Do you want to discuss boring politics? (65 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
The ‘Red Wall’ MP’s won’t vote for it, the feeling amongst a lot of them is that they owe their seat to him

If he joins Reform before the next GE I can see a lot of them defecting
You wouldn’t put it past him either. This is not the sort of challenge to his fragile ego he’s used to or expects. It wouldn’t take much eye fluttering from Reform, his ego would love it. Couple that with his hatred and not hidden desire to take down Sunak it really shouldn’t surprise anyone if it happens. Watching the Rees-Mogg interview on C4 News tonight the interview ended with questions on the possibility of Boris defecting. It’s almost as if the writing is on the wall. We’ll see.

David O'Day

Well-Known Member
You wouldn’t put it past him either. This is not the sort of challenge to his fragile ego he’s used to or expects. It wouldn’t take much eye fluttering from Reform, his ego would love it. Couple that with his hatred and not hidden desire to take down Sunak it really shouldn’t surprise anyone if it happens. Watching the Rees-Mogg interview on C4 News tonight the interview ended with questions on the possibility of Boris defecting. It’s almost as if the writing is on the wall. We’ll see.
That would be beautiful as it would kill the tories off for a decade

It'll be like labour in the 80s


Well-Known Member
Would just mean more apathy
Decisions are taken by those that engage
Change what you can or maybe can be bothered to accept what you can’t ??

Pete, as ever you are a man of reason and I know where you and others are coming from with this.

The truth is though, that I can't 'engage' with this version of the Labour party. They are becoming less and less aligned to the things that are important to me; equality of opportunity, a fairer distribution of wealth, proper support for the welfare state and NHS, protection of the environment (honesty from the leader would be nice too!).

Do I hold my nose and vote for a party I no longer believe in because the Tories are even worse, or do I hold true to my principles and vote for someone else (or indeed no one)?

I'm very much of the opinion that until we get some form of PR back on the table we're all hostages to two parties, neither of whom are particularly trustworthy, and both of whom see politics as a game to be won rather than as an instrument for genuine change.

Neither party offers a compelling vision of a Britain that I want my kids to grow up in. It is hugely depressing.


Well-Known Member

so he has far less support than he wants you to think

Exactly what he did after Truss was ousted. Him and his cult tried to blag he had or would have the numbers to get on the ballot paper knowing full well he didn’t and wouldn’t. Presumably in the hope that Sunak would buy it, pull out leaving Boris the only candidate and therefore take the job by default.


Well-Known Member
A very hypothetical question but what happens to the 90 day suspension now he’s resigned?

Suppose he stood in one of the by-elections as and independent or a member of another party and then got elected to parliament. Was the slate wiped clean (so to speak) because he resigned or would he be instantly subject to a 90 day suspension triggering a by-election? If he wants to continue his political career it must be the former? Or is the real reason Nads hasn’t officially resigned is to let 90 days pass from the vote on Monday, then resign leaving Boris to run for her seat? I would think if he’s still a member of the conservatives he could in theory be selected to run by the local party and run as the Tory candidate, he wouldn’t even have to resign the party and run as an independent or join another party. Got a feeling that this isn’t over yet. Sunak could be in for a rough ride.


Well-Known Member
Sweet Jesus

What chance have we got?
They often hide in plain sight if the opportunity is there. Just look at all the world of entertainment. Savile, Harris, Glitter, Schofield. Then there’s the culture within the police force.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
Sweet Jesus

What chance have we got?
You know thought that the line between good and evil is drawn between each of us and so this shouldn’t come as a surprise.
Was reading a parole decision about pitchfork and how he was recalled to prison and later it was found there was ok evidence to make that decision
If we assume a person because of their role or background is either telling the truth or lying purely based on their role or background we will continually see issues like this
Evidential based decision making is what we need
We won’t get it though


Well-Known Member
So Johnson has a new job writing a column in the Mail starting Saturday and guess what. He’s broke the rules again. Given his position as a former minister he’s required to apply for approval before accepting the job. No suggestion that it wouldn’t have been approved but the fact is he just didn’t bother applying for the approval and accepted the job. Once again he believes that the usual parliamentary rules don’t apply to him. But he’s the real victim.


Well-Known Member
This really is disgusting from the leader's speech writer, straight up racism.

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Another Tory resigns as an MP, this is the coke and sex offences one

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David O'Day

Well-Known Member
Also the person who has been storing the Tory party video's until now? Well played

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Well-Known Member
I really hope they go after the people responsible for embezzling money from the furlough scheme and PPE contracts now.

There are people who really should be in jail.
Can’t see it in this parliament. Too many Tory cronies involved for the Tories to do it. It might be for the next government to do it. You would think they would for political gain too given that it’s largely Tory cronies who benefited, especially where PPE is concerned. The next government needs to seriously look at who was given a golden visa and start taking them back. All these Russians with Putin connections should be the starting point with a full deployment of the unexplained wealth laws too.

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