Well-Known Member
SNP? NHS England figures.And SNP and Labour
SNP? NHS England figures.And SNP and Labour
SNP? NHS England figures.
Your chances are better in Scotland though. Doesn’t help that the UK government chose to turn industrial action into a weapon of the phoney culture war and that effected England more as devolved governments settled their disputes sooner. Then there’s thispressed post before finishing but read the whole article and also check to see how wales and Scotland are doing. This is a Uk wide problem
Your chances are better in Scotland though. Doesn’t help that the UK government chose to turn industrial action into a weapon of the phoney culture war and that effected England more as devolved governments settled their disputes sooner. Then there’s this
Rishi Sunak accused of personally holding up deal to end doctors’ strikes | Rishi Sunak | The Guardian
Exclusive: Sources say PM has blocked talks due to concerns about knock-on effect of more generous pay
Your chances are better in Scotland though. Doesn’t help that the UK government chose to turn industrial action into a weapon of the phoney culture war and that effected England more as devolved governments settled their disputes sooner. Then there’s this
Rishi Sunak accused of personally holding up deal to end doctors’ strikes | Rishi Sunak | The Guardian
Exclusive: Sources say PM has blocked talks due to concerns about knock-on effect of more generous pay
If the pay and conditions are so good why are we struggling to recruit and retain?Don’t believe all the culture war stuff from the BMA. One of Sunaks main pledges and the one most people probably care about was to get waiting lists down. The easiest thing to do would be to pay people whatever they want to ensure there’s no strikes.
I know a lot of posters are behind every strike but do people really think consultants weren’t offered a good deal to the point that warrants striking ? Rise of 6% from April plus extra average of 5% extra (0-13% extra)
If the pay and conditions are so good why are we struggling to recruit and retain?
The salient point is this: the NHS overall is in a worse state than it was in 2010. That so many medical professionals have gone on strike, when mostly they are extremely reluctant to and we have laws designed to obfuscate strike ballots in the first place, is the cherry on the cake.Worth having a look at the recruitment stats as well as what’s said in the media. I doubt many consultants are leaving as most make a fortune doing private work to supplement a decent salary and more than decent pension
In general though since 2019 there’s 50k more nurses. Doctors numbers are also increasing
UK doctor workforce grows, but more graduates needed
The UK doctor workforce continues to grow despite increasing rates of burnout, according to GMC's annual workforce and education
Don’t get me wrong there’s a load more staff needed but this is a complex issue, post covid medical problems are flooding through and I believe will continue to do so and I won’t go over population growth (again)
We’re a growing, aging, unhealthy population
The salient point is this: the NHS overall is in a worse state than it was in 2010. That so many medical professionals have gone on strike, when mostly they are extremely reluctant to and we have laws designed to obfuscate strike ballots in the first place, is the cherry on the cake.
Ideologically we have a governing party who think the public sector isn’t fit for purpose and prioritise tax giveaways and bumper contracts for their mates. What’s going on now is 14 years of that coming home to roost.
That bit on paying more for it is the problem the Tories have. The answer to funding better public services is higher taxes but it would mean charging more off their mates so they don’t want to do it.I 100% agree it’s in a worst state. But as I say there are various things at play that will continue to put pressure on the nhs. If we want a better health service (inc social care) we’ve all got to accept we’ll have to pay a fair bit more for it, stop taking it for granted and try to take some personal responsibility for our own health
I agreed with the nurses strike, the junior doctors I have some sympathy, the consultants not really.
That bit on paying more for it is the problem the Tories have. The answer to funding better public services is higher taxes but it would mean charging more off their mates so they don’t want to do it.
What did it get used for?Everyone will have to pay more and generally people don’t want to….like the uproar when the NIC was increased to supplement social care. We all want better services but someone else has to pay![]()
What did it get used for?
Just remember it wasn't used as intended?NIC ? NHS post covid initially. Was it then unwound ?
Politicians are too scared to have that conversation though.Everyone will have to pay more and generally people don’t want to….like the uproar when the NIC was increased to supplement social care. We all want better services but someone else has to pay![]()
Well there's a belief that it's fair to deny others the right to own a property and make a profit on that, it's certainly taken hold as a belief system nobody brings that up any longer.Politicians are too scared to have that conversation though.
Personally I think a lot of concern about NIC increases to cover social care are around where the money will end up.Everyone will have to pay more and generally people don’t want to….like the uproar when the NIC was increased to supplement social care. We all want better services but someone else has to pay![]()
Perhaps if the well off paid more due to their wealth there would be less uproar….Everyone will have to pay more and generally people don’t want to….like the uproar when the NIC was increased to supplement social care. We all want better services but someone else has to pay![]()
The fiscal rules will address thisFuck the Tories.
Cancer waiting times in 2023 worst on record in England
Proportion starting treatment within 62 days in England drops to new low after 11 years of
I meant it's a stupid conversation about a meaningless measureOh dear.
The fiscal rules will address this
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Perfectly well thanks. You've proved time and time again you can't, and have done so again today.
So if I can’t read how can I answer your posts?
It’s because of people like you who have zero principles or beliefs we end up with one car crash government after another.
Genuine labour supporters on here think you are an idiot. Which of course you are.
Fuck off you twat, you voted Tory, you voted Brexit. It's because of people like you we've got this car crash government.
Own it you dense prick.
Oh dear. So basically you are saying anyone who voted Tory is a thick twat and therefore I assume you would not want those thick twats to vote labour?
Didn’t you vote for Jeremy Corbyn? Someone who was always opposed to the Eu?
No wonder most labour leaning people on here cringe every time you post.
I couldn't give a toss what anyone on here thinks of me. Especially you.
FWIW I've had numerous DMs from people calling you a racist prick.
Now bore off.
Anyway. Moving on from that idiot.
Sunak's response makes zero sense: