Do you want to discuss boring politics? (22 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Good grief

Great timing to drop a line like that, the day before local elections. What a fucking useless tosser he is 😂

Amazing. So apparently we should only tax companies more if they want to pay more tax.

By the same logic can I stop paying the recent tax rise if I promise to invest in a Tesla at some undetermined point in the future?

It's only the threat of additional taxation that stopping me going more green, honest, and I don't really want to pay more tax either.


Well-Known Member
Let’s be real for a minute. They aren’t pro life at all. The rich will still find ways to get abortions as they have the money, contacts and means to travel to those states where it’s legal and get it sorted.

Those who will be forced into parenthood that they likely can’t afford and or don’t want are the poor people.

This isn’t about abortions or pro life it’s about keeping poor people poor and ensuring generational poverty.

It’s an absolute disgrace in 2022 that the US is turning into the Handmaids tail.
Seems to remember a story about a staunch 'pro-lifer' Conservative Republican. Said how abortion was against God and those doing so would be going to hell etc. Turned out he paid for a young woman he'd had a one-night stand with to have an abortion after she got pregnant.

Got absolutely nothing to do with what they think is right, just that they want to interfere in other's people's lives when it suits their beliefs. Which, again, is ironic given they're constantly bleating on about having less state involvement in people's lives. Unless of course it's to do with what a woman may want to do with her own body, in which case it's absolutely the state's job to dictate to you.

Just a bunch of hypocritical arseholes.


Well-Known Member
Still. At least the sort out of his back room staff he had as operation save big dog is paying dividends

I understand Boris is a dumb c**t who probably isn’t even aware of this or even capable of understanding why it’s wrong even if he was aware but you would think whoever organised this on his behalf should be capable of seeing the headline in the making and make alternative arrangements

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Still. At least the sort out of his back room staff he had as operation save big dog is paying dividends

I understand Boris is a dumb c**t who probably isn’t even aware of this or even capable of understanding why it’s wrong even if he was aware but you would think whoever organised this on his behalf should be capable of seeing the headline in the making and make alternative arrangements

The one thing you’d think an Eton education would prepare you for is public speaking. A more bumbling moron there is not


Well-Known Member
He's not really done much different from how he's always behaved, it's just the protective barriers they usually put up around him (including the friendly media) have been removed.

I don't disagree
By the way , there are still people sticking up for Boris on social media ..

One went as far as to say the elderly woman should downsize and sell her house , this is what we are fighting against

That's the worst thing about the cap doffers. It's like they think poor people just deserve to live a miserable existence

God I hate them.


Well-Known Member
Good grief

Great timing to drop a line like that, the day before local elections. What a fucking useless tosser he is 😂

Bought. And. Paid for.

Man is such a cuck.


Well-Known Member
-206 wouldn't actually be that bad for the Tories.

I mean it's bad, but I thought they'd lose more.

Suggests Scottish Conservative voters will go to Labour rather than SNP for most gains.

I wonder how many of the Scottish Tories will actually bother to vote.


Stay at home

Protect the NHS

Save lives


Well-Known Member
Aberdeen voting will be interesting tonight, Labour went in to a council pact with the Tories rather than the SNP.

Sure the message that has gone out for the last 4 years is vote Labour get Tory over there.

Deleted member 5849

This will all hinge on turnout I think.
...which is generally non-existent in local elections.

All irrelevant anyway, when government has centralised a lot of funding and withdrawn it from local authorities.


Well-Known Member
...which is generally non-existent in local elections.

All irrelevant anyway, when government has centralised a lot of funding and withdrawn it from local authorities.

Got to remember that local councils agreed to this when setting up the combined authorities etc.

Blame needs to be proportioned.


Well-Known Member
Take Coventry Council, for instance. They bought a waste haulage firm. Way to go, CCC. Oh, wait!

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Aberdeen voting will be interesting tonight, Labour went in to a council pact with the Tories rather than the SNP.

Sure the message that has gone out for the last 4 years is vote Labour get Tory over there.

Not wanting to break the country up matters more than other disagreements I suppose.


Well-Known Member
You would never get a Labour council trying to break a bin strike using a firm they have just bought.


Well-Known Member
...which is generally non-existent in local elections.

All irrelevant anyway, when government has centralised a lot of funding and withdrawn it from local authorities.
So anyone that can motivate the electorate to turn out has the potential for good gains.

We can’t even vote in Northamptonshire today, we had the privilege of returning the same group of people last year that bankrupted us previously 🤦‍♂️


Well-Known Member
Could we be looking at one of the lowest turnouts ever for local elections?

This neoliberalism is working like a charm.


Well-Known Member
-206 wouldn't actually be that bad for the Tories.

I mean it's bad, but I thought they'd lose more.

Lol that poll shows Labour losing seats in England outside London

It’s nonsense anyway the Tories lost 1300 seats in 2019 and are projected from what I’ve seen to lose about 800

Deleted member 5849

Lol that poll shows Labour losing seats in England outside London

It’s nonsense anyway the Tories lost 1300 seats in 2019 and are projected from what I’ve seen to lose about 800
It's becoming an easy win at a general election anyway - blame the local council for ills, elect an MP for government!

Northants Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Daily Telegraph May 1-"Tories to lose 800 seats" (Expectation Management + Scare the vote out)

Daily Telegraph May 7-"Boris fights back with `only' 200 seat loss" (Spin as a win)

Vote Share is the only relevant stat here


Well-Known Member
It's becoming an easy win at a general election anyway - blame the local council for ills, elect an MP for government!

Exactly this. It's such an obvious ploy. The Tory government starves the larger, typically labour-leaning councils of funds, so that the electorate blames the latter for the local issues.

Of course it doesn't help when local Labour in this neck of the woods also involves itself in, well... I'd call them dubious decisions at best.


Well-Known Member

Deleted member 5849

None of it is relevant. The only people who vote in locals are the hardcore anyway, swing voters won’t give much of a shit, and it’s only a random third of councils last elected at a different time. May as well read tea leaves if you want to know the national picture for a GE.
The only time I can ever remember local elections being relevant is when Lib Dems won some, showed they were capable of governance rather than just protest, and got a few MPs as a result.

Other than that, inevitably the sitting government takes a kicking mid term, and inevitably the polling booths are deserted!

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
-206 is a terrible result for the tories. Todays elections are being fought largely in areas where Labour are strong anyway.

the -800 was tory spin to make todays defeat seem like a victory.

You need to look at vote share and if they do lose true blue bastions like Wandsworth and Westminster.

Also it will be telling how the Lib Dems do against them i


Well-Known Member
The only time I can ever remember local elections being relevant is when Lib Dems won some, showed they were capable of governance rather than just protest, and got a few MPs as a result.

Other than that, inevitably the sitting government takes a kicking mid term, and inevitably the polling booths are deserted!

I think the sitting govt will get off quite well in this one. A lot of the voters they’re losing are the types not likely to vote in the locals.

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