Do you want to discuss boring politics? (15 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Ironic that you go on about lazy arguments then try and blame the French!
The port authorities not having enough staff is down to the government not preparing properly for Brexit. Look on the Brexit thread, it was hilighted in there ages ago how many extra staff were required.
I don't know what the ferry companies reason is.

Let's leave it here mate. You simply aren't reading what I'm saying or wanting to listen to the facts or first hand experience on the matter.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Let's leave it here mate. You simply aren't reading what I'm saying or wanting to listen to the facts or first hand experience on the matter.

The fact is the Dover port authority put a request into the UK government for 33 million which they said would have prevented this and the government didn't give them the money.

You're half saying this isn't all brexits fault, which I agree with but then seem to veer into none of its brexits fault, which I don't.


Well-Known Member
The M20 35 mile approach to Dover (operation Brock formerly Stack) has been on and off for last 5 years... to respond to bad weather/bloxkades/ ferries breaking down etc. It became permanent start of year for Brexit and was compounded by P&O shambles. I drive this commute several times a week and see miles and miles of lorries waiting for extra checks on goods that didn't exist.
Council I work for has had to employ 100+ people as its now an inland port authority doing checks on goods coming in and out of Europe. They have sat doing nothing over last year (sit on floor above my office) as the offices and legal Brexit frameworks are not finished. The 100+ acre site of tarmac and warehousing has cost an absolute fortune yet still not fully operating due to fuckwit Conservatives. So chaos at Brexit is down entirely to our poor planning and under investment in Dover and yet spunking cash in other areas to portray Brexit is running smoothly.
Government need to invest in more ferry boats and ports such as Sheerness, Tilbury, Harwich, Ramsgate, Folkestone and Newhaven to reduce pressure on Dover and Kent roads.
This goverment have no vision other than tax cuts and less investment in the society and the working classes and people in poverty.

Truss is just repeating what she hears because she doesn't understand and is trying to look like she does. Sunak is so wealthy and detached he has no idea of the importance of the services it provides and has an antiquated view of economics.

It still baffles e how the Tories have this veneer of economic competence when all evidence suggests they don't and their economic policy ideals should have been consigned to the dustbin of history by the turn of the century.


Well-Known Member

Truss is just repeating what she hears because she doesn't understand and is trying to look like she does. Sunak is so wealthy and detached he has no idea of the importance of the services it provides and has an antiquated view of economics.

It still baffles e how the Tories have this veneer of economic competence when all evidence suggests they don't and their economic policy ideals should have been consigned to the dustbin of history by the turn of the century.

says someone who has batshit ideas on how to run businesses and admits hasn’t a shred of experience in reality


Well-Known Member
says someone who has batshit ideas on how to run businesses and admits hasn’t a shred of experience in reality
That would be fine if it were coming from anyone but the person on here who is consistently proven to be wrong.


Well-Known Member
That would be fine if it were coming from anyone but the person on here who is consistently proven to be wrong.

Wrong about what?

I bet you are one of those business coach weirdos who advise businesses what to do and hurry off for the next pay day


Well-Known Member

I actually thought this was a joke at first.
What is that pose all about? It seems that other countries aren’t entitled to take back control of their borders then.
Everything the government comes out with is attention grabbing headline stuff with little substance.
The vacuous party for vacuous people.
Lol somebody should Photoshop an S.I. badge for her arm on the picture

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clint van damme

Well-Known Member

I actually thought this was a joke at first.
What is that pose all about? It seems that other countries aren’t entitled to take back control of their borders then. 🤣🤣
Everything the government comes out with is attention grabbing headline stuff with little substance.
The vacuous party for vacuous people.

You know you meet those people in life who can never take responsibility for anything that happens to them.

Every bit of adversity they encounter is always someone elses fault.
We''ve become a country that's like that, no self reflection, no self awareness, it's fucking embarrassing.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
You know you meet those people in life who can never take responsibility for anything that happens to them.

Every bit of adversity they encounter is always someone elses fault.
We''ve become a country that's like that, no self reflection, no self awareness, it's fucking embarrassing.

You get the politicians you deserve. Prioritise snazzy charlatans over technocrats and this is what you get.


Well-Known Member
Sorry mate juat making the point there has been 50mph permanently in place officialky since official Brexit launch date and last few days (and several instances before) the M20 has been completely shut. This is due primarily to extra Brexit checks at Dover. Billions spent creating a new inland port authority solely checking HGVs leaving Dover and Folkestone.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about Johnson or Sunak? Targeting refugees to get votes is as low as you can get as a human being in my view. Just for his your own ego and power he is prepared to pick in people who are fleeing their homes to avoid persecution.

Not sure even can legally cap the numbers can you? A claim is either valid or it’s not

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Not sure even can legally cap the numbers can you? A claim is either valid or it’s not

Well more than one Tory PM in this stretch has tried and failed to stick to immigration targets so he presumably can’t credibly make another such pledge.

