few thoughts and other stuff (2 Viewers)


CCFC Finance Director
In no particular order

1)Recent up date at company house. Otium have issued 166,000 more shares.
Share movements
original 1000 issued
increased to 501,000 23/10/13 (to comply with FL insolvency rules for New Co exit from insolvency)
increased 10/01/14 to 1,985,000 by issue of 1,484,000 preference shares to ARVO
increased 30/04/14 to 2,151,000 by issue of more preference shares to ARVO
Interesting that the agreement to resolutions issued 05/05/14 concerning the latest share issue was signed by Fisher for Otium but by Dermott Coleman for ARVO. That now confirms both Coleman & Seppala are both involved in ARVO (as well as SISU Group)

2)Valuations The £1 stated value in the 2013 CCC accounts of their investment in North Coventry Holdings and the £6.5m stated in the AEHC accounts are not market valuations of ACL or 50% of ACL. Both these amounts are not recent adjustments to reflect current worth. Both these amounts were adjusted to those figures in 2003 or 2005.

Asking for the valuations in 2012 is not in my opinion about resolving this dispute, but more about PR - trying to sway public opinion - they will be covered in the JR wont they? . The valuations are out of date and pre any restructuring. I assume the hope is to show that ACL/CCC/AEHC were being unreasonable in their valuations then not selling to SISU and that the valuations prove to be less than the £14m loan so public funds misused. All it would actually do is probably confuse things further. Yes we would all like to see the valuations, but we have at this moment no legal right to. I would think that ML knows much of the contents in any case but can't get the reports out in the public domain without AEHC & CCC approval. Lets be honest with a court case pending in just under a month would you feel the need to release the information. I should image the SISU PR machine is feeling a little frustrated by the lack of response/comment (information) coming out of AEHC & CCC.

The key valuation would be a current one if there was a deal in the air - I do not think there is. But on what basis, who pays the bill, who is the report to be for,etc. CCC do not require a valuation their carrying cost is £1 and there is no requirement to show at market value. The Charity have assessed the value of their investment and concluded it is more than £6.5m they do not need a valuation. Only ones that need a valuation is SISU it looks like to me. What happened in 2012 no longer has a relevance to a current deal in my opinion - and disclosure of the valuations would distract from the real CURRENT problem, the financial viability of CCFC.

I think a concern I have is that from the recent comments from AEHC and CCC plus the carrying values in their accounts that for now they have no interest in a deal on ownership with CCFC. That might be taking a risk on their part, but it might be based on current business and future plans however. We can only wait and see. But it increases the risk to CCFC

3) Arbitration/mediation. Well from a fans point of view it makes sense got to agree with that. Trouble is the reality of the situation seems to imply it wont happen. The only thing ACL can offer is a rent deal. CCC are not inclined to sell the freehold. SISU want outright ownership with all impediments gone. Previously ACL said they would not enter such a process and the first thing ML did in saying yes was to add all sorts of other things in. To work both sides have to buy in to the deal and it has to be about going forward only not what happened before. I am starting to think however that ACL & CCC at this time do not feel the need to propose more deals or enter such process - you have to ask have they something to hide or is it that CCFC are just about out of time for a return as partner or anchor tenant?

4) The Trust doing a deal with ACL then renting to CCFC is an idea but I think unworkable. Why should it be necessary? It could leave the Trust liable for a rent but no sub tenant, it doesn't solve the Clubs problem regarding income

5) What do you get by buying the shares of ACl. Primarily a long term asset on the balance sheet (that would be something for CCFC for a change). A place at the stadium decision making table. I am sure a deal could be structured that gave credit to the club for incomes under FL rules even if under Companies Act rules it doesn't. Owning 50% does not mean under company law you have a right to 50% of the sales. Owning shares gives you rights to income from those shares by way of dividend. The shares give you a share of all assets & liabilities of the company and is reflected in the purchase price of the shares.

