RIP to those at Manchester and condolences to the families who have lost loved ones.
Like others it resonates because as a dad I have stood outside events waiting for daughters cursing them for being late and feeling relief when they emerge. Impossible to understand how those parents who are still waiting must feel today.
As for the hand wringing there is so much more that could be others have said re the Saudis etc, within and by the majority of peaceful law abiding Muslims, by you and me everyday. It is easy to dismiss the perpetrators as sick and religious fanatics but we must remember that they themselves (as well as many others who support them) see what they do as rational and within the tradition of their form of Islam. They are seen as Martyrs rather than extremists, God loving rather than fanatics, true believers rather than outsiders.
We will step up security over the next few days, arrest a few people and have endless discussion but within a week or so we will move on ...until the next atrocity. At some point, unless there is a real and determined, attempt to understand and address the issue on a global scale I fear a backlash, in some countries, that will target all (the innocent as well as the guilty) and destroy much of the cohesion that still exists in society.
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