But when it comes to people making credible asylum claims I don’t think even the nasty party can refuse them. Though it wouldn’t stop Patel from trying.

Deleted member 9744

Not sure even can legally cap the numbers can you? A claim is either valid or it’s not
No you can't but this Government doesn't care about international law, hence the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill.


Well-Known Member
It’s so weird. Basically all the people left worrying about immigration are in the Tory Party, so they’re going big on something most of the electorate doesn’t care about. Same with tax cuts and burning regulations.

Going to be interesting to see how much of this sticks around after the contest is over.


Well-Known Member
Are you talking about Johnson or Sunak? Targeting refugees to get votes is as low as you can get as a human being in my view. Just for his your own ego and power he is prepared to pick in people who are fleeing their homes to avoid persecution.

I was referring to Johnson's cosplaying.

Truss is going after migrants even harder:


Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
It’s so weird. Basically all the people left worrying about immigration are in the Tory Party, so they’re going big on something most of the electorate doesn’t care about. Same with tax cuts and burning regulations.

Going to be interesting to see how much of this sticks around after the contest is over.

Well they need to appeal to Grendel to win the leadership and to Steve to win a general election. So judge the pivot from that


Well-Known Member
Brexit always meant extra passport checks at the border. The Government (and Dover), knew about what would happen back in 2020.

It was a conscious choice to do nothing about it. The government rejected additional funding for more passport control booths at Dover.

Brexiteers like Truss are incapable of taking responsibility for their own (foreseeably shit) decisions, or even sticking to what they've already agreed.

This clearly isn't France's fault - it's unbelievable that it's being presented as such.


Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Brexit always meant extra passport checks at the border. The Government (and Dover), knew about what would happen back in 2020.

It was a conscious choice to do nothing about it. The government rejected additional funding for more passport control booths at Dover.

Brexiteers like Truss are incapable of taking responsibility for their own (foreseeably shit) decisions, or even sticking to what they've already agreed.

This clearly isn't France's fault - it's unbelievable that it's being presented as such.

Well with headlines like this one can just shake their head


clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Well with headlines like this one can just shake their head

They were understaffed for a short period yesterday so I'm sure that contributed.
There seems to be some disagreement as to why that was but if that was the cause everything should be ok in a few days once the back logs cleared.
Let's see.

What I don't understand, is why leave voters are accepting all the shit that's gone on since we left the EU, (shit that some of us on the EU thread predicted), why aren't they going mad because they're not getting the brexit they expected and were promised instead of swallowing bullshit excuse after bullshit excuse and this blame game bollocks

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
They were understaffed for a short period yesterday so I'm sure that contributed.
There seems to be some disagreement as to why that was but if that was the cause everything should be ok in a few days once the back logs cleared.
Let's see.

What I don't understand, is why leave voters are accepting all the shit that's gone on since we left the EU, (shit that some of us on the EU thread predicted), why aren't they going mad because they're not getting the brexit they expected and were promised instead of swallowing bullshit excuse after bullshit excuse and this blame game bollocks

Some people thought a 52-48 result was carte blanche to stick two fingers up at the EU and live happily ever after. At least some people I know who voted for it have admitted it was a mistake and that we should at least seek some kind of economic reintegration just to cut the red tape at the borders.

It’s funny that Sunak is so keen to cut the regulations that nobody notices or could even name in this country but is fine keeping the new ones that are making things genuinely harder. In any sane country these charlatans would have left office years ago never mind been given a stonking majority.


Well-Known Member
They were understaffed for a short period yesterday so I'm sure that contributed.
There seems to be some disagreement as to why that was but if that was the cause everything should be ok in a few days once the back logs cleared.
Let's see.

What I don't understand, is why leave voters are accepting all the shit that's gone on since we left the EU, (shit that some of us on the EU thread predicted), why aren't they going mad because they're not getting the brexit they expected and were promised instead of swallowing bullshit excuse after bullshit excuse and this blame game bollocks

The last question is easy enough to answer; no one who supported or voted for brexit is going to concede (yet) that it was a terrible decision.

On that basis, all that's left is to find someone to blame for the fall-out.

Having spent decades whilst in the EU blaming them for things that they weren't responsible for, we're now going to do exactly the same even though we're out.


Well-Known Member
They were understaffed for a short period yesterday so I'm sure that contributed.
There seems to be some disagreement as to why that was but if that was the cause everything should be ok in a few days once the back logs cleared.
Let's see.

What I don't understand, is why leave voters are accepting all the shit that's gone on since we left the EU, (shit that some of us on the EU thread predicted), why aren't they going mad because they're not getting the brexit they expected and were promised instead of swallowing bullshit excuse after bullshit excuse and this blame game bollocks

Exactly. They should be furious at what's happened. I know I would be if I'd been promised all that and none of it materialised.

The fact that they seemingly aren't bothered means either 1) they're too embarrassed to admit they didn't know what they were voting for or to admit they got duped or 2) for many people they just wanted to "kick 'em out" and any other apparent benefits were just convenient excuses to cover their xenophobia

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