Labour, fine with being called feckless layabouts by the Tories.
It’s pure emotion and I think Evo is spot on with his analysis that fundamentally people choose a side based on gut and IMO the rest is justification.
The overall picture doesn’t change. Either you’re left wing or right. Either you believe in spreading wealth around more evenly or concentrating it more. Everything else is celebrity tittle tattle quite frankly.
A wider, less personally offensive cos I’ve woken up with less sleep than I wanted take is that social media bubbles feed this. If you hate corruption you can find stories about Tory MPs all day, or you can find stories about Len McClusky or whatever all day. Hate hypocrites? Politics is full of them. I saw a thing the other day about how people think the big stories are the ones they read about on social media and that’s why both sides get all up in arms about the BBC not covering things they deem important. People creating their own reality to fit their assumptions.
As with Evo the other day, I’m being a cock, but it does genuinely interest me these psychological quirks and I’m not saying I’m immune by any stretch.