Fans who called for admin (1 Viewer)

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So what happens now?? People called for it like it would fix all of our problems!


Well-Known Member
Does not work like that, admin is never good....


Well-Known Member
If we were 100% in admin maybe, but we've been divided up. More smoke and mirrors ffs. Just want a sustainable ccfc


Well-Known Member
Admin was never gonna solve all our problems, you only need to look at pompy and the majority of other teams that have gone into admin post points deduction.

I fear we have not hit rock bottom yet.
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Active Member
15 points from play offs -instead of 5 and now 12 points from relegation instead of 22 - how can administration and losing 10 points be any good for us. I am stating the fact as it is today - not what 'might' happen.
sad few days


New Member
A certain few including me wanted admit and sisu out, not admin with sisu still clinging on to the reigns. We wanted the club clear for a takeover, but thats a long way off now.

Im sure not one person wanted admin just for the sake of it

Oh for an Ian Gibson.

Well-Known Member
Nobody wanted admin for the sake of it, just a way of possibly forcing Sisu into relinquishing control of the club. What it has done is expose their business practice, from being 'debt free', qoute from Tim Fisher, we now have debts of £60million. I still feel admin will be worth the pain if eventually we see the back of Sisu, after all it would be the first we have seen of them at all.


Well-Known Member
I still think staying with SISU was preferable to going into admin.

-Take aim

My ideal scenario would have been that a deal was done on the rent, we avoided admin but that it was made clear to SISU that neither ACL nor Higgs would consider selling them a stake in the Arena. Their only option to get any sort return on their investment would have been either to be steer the club out of this division and back to the top flight, or sell up and cut their losses.

Far fetched? Yes, I guess, but not nearly as much as the idea that admin was the end to our problems, when in reality it is just the start of a load of new problems. And SISU are still here and will be for a good while I suspect.


A couple of weeks I sent in a text to Cwr when they had a that guy from the trust as fan of the week? saying that admin would be a disaster giving the example of what had happened at pompey as the way things could go.... I think the battle has just begun and things might get a lot darker... There is no way that I am pro sisu, we need owners with a strategy and all the rites that come with ownership of the Ricoh be that half or full ie: f and b , and terms to develop the surrounding area... Who this will be I don't know, I don't even know if such a person even exists


Well-Known Member
Failure? Oh absolutely, they have mismanaged the club, no question. But then, we haven't had a top 6 finish for 43 years, so that mismanagement goes back a long way unfortunately.

I yearn for the day we have owners with vision, but they need money to back that up (even more than SISU). I don't believe there is anyone who would take on this basket case of a club. I hope I am proved wrong.

Bill Glazier

Active Member
Please understand that 10 point deduction now is by far the best outcome; much better than starting next season with a possibly bigger deduction. What were the odds on promotion before the deduction ? Well , I'd say we had about a 10% chance of reaching the playoffs - maybe 15% if you're feeling generous. And then we would have had a 25% chance of winning through. These are vanishingly small odds.

With luck the club can now avoid more deductions and keep our lg 1 status . There is now time to get rid of Sisu , restructure the club and start afresh, maybe with some an trust ownership and with the great prospect of the club owning it own ground once more. This is the only future that can work.


Well-Known Member
Please understand that 10 point deduction now is by far the best outcome; much better than starting next season with a possibly bigger deduction. What were the odds on promotion before the deduction ? Well , I'd say we had about a 10% chance of reaching the playoffs - maybe 15% if you're feeling generous. And then we would have had a 25% chance of winning through. These are vanishingly small odds.

With luck the club can now avoid more deductions and keep our lg 1 status . There is now time to get rid of Sisu , restructure the club and start afresh, maybe with some an trust ownership and with the great prospect of the club owning it own ground once more. This is the only future that can work.

We will get 15 points next season as wrll


New Member
Does anyone actually know yet what our particular brand of Admin entails??? I'm not sure I do. Usually it means a change of ownership completely but in this case for the moment we are still stuck with the same idiots. Lets give it the 6 weeks and see if these 'Investors' are genuine?!

Houchens Head

Fairly well known member from Malvern
We're doomed, I tells ya!! DOOMED!!


Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Failure? Oh absolutely, they have mismanaged the club, no question. But then, we haven't had a top 6 finish for 43 years, so that mismanagement goes back a long way unfortunately.

I yearn for the day we have owners with vision, but they need money to back that up (even more than SISU). I don't believe there is anyone who would take on this basket case of a club. I hope I am proved wrong.

Well, now we will soon find out whether the only one to publicly state interest is actually serious about his intentions. If SISU are still here next season and the Ricoh squabbling isn't settled then we're in for a struggle.


So people who were touting admin would be the best thing didnt really think it through?


Well-Known Member
Why wil we get 15 nxt year also, theres nothing to suggest this, just people putting it out there so in 8months time they can say i told u so

Because new owners will have to agree with sisu terms to exit administration. Otherwise the administrator sells without consent and we exit without a voluntary CVA - automatic 15 points penalty.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
That will happen of anyone is interested and will incur a minimum 15 points penalty.

There is of course the possibility that they declare an amount of the debt they want back, new owners meet that and there is no such penalty. I'd also like to know who would take over SBS+L and CCFCH; presumably those would have to be part of the package.

Sky Blue Kid

Well-Known Member
I still think staying with SISU was preferable to going into admin.

-Take aim

BANG!.....Staying with SISU would see us fall even further down the leagues.
If we had got promotion back into the Championship without a 10 points deduction, do you really think this team is good enough to even compete, let alone win any games?...What would be needed?.....A vast injection of quality players compared to the ones we have now.....Who would fork out the money to pay for good players? Certainly not SISU...Do you see them breaking a habit of a lifetime and actually use their own money instead of getting rid of a player on £6k per week and bringing in 3 shit players on wages totalling £5k. looks brilliant on paper, but is in fact tripe!:facepalm:
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