Do you want to discuss boring politics? (16 Viewers)

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Yet more debasing of British politics.
Johnson’s taking the country down the drain.

To be fair that c**t has been like that for about 20 odd years

We also used to like to mention the "opinions" of his wife in parliament then left her to shack up with a mum younger woman he then gave a job to


Well-Known Member
For a man who claims Churchill is his hero he doesn’t half enjoy dancing on his grave. Actually shitting on his grave would be more accurate



Well-Known Member
For a man who claims Churchill is his hero he doesn’t half enjoy dancing on his grave. Actually shitting on his grave would be more accurate

Worth pointing out that this is the slippery slope of brexit.

The referendum was supposed to turn the clock back to 1973, it actually ended up turning it back to 1960 as leaving EFTA was snuck into the equation despite never being part of the referendum, he’s now trying to turn the clock back to 1950 . This is just the start of leaving the European Council which was completely Churchills baby and we were one of the founding nations off. It will be the UN next because they expect a minimum standard of decency from member states, then NATO because they expect a minimum standard of decency from member states. It will end up being us , North Korea and Russia sticking it to the man because we have sovereignty and that’s all that matters. What a fucked up country we’ve allowed ourselves to become.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Worth pointing out that this is the slippery slope of brexit.

The referendum was supposed to turn the clock back to 1973, it actually ended up turning it back to 1960 as leaving EFTA was snuck into the equation despite never being part of the referendum, he’s now trying to turn the clock back to 1950 . This is just the start of leaving the European Council which was completely Churchills baby and we were one of the founding nations off. It will be the UN next because they expect a minimum standard of decency from member states, then NATO because they expect a minimum standard of decency from member states. It will end up being us , North Korea and Russia sticking it to the man because we have sovereignty and that’s all that matters. What a fucked up country we’ve allowed ourselves to become.

Well there were those who spoke out against it and voted against all of it.


Well-Known Member
A practicing Christian according to his wiki, needs to practice a bit harder.
Christianity is an action not a word. I seem to recall from Sunday school that’s what Jesus told the wealthy man in the market place when he challenged Jesus that he could just say he’s a Christian and be rewarded in heaven. I lost my faith as a teenager after being raised Christian but I seemed to have remembered more from the bible than he ever learned. The parting of the Red Sea is literally the bible on how to behave as a Christian in dealing with an exodus. He is quite literally refusing the opportunity to be a Christian even though it’s being delivered at his feet.

Terry Gibson's perm

Well-Known Member
If they insist on moving these people out surely they should be waiting on the beaches and immediately detain and put onto a plane before they can sort out lawyers etc.


Well-Known Member
If they insist on moving these people out surely they should be waiting on the beaches and immediately detain and put onto a plane before they can sort out lawyers etc.
They are only interested in distracting us away from the cost of living clusterfuck they’ve created - the blaming of the non-white ‘immigrant’ for all our woes seems to be really effective for some reason.


Well-Known Member
They are only interested in distracting us away from the cost of living clusterfuck they’ve created - the blaming of the non-white ‘immigrant’ for all our woes seems to be really effective for some reason.

Did Sir Beer get free tickets for tonight’s game? Hope this time Mr Earnest gets his forms filled in on time. I think he’s finished writing his book now

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Worth pointing out that this is the slippery slope of brexit.

The referendum was supposed to turn the clock back to 1973, it actually ended up turning it back to 1960 as leaving EFTA was snuck into the equation despite never being part of the referendum, he’s now trying to turn the clock back to 1950 . This is just the start of leaving the European Council which was completely Churchills baby and we were one of the founding nations off. It will be the UN next because they expect a minimum standard of decency from member states, then NATO because they expect a minimum standard of decency from member states. It will end up being us , North Korea and Russia sticking it to the man because we have sovereignty and that’s all that matters. What a fucked up country we’ve allowed ourselves to become.
You live in a fucked up world of paranoia Tony.


Well-Known Member
You live in a fucked up world of paranoia Tony.
You’re partially right. I do live in a fucked up world, as do you. It’s paranoia that got us here promoted and continuing to be promoted by people like Boris with phoney culture wars. Illegal immigrants and asylum seekers being part of that and I it’s staring everyone in the face.

For starters the boat crossings is not how the vast majority of illegal immigrants get here, the vast vast vast majority arrive legally with a visa then overstay, the government are neither talking or dealing with that. Pritti Patel has not met the top man in immigration since he started his job 18months ago, cancelling 6 meetings with him, put it’s apparently a priority. There is no safe route to the UK for asylum seekers, the war in Ukraine has proven this, there’s still thousands of Ukrainians stuck on the continent try to get to the UK to meet family and sponsors and the government despite promising to change the process months ago to speed this up haven’t. They have useful idiot Ferage pointing at boats of the south coast driving paranoia to the point where they can “deal” with the narrow end of the wedge while ignoring the bigger issues regarding illegal immigration.

If they really want to stop people crossing the channel at the hands of criminal gangs then the answer is simple and cheaper than Rwanda flights designed purely to create a headline for a culture war. Offer asylum seekers safe passage, deal with their application before they attempt the journey. We have a consulate in Calais, put it to use. If nothing else if people are still crossing by boat you can say without doubt that they’re illegals because at the moment the vast majority of them are successful in claiming asylum. But it suits this government to keep the British paranoid because holding onto lies is the only thing that will keep them in power and they know it.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if they've engineered this to an extent to pave the way for leaving the ECHR.

Theres no way they can leave the ECHR. They’d need to get it through a hostile Lords and commons and past the Scottish and Welsh assemblies and break the GFA and the NIP.

At worst all they’ll do is give birth to another UKIP by campaigning for it.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if they've engineered this to an extent to pave the way for leaving the ECHR.

I don’t think you’re wrong sick boy. It certainly helps provide the government with anti EU ammunition at a critical time for them and in a way, rightly so. whether people agree with the policy or not* the ECHR shouldn’t be overruling our courts on such matters.

* If it was going to act as a genuine deterrent to traffickers you could maybe argue a case for it, I’m personally not convinced though. It looks and feels like a distraction and a waste of time and money.

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