fernandopartridge Well-Known Member Yesterday at 11:47 PM #491 Perennial Lurker said: Mate put down the Ellis Simms doll and go to bed Click to expand... Weird, I said he should have started today and generally defend him but there was an obvious contrast today in application between him and the player he replaced.
Perennial Lurker said: Mate put down the Ellis Simms doll and go to bed Click to expand... Weird, I said he should have started today and generally defend him but there was an obvious contrast today in application between him and the player he replaced.
covcity4life Well-Known Member Today at 12:13 AM #492 Perennial Lurker said: I suggest you go through some of those 12 match threads and rating threads and , apart from the latter games , he was being rated very highly Click to expand... That's my point. Some of us feel he's being rated too highly.
Perennial Lurker said: I suggest you go through some of those 12 match threads and rating threads and , apart from the latter games , he was being rated very highly Click to expand... That's my point. Some of us feel he's being rated too highly.