It's a lack of a credible alternative and a belief that given the cost people have paid, we should vote.
Vote Green? Yeah, we'll turn all our armed forces' bases into nature sanctuaries and not have an armed forces, we'll rely on some kind of local militia as a defense force. We'll go into permanent recession because aiming for constant growth is unsustainable. We'll give every single citizen a weekly income regardless of status or age, further education will be totally free for all, overnight they'll be massive % reductions in public transport costs and re-nationalization of all public utilities, a minimum wage of £10 an hour. Huge hikes in petrol duty, with the aim of phasing our all fossil fuels and go 100% renewable. The hundreds of billions this will all cost will all be raised by higher income taxes for those at the top and a wealth tax, apparently. Full-time work will be discouraged because we should all grow our own food and become self-sufficient, we can then barter our neighbors with these goods and exchange them for other things we may need. Consumerism is bad, full stop. No restrictions of any kind on immigration. That's what they believe, according to their website anyway. Their site may have been undated since as I'm not sure if they've published their manifesto yet, but those were all of on there only a matter of months ago when I checked. All barmy stuff.
UKIP - Their manifesto was nearly as barmy as the Green's in 2010, flat rate taxes, literally doubling the defense budget, selling off the health service, immediate withdrawal from the EU ect. They appear to want to be taken seriously this time as they've now gone full swing on certain issues, fully publicly owned health service; living wage; not doubling the defense but promising to maintain the 2% of GDP figure, which is obviously a lot more credible. I actually have an element of sympathy with the immigration argument, it does seem some what insane to me to keep importing cheap foreign labor when there's still 2 million unemployed and millions more under-employed. Survey after survey shows immigrants contribute more than they take out, it doesn't mean they're not suppressing wages however which is a massive problem. A kid who I went to school with set up a valeting business straight out of school; he waas renting a small unit and was making decent money. He was charging 12 pound a head 10 years ago, he'd easily do a 100 cars a week in summer working on his own. 4 Polish guys moved onto an old garage forecourt down the road and were doing it for 4 quid. He lost everything. I know there's a lot of builders, plumbers, sparky's ect in the same boat. That said, locally at least I still find there's a very dark undertone to how many talk about immigration. I also refuse to believe suddenly they're passionate about the NHS, rather than just electioneering.
That's the reason I'll vote either Tory or Labour.