Football League deadline update (2 Viewers)

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
As I've said before...
They lost around 8,500 paying customers when they left the Ricoh and they took that hit, but you think those last 1,500 will make the difference? It's small change! They don't give a fuck about the support at the moment, it's all about winning the war. I'm sure if they ended up with the Ricoh there would then be a charm offensive but at the moment an empty Sixfields would change nothing, not a fucking thing! I'm staggered that people cannot see that.

I am sure that most people can see that if no-one turned up for 3 games then it probably wouldn't make difference. However, no-one can say what would happen if this went on for a whole season. I am sure in itself Sisu/Otium wouldn't be too bothered but what implications would it have for the game itself. The FL might be able to turn a blind eye at present because they can hide from it but am empty Sixfields for a whole season would have a different effect in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that most people can see that if no-one turned up for 3 games then it probably wouldn't make difference. However, no-one can say what would happen if this went on for a whole season. I am sure in itself Sisu/Otium wouldn't be too bothered but what implications would it have for the game itself. The FL might be able to turn a blind eye at present because they can hide from it but am empty Sixfields for a whole season would have a different effect in my opinion.

Of course, longer term is different, but do you believe SISU are playing the long game? An empty Sixfields for years is of course going to bite but I do not consider that to be worth discussing as we will not be there for years.


Well-Known Member
I am sure that most people can see that if no-one turned up for 3 games then it probably wouldn't make difference. However, no-one can say what would happen if this went on for a whole season. I am sure in itself Sisu/Otium wouldn't be too bothered but what implications would it have for the game itself. The FL might be able to turn a blind eye at present because they can hide from it but am empty Sixfields for a whole season would have a different effect in my opinion.

And what implications for the game do you think this would have?

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Of course, longer term is different, but do you believe SISU are playing the long game? An empty Sixfields for years is of course going to bite but I do not consider that to be worth discussing as we will not be there for years.

Firstly, if we do not go back to the Ricoh then I can assure you we will be there for at least another 4 years but probably more if truth be known so to be honest it may well be worth discussing as people