6) Deferred income There has been discussion about deferred income in the ACL accounts regarding the Isle of Capri lease termination. Have explained this previously as normal business practice and no great mystery. So normal that SBS&L group has a similar category of income disclosed in all its accounts to date, and a similar category in the CCFC Group accounts previous to SISU. Summary of results since 2002 is on the Trust website

7) Combined figures Got to thinking what if the figures for SBS&L and ACL groups had been one New Group for 2012 and 2013. All this is conjecture and very rudimentary Exclude say £2m rent and intercompany trading, say that the ACL directors costs removed, New Group run by CCFC directors, that a deal to write off all ACL debt done so no interest on that part of the finance.

Figures would have included in round figures
......................... 2012...........................2013
Turnover 16.6m ........................... 19.0m
cost of sales - 2.9m ........................... - 5.6m
staff costs -11.3m............................- 7.9m
other costs -6.9m ......................... -11.2m

operating loss - 4.5m ......................... -5.7m

player sales 2.8m ............................ 1.6m
other sales etc 1.4m .......................... 0.48m

Interest -1.3m ....................... -1.8m

overall loss -1.6m ........................ - 5.4m (disclosed losses SBS&L 2012 4m 2013 7.1m ACL disclosed profits 2012 1.1m and 0.775m 2013)

to me on that basis without cost savings, increased turnover, better margins and player sales then such a group is unviable in normal business terms. It would still require owner or third party funding and greater and greater debt. Promotion brings extra income but greater player cost. Reduction of player costs makes promotion harder to achieve. Catch 22 situation really for the club but just reinforces what the real financial target is in my opinion

Just some thoughts - sure others will see it differently

one final thought - yes I know finance is my pet subject but ........there is currently almost no talk or clarification of any of the clubs finances, why is that?

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Well-Known Member
Glad you kept it to only a few thoughts OSB :D


Well-Known Member
How would you clear up this mess OSB58 that could benefit everyone?


CCFC Finance Director
How would you clear up this mess OSB58 that could benefit everyone?

I am not sure you can clear it up for the benefit of everyone........... I think somewhere someone has to lose an awful lot of money.

First and foremost I have to put the fans first, followed by CCFC, owners of entities & councils further down the list.

The fans want their club back and I think the time right for them to have a significant stake in the club (no I don't think fans 51% is necessary). I think that club has to be rooted firmly in its community and that community is in Coventry. There is no solution for anyone unless the team is playing in Coventry. I am not precious about it being in rather than a mile from the boundary but we have a stadium already that can accommodate it so that seems to be the place it should be.

CCFC needs a to live within its means and temper expectations to match those means, however those means should include all the match day income. Those sources can be acquired in any number of ways (bought in with long lease right down to as and when) but there is a cost to acquisition that needs to be a fair bargain. The club then needs to be working with its partners at the stadium which includes the fans but also the stadium owners etc. That partnership is essential for the future of the club but all parties have to be open and honest about short, medium and long term intentions. Can it be done on a lease yes but at a fair rate (1.4m pa is not now the deal or acceptable). There needs to be a symbiotic relationship - each stakeholder benefits the other not works against. The quickest and best way to gather new momentum is to be back at the Ricoh and to focus on the fans. Get their support and then the team may succeed....... lets be honest success right now for CCFC would be a top six finish.

It still needs sensible finance though to support it. To allow debts to mount to £40m is not sensible finance. But it will still require a firm hand and financial backing from owners that see a worth in compromise and a Council that is convinced of the Club ownership. That council and Charity need to see proper control then be open to moving on themselves

I think we are now at a point that CCFC does not carry as much significance for the stadium and City as it used to - that has to be rebuilt.

But somewhere down the line there is going to be irrecoverable losses for one side or the other or even both. Unless they all learn to work together nothing gets solved. Clock is ticking for that to happen I am afraid with the current parties involved.
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sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Very diplomatically put.
Just after your personal opinion do you think we will get back to the Ricoh whilst CCFC is owned by Sisu /Otium/ Arvo ?


