Fisher on CWR (5 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
If the club had not acted in such a reckless way Grendel it would be easier to agree with you. Fisher has turned a simple negotiation into a threat on the club's existence-he should not remain in employment regardless of outcome.


Well-Known Member
If the club had not acted in such a reckless way Grendel it would be easier to agree with you. Fisher has turned a simple negotiation into a threat on the club's existence-he should not remain in employment regardless of outcome.

If I am totally honest I think of he could force the rent down to want he wants he deserves a bonus. The club is dying. We are a very unattractive prospect for new owners principally because of the ground arrangement.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
The only offer he will accept is no rent at all from what is seen. He acknowledged the need to accommodate ACL's own financial obligations in the summer, was presented with a substantial reduction, and rejected it. He has since proceeded to overwhelmingly jeapordise the club's immediate future with this game of chicken. Bonus my arse.


Well-Known Member
So if SISU got promoted are they going to be willing to pay more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY ARSE,, some may have hatred and rightly so .. But some are blnided by bullshit and TF is a master of spouting it.... Facts are SISU owe and SISU have to pay by law already told to them by the high courts,,, why is this so hard to understand ,, no matter what is posted who thinks he, she or they are right the law states SISU should pay and have broke an agreement.

TF can come and suck my plums, and SW can take his chipmunk face out of coventry and never return for all i care,,, i just dont want to hear them anymore.. I want JO Seppala To get in a room with ACL and agree a deal not only for now but for the future of our club. And if Sisu can run it properly and take us forward, fair play to them although i dont see SISU stickin in much longer....


Well-Known Member
The only offer he will accept is no rent at all from what is seen. He acknowledged the need to accommodate ACL's own financial obligations in the summer, was presented with a substantial reduction, and rejected it. He has since proceeded to overwhelmingly jeapordise the club's immediate future with this game of chicken. Bonus my arse.

The reduction would still be higher than any club outside the Premier League.


Well-Known Member
The reduction would still be higher than any club outside the Premier League.

So what!!!!!!,, SISU signed it, since SISU have turned down multiple reductions,,,a court of law has say they owe they have to pay,...... IT DOESNT MATTER WHO YOU THINK IS RIGHT AS THE LAW FAVOURS ACL STANCE..


Well-Known Member
So what!!!!!!,, SISU signed it, since SISU have turned down multiple reductions,,,a court of law has say they owe they have to pay,...... IT DOESNT MATTER WHO YOU THINK IS RIGHT AS THE LAW FAVOURS ACL STANCE..

So you will dance with delight when Coventry city ceases to exist on Boxing Day will you? Personally I won't. Forgive me if I abstain from your obvious joy.


Well-Known Member
There shouyld be a sliding scale of rent from Conference to Premier League ! For me something like 100K at Confrence level , 150K at league 2, 300K for league 1, 500K for championship and 750K for top flight football!

would ACL accept something like this???


Well-Known Member
So what!!!!!!,, SISU signed it, since SISU have turned down multiple reductions,,,a court of law has say they owe they have to pay,...... IT DOESNT MATTER WHO YOU THINK IS RIGHT AS THE LAW FAVOURS ACL STANCE..

If sisu feck off do you expect the new owner to keep paying that level of rent?


Well-Known Member
If sisu feck off do you expect the new owner to keep paying that level of rent?

No chance so there will be no owner.

Most people on here seem to be relishing the clubs imminent destruction. The motion a new club will be formed is ludicrous.


Well-Known Member
So you will dance with delight when Coventry city ceases to exist on Boxing Day will you? Personally I won't. Forgive me if I abstain from your obvious joy.

You are guessing what my reaction will be,, my statement is fact,,, no guess work!!!.. What i want and what is going to happen could be two different things... You are as misguided and have no right to question my passion or loyalty towards the club, disagree but don't guess it makes you look foolish!!!!


Well-Known Member
You are guessing what my reaction will be,, my statement is fact,,, no guess work!!!.. What i want and what is going to happen could be two different things... You are as misguided and have no right to question my passion or loyalty towards the club, disagree but don't guess it makes you look foolish!!!!

What is foolish is wanting a club to pay 5 fold the average rent in this league. People on here who demand we sign mcgoldrick and in the same breath think we can exist with this noose round our neck, they are the foolish ones.


Well-Known Member
If sisu feck off do you expect the new owner to keep paying that level of rent?

No if SISU fook off i expect a legit company to make a new deal regarding the rent before crying when they make a mess of it. Surely if SISU would of done this instead of freely signing it today would not be an issue


Well-Known Member
No if SISU fook off i expect a legit company to make a new deal regarding the rent before crying when they make a mess of it. Surely if SISU would of done this instead of freely signing it today would not be an issue
They did not sign it, it is a historical agreement signed by Robinson, Eliott et al.

Sisu's biggest mistake is leaving it so long to renegotiate it.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
What is foolish is wanting a club to pay 5 fold the average rent in this league. People on here who demand we sign mcgoldrick and in the same breath think we can exist with this noose round our neck, they are the foolish ones.

Even more foolish was signing such an agreement and then refusing all offers of a lower price.


Well-Known Member
No if SISU fook off i expect a legit company to make a new deal regarding the rent before crying when they make a mess of it. Surely if SISU would of done this instead of freely signing it today would not be an issue

Ah so you think ACL should decide how much rent an owner pays based on what they think of them? You actually think they should have that power?

Well I can tell you now no one will touch the club unless there is an 80% reduction. Problem is we will be out of business by then anyway.


Well-Known Member
What is foolish is wanting a club to pay 5 fold the average rent in this league. People on here who demand we sign mcgoldrick and in the same breath think we can exist with this noose round our neck, they are the foolish ones.

They signed willingly through greed of getting into the prem ,,,,, Never onnce did they stop and say what happens if we dont get promoted ,, what happens if we cant sustain a transfer budget what happens if we get relegated.... You have to understand they have never had a plan B and now are crying and playing with a club that means lots to many people, but if you want to go back to fact THEY OWE THEY PAY... not my rule fact...


Well-Known Member
They signed willingly through greed of getting into the prem ,,,,, Never onnce did they stop and say what happens if we dont get promoted ,, what happens if we cant sustain a transfer budget what happens if we get relegated.... You have to understand they have never had a plan B and now are crying and playing with a club that means lots to many people, but if you want to go back to fact THEY OWE THEY PAY... not my rule fact...

Why greed? Ultimately your bilge towards the owners is affecting your judgement. We're you bothered when the last lot were defaulting on transfer fee payments? I doubt it. I couldn't care less about the facts -- look at the Ipswich court ruling on rent and perhaps reconsider the facts.


Well-Known Member
Ah so you think ACL should decide how much rent an owner pays based on what they think of them? You actually think they should have that power?

Well I can tell you now no one will touch the club unless there is an 80% reduction. Problem is we will be out of business by then anyway.

You can tell me your opinion fine,, but the facts are for all to see SISU signed freely,, and now start crying because its not going to plan.....


Well-Known Member
You can tell me your opinion fine,, but the facts are for all to see SISU signed freely,, and now start crying because its not going to plan.....

I think we all should be sharing the grief don't you?


Well-Known Member
Why greed? Ultimately your bilge towards the owners is affecting your judgement. We're you bothered when the last lot were defaulting on transfer fee payments? I doubt it. I couldn't care less about the facts -- look at the Ipswich court ruling on rent and perhaps reconsider the facts.

You seem to be an angry man, need to calm down a bit,, my opinion on SISU does not matter, my passion towards the club is not your concern and lastly we will see in time what happens on boxing day to what facts are correct... Bilge,, like it!!! hahahah.


Well-Known Member
There is difference with virtually all the other grounds KD,in that they are not multi-purpose ,they are solely for football use .

The Ricoh was designed and set up in this way and through the clubs negligence they not only lost access and control to such a venture, but have

to pay a rent to compensate the eventual owner for non use on the other activities .It plainly is'nt as simple to compare ourselves to 90% of other

clubs. If the club were never there do you think ACL could'nt attract enough top concerts to better the take.

A 50% reduction was indeed very generous and would have involved a reduction of Four low paid players to cover or as stated in another thread

one David Bell,Deliues incompitence is no reason to expect ACL to put its model at risk ,Can Sisu find the money ?Yes ,Will they? ,Yes. if they have

any accumen at all.
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New Member
First post so be gentle.

Just read all this and a few other of your threads on this and listened to the Podcast of the interview earlier.

Am I right in grasping that SISU own CCFC?

And The Ricoh is owned by ACL who is comprised of Higgs Charity and Coventry City Council?

CCFC/SISU haven't paid any rent to ACL since December last year because they say the rent is too high.

In that time CCFC/SISU have run up a bill of 1.6M quid and unless 1.1M is paid by Boxing day, you will be served with a Bankruptcy Notice.

Also ACL have offered to reduce the rent by 50% and that was turned down by SISU/CCFC.

A few Questions:

1. If you can't pay the rent, how are you paying players?

2. With the new SCMP rules in place, how is that effecting your transfer policy and how have you afforded to open negotiations with Forest for McGoldrick on a permanent basis?

3. Why didn't the Club negotiate a new sustainable figure as soon as they were relegated? That should be in the clauses of the original contract. The Lawyers would have seen to that. It's called back up if things go pear shaped.

4. When did The Ricoh become better than a Championship Stadium? It's about Average for the Championship and about sustainable to generate income for the Premiership.

5. ACL gets the profits from the Refreshment Bars. SISU gets the tickets money's and Sponsorships, how are you operating on a 65% turnover as per the SCMP rules with the attendances being way down this season?

6. What happens if ACL say "Not bothered anymore, we'll sell the Stadium to a Property developer and get our money back that way!"? Where will that put CCFC and SISU?

Ok, I'll admit it, I'm a Blade, but I'm here in peace and I sympathise with you guys, the fans, with what's going on at your club. I don't trust our Owner, if I'm honest and he's just moved our Stadium and Academy for SUFC into SUFC Plc, 1 of his Scarborough Holdings branches.

But I can understand what he's done regarding the Wage bill. We are nearly at our limit so we've not brought no loans in except the ones that we got last summer. We're using the kids from the Academy instead. Our Keeper is 19 years old (But he's doing well, so I've no complaints). The average age of the side that played you the other night was just 20 years old, as perfect example as to where we are with our transfer policy.

Now, from an outsiders point of view. I'm looking at this and asking, why is a football club owned by some Hedge Fund, they are dodgy at best! If ACL is jointly owned by a Charity for Disadvantaged Kids, where is the morality in the decisions of SISU? The Council are Government run, there'll be no sentiment in getting money back, it's pay or get evicted, it's as simple as that. I live in a Council home in Sheffield, a Single Dad with 3 KIds and my rent always comes first followed by Gas and Electric followed by Food and clothing for my kids. Loking at it from that point of view, SISU are completely in the wrong here. ACL just want their money and to renegotiate the rent or a temporary arrangement, as per the mandate in the Contract. SISU, aren't talking.

Some have said, that ACL are in financial ruin. To me it looks the other way round.

Someone said in another thread, The Turnstyle Operators weren't paid last Sat or Tues (Home Game). That is alarm bells time, is it not?

Anyway, I've said, I'm a Blade and I'm here in peace, so please be gentle. I'm genuinely interested i this, I hold nothing against any of your support and enjoyed a drink and summat to eat with some of your chaps in the Longford Engine last Tues.

Can anyone answer any of the questions above please?


Well-Known Member
To answer one of questions I think we've got a bit of grace in the lge 1 salary cap as its our first season down in lge 1.

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