CCFC Finance Director
Very diplomatically put.
Just after your personal opinion do you think we will get back to the Ricoh whilst CCFC is owned by Sisu /Otium/ Arvo ?

Don't know to be honest but if I had to then I would say it is unlikely ............ but it is not impossible and things may change to make it happen. Definitely do not see us playing there next season based on what we know

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
In no particular order

1)Recent up date at company house. Otium have issued 166,000 more shares.
Share movements
original 1000 issued
increased to 501,000 23/10/13 (to comply with FL insolvency rules for New Co exit from insolvency)
increased 10/01/14 to 1,985,000 by issue of 1,484,000 preference shares to ARVO
increased 30/04/14 to 2,151,000 by issue of more preference shares to ARVO
Interesting that the agreement to resolutions issued 05/05/14 concerning the latest share issue was signed by Fisher for Otium but by Dermott Coleman for ARVO. That now confirms both Coleman & Seppala are both involved in ARVO (as well as SISU Group)

2)Valuations The £1 stated value in the 2013 CCC accounts of their investment in North Coventry Holdings and the £6.5m stated in the AEHC accounts are not market valuations of ACL or 50% of ACL. Both these amounts are not recent adjustments to reflect current worth. Both these amounts were adjusted to those figures in 2003 or 2005.

Asking for the valuations in 2012 is not in my opinion about resolving this dispute, but more about PR - trying to sway public opinion - they will be covered in the JR wont they? . The valuations are out of date and pre any restructuring. I assume the hope is to show that ACL/CCC/AEHC were being unreasonable in their valuations then not selling to SISU and that the valuations prove to be less than the £14m loan so public funds misused. All it would actually do is probably confuse things further. Yes we would all like to see the valuations, but we have at this moment no legal right to. I would think that ML knows much of the contents in any case but can't get the reports out in the public domain without AEHC & CCC approval. Lets be honest with a court case pending in just under a month would you feel the need to release the information. I should image the SISU PR machine is feeling a little frustrated by the lack of response/comment (information) coming out of AEHC & CCC.

The key valuation would be a current one if there was a deal in the air - I do not think there is. But on what basis, who pays the bill, who is the report to be for,etc. CCC do not require a valuation their carrying cost is £1 and there is no requirement to show at market value. The Charity have assessed the value of their investment and concluded it is more than £6.5m they do not need a valuation. Only ones that need a valuation is SISU it looks like to me. What happened in 2012 no longer has a relevance to a current deal in my opinion - and disclosure of the valuations would distract from the real CURRENT problem, the financial viability of CCFC.

I think a concern I have is that from the recent comments from AEHC and CCC plus the carrying values in their accounts that for now they have no interest in a deal on ownership with CCFC. That might be taking a risk on their part, but it might be based on current business and future plans however. We can only wait and see. But it increases the risk to CCFC

3) Arbitration/mediation. Well from a fans point of view it makes sense got to agree with that. Trouble is the reality of the situation seems to imply it wont happen. The only thing ACL can offer is a rent deal. CCC are not inclined to sell the freehold. SISU want outright ownership with all impediments gone. Previously ACL said they would not enter such a process and the first thing ML did in saying yes was to add all sorts of other things in. To work both sides have to buy in to the deal and it has to be about going forward only not what happened before. I am starting to think however that ACL & CCC at this time do not feel the need to propose more deals or enter such process - you have to ask have they something to hide or is it that CCFC are just about out of time for a return as partner or anchor tenant?

4) The Trust doing a deal with ACL then renting to CCFC is an idea but I think unworkable. Why should it be necessary? It could leave the Trust liable for a rent but no sub tenant, it doesn't solve the Clubs problem regarding income

5) What do you get by buying the shares of ACl. Primarily a long term asset on the balance sheet (that would be something for CCFC for a change). A place at the stadium decision making table. I am sure a deal could be structured that gave credit to the club for incomes under FL rules even if under Companies Act rules it doesn't. Owning 50% does not mean under company law you have a right to 50% of the sales. Owning shares gives you rights to income from those shares by way of dividend. The shares give you a share of all assets & liabilities of the company and is reflected in the purchase price of the shares.

6) Deferred income There has been discussion about deferred income in the ACL accounts regarding the Isle of Capri lease termination. Have explained this previously as normal business practice and no great mystery. So normal that SBS&L group has a similar category of income disclosed in all its accounts to date, and a similar category in the CCFC Group accounts previous to SISU. Summary of results since 2002 is on the Trust website

7) Combined figures Got to thinking what if the figures for SBS&L and ACL groups had been one New Group for 2012 and 2013. All this is conjecture and very rudimentary Exclude say £2m rent and intercompany trading, say that the ACL directors costs removed, New Group run by CCFC directors, that a deal to write off all ACL debt done so no interest on that part of the finance.

Figures would have included in round figures
......................... 2012...........................2013
Turnover 16.6m ........................... 19.0m
cost of sales - 2.9m ........................... - 5.6m
staff costs -11.3m............................- 7.9m
other costs -6.9m ......................... -11.2m

operating loss - 4.5m ......................... -5.7m

player sales 2.8m ............................ 1.6m
other sales etc 1.4m .......................... 0.48m

Interest -1.3m ....................... -1.8m

overall loss -1.6m ........................ - 5.4m (disclosed losses SBS&L 2012 4m 2013 7.1m ACL disclosed profits 2012 1.1m and 0.775m 2013)

to me on that basis without cost savings, increased turnover, better margins and player sales then such a group is unviable in normal business terms. It would still require owner or third party funding and greater and greater debt. Promotion brings extra income but greater player cost. Reduction of player costs makes promotion harder to achieve. Catch 22 situation really for the club but just reinforces what the real financial target is in my opinion

Just some thoughts - sure others will see it differently

one final thought - yes I know finance is my pet subject but ........there is currently almost no talk or clarification of any of the clubs finances, why is that?

Nice to see someone talking about the financial state of our club which is surely the most important thing to us compared to all this talk of a company that at present CCFC has nothing to do with. Let us see if some posters on here want to keep this in the public eye about the loses we are incurring compared to what ACL are making/losing.

Jack Griffin

Yeah, you are right someone has to write off a lot of money, that is why there will be no resolution till the argument in court is done & dusted.

I know who I want to take the hit, SISU.
I know who I do not want to take the hit, AEHC.
The rest I'm not really concerned about.


CCFC Finance Director
Just something else that keeps being mentioned

management charges.

There are no details in the published accounts of Otium paying management charges to anyone.

What did used to happen was that CCFC Ltd paid CCFC H management charges of around 2.6m. That was disclosed as income in CCFC H Ltd and formed part of administrative expenses in CCFC Ltd. When the Group accounts were put together the two amounts contra out to nil. The purpose of these management charges was to transfer costs from CCFC H and to attribute them to CCFC Ltd (eg the rent was shown in CCFC H but clearly the lease was held by CCFC Ltd)

No other disclosures have been made concerning management charges. If they had been paid to SISU then this should have been disclosed in the notes to accounts under related parties.

Interest however is now being paid to ARVO and on the SISU investors loans

ARVO ..................£1309524............£252226
SISU Investors.......£200000 ........... £256667

TOTAL ..................£1,509,524 ......... £508,893

No it hasn't been paid over yet but it is still due and a charge against profits
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Well-Known Member
Osb, based on what you know, what would you say this year's figures look like?


CCFC Finance Director
I don't think they will show such big losses to be honest

They have had monies in from Cup games, sale of Leon Clarke, add on's for former player sales and the rates rebate (am assuming paid to them). There will also be monies due for prize money & TVetc. Costs at Sixfields are very low and the club shop was shut from March to December. The wage bill will have been very low although still the biggest expense. The next biggest expense will be the interest charges to ARVO and SISU investors I would guess. The academy costs were paired right back too. Turnover from matches and shop will be down and there is a liability to pay ACL of £590k. Advertising income will be poor and there is little sponsorship money

They have been operating on a shoe string. Pure guess but 2m to 3m loss ?


Well-Known Member
Interest however is now being paid to ARVO and on the SISU investors loans

ARVO ..................£1309524............£252226
SISU Investors.......£200000 ........... £256667

TOTAL ..................£1,509,524 ......... £508,893

Ironic that the interest paid to Arvo and SISU investors in 2013 was over £1.5m - more than the original £1.4m/year Ricoh rental.

It looks to me like our owners are well and truly stuck up shit creek, with their only hope of rescue a tiny paddle called 'JR'.....


Well-Known Member
Just something else that keeps being mentioned

management charges.

There are no details in the published accounts of Otium paying management charges to anyone.

What did used to happen was that CCFC Ltd paid CCFC H management charges of around 2.6m. That was disclosed as income in CCFC H Ltd and formed part of administrative expenses in CCFC Ltd. When the Group accounts were put together the two amounts contra out to nil. The purpose of these management charges was to transfer costs from CCFC H and to attribute them to CCFC Ltd (eg the rent was shown in CCFC H but clearly the lease was held by CCFC Ltd)

No other disclosures have been made concerning management charges. If they had been paid to SISU then this should have been disclosed in the notes to accounts under related parties.

Interest however is now being paid to ARVO and on the SISU investors loans

ARVO ..................£1309524............£252226
SISU Investors.......£200000 ........... £256667

TOTAL ..................£1,509,524 ......... £508,893

No it hasn't been paid over yet but it is still due and a charge against profits

Strangely no likes yet for this one from the usual suspects


CCFC Finance Director
when is the payment due to ACL that was agreed with FL as part of getting the golden share? I thought it was by end of the season? ie should have been paid by now if so has it?
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Well-Known Member
Interest however is now being paid to ARVO and on the SISU investors loans

ARVO ..................£1309524............£252226
SISU Investors.......£200000 ........... £256667

TOTAL ..................£1,509,524 ......... £508,893

Ironic that the interest paid to Arvo and SISU investors in 2013 was over £1.5m - more than the original £1.4m/year Ricoh rental.

It looks to me like our owners are well and truly stuck up shit creek, with their only hope of rescue a tiny paddle called 'JR'.....

The difference is of course that the rent was paid all those years, this interest hasn't actually(yet) been paid to anybody.


Well-Known Member
2)Valuations The £1 stated value in the 2013 CCC accounts of their investment in North Coventry Holdings and the £6.5m stated in the AEHC accounts are not market valuations of ACL or 50% of ACL. Both these amounts are not recent adjustments to reflect current worth. Both these amounts were adjusted to those figures in 2003 or 2005.

Though Higgs value their share at £6.5million, it appears to be shown as worth £2million as an asset in the accounts If I've read it right, which could explain the £2million "cash" offer.


Well-Known Member
The difference is of course that the rent was paid all those years, this interest hasn't actually(yet) been paid to anybody.

No its just been added to the pile of debt. That's much better.


Well-Known Member
OSB - you said about a valuation of the Ricoh complex? How much would something like that cost? Could as fans we donate to a fund to pay for it, or would there have to be permission to do such a thing?


Well-Known Member
OSB - you said about a valuation of the Ricoh complex? How much would something like that cost? Could as fans we donate to a fund to pay for it, or would there have to be permission to do such a thing?

I get why you would want to do this, and I do agree we could do it to an extent. But realistically how much further should the fans bend??


CCFC Finance Director
Though Higgs value their share at £6.5million, it appears to be shown as worth £2million as an asset in the accounts If I've read it right, which could explain the £2million "cash" offer.

Not quite right LS. Football investors was originally set up by CCFC. It had share capital of £2m and Cash £2m that cash was used to purchase 50% in the ACL joint venture.

What then happened was that CCFC were paid by AEHC £6.5m for the shares it owned in Football investors. The cost of investment for the Charity is £6.5m but that money was never put in to Football Investors it was paid to the CCFC Group. The number of shares issued in Football Investors never changed nor did the amount Football Investors put in to the joint venture.

Consequently when summarising the FIL balance sheet in the AEHC accounts then £2m appears, but at the same time the cost of investment made by the Charity is £6.6m.

Think of it like buying a £1 share in BT that may be worth £9 on the stock market and that is the price you pay. BT would still have the same number of shares issued though at £1 each

Hope that all makes sense


Well-Known Member
I get why you would want to do this, and I do agree we could do it to an extent. But realistically how much further should the fans bend??

We can be the mature ones in this... unlike everyone else. I'm sure we are all getting bored of the debate, and none of us are ever going to win these debates ;)


Well-Known Member
It was only a few posts up, if you're going to be too lazy to read that's your problem really, not mine.

I can see the bit where he says interest is now being paid and then quotes the figures. Can't see a bit where anyone says it's not actually being paid and is just a figure in the books because of x, y & z. Except your comment that the interest isn't actually paid.

So perhaps you'd be kind enough to explain it in layman terms to someone with the IQ of a toilet cleaner seeing as you apparently understand it.


CCFC Finance Director
OSB - you said about a valuation of the Ricoh complex? How much would something like that cost? Could as fans we donate to a fund to pay for it, or would there have to be permission to do such a thing?

Could easily cost upwards of £10k Ian to value the land and business. To value the ACL business you would need access to the books and non disclosure agreements assuming you could get permission in the first place. To value the property properly you would need to access all areas again need permission. You would have to agree the basis of valuation and even if you got all that you would not have permission to make it public. But to what purpose?


Well-Known Member
Could easily cost upwards of £10k Ian to value the land and business. To value the ACL business you would need access to the books and non disclosure agreements assuming you could get permission in the first place. To value the property properly you would need to access all areas again need permission. You would have to agree the basis of valuation and even if you got all that you would not have permission to make it public. But to what purpose?

Just trying to think of ways to move this all along. Seems a lot more complicated than I imagined.


Well-Known Member
Not quite right LS. Football investors was originally set up by CCFC. It had share capital of £2m and Cash £2m that cash was used to purchase 50% in the ACL joint venture.

What then happened was that CCFC were paid by AEHC £6.5m for the shares it owned in Football investors. The cost of investment for the Charity is £6.5m but that money was never put in to Football Investors it was paid to the CCFC Group. The number of shares issued in Football Investors never changed nor did the amount Football Investors put in to the joint venture.

Consequently when summarising the FIL balance sheet in the AEHC accounts then £2m appears, but at the same time the cost of investment made by the Charity is £6.6m.

Think of it like buying a £1 share in BT that may be worth £9 on the stock market and that is the price you pay. BT would still have the same number of shares issued though at £1 each

Hope that all makes sense

Thanks for that, sort of makes sense!

Was just wondering as Football Investors ltd was only set up for the Stadium, thought that the £2million was set as the value for the share.

A (very) little knowledge a dangerous thing in my mind!


Well-Known Member
I can see the bit where he says interest is now being paid and then quotes the figures. Can't see a bit where anyone says it's not actually being paid and is just a figure in the books because of x, y & z. Except your comment that the interest isn't actually paid.

So perhaps you'd be kind enough to explain it in layman terms to someone with the IQ of a toilet cleaner seeing as you apparently understand it.

This bit perhaps?

Interest however is now being paid to ARVO and on the SISU investors loans

ARVO ..................£1309524............£252226
SISU Investors.......£200000 ........... £256667

TOTAL ..................£1,509,524 ......... £508,893

No it hasn't been paid over yet but it is still due and a charge against profits

Think might be some time before there are any profits for it to be a charge against myself.

Does anybody know when the club actually made a profit last?


Well-Known Member
This bit perhaps?

Think might be some time before there are any profits for it to be a charge against myself.

Does anybody know when the club actually made a profit last?

I remember it well. It was a double celebration. The football club made a profit, and Singers had just made the first motor car to go over 15 mph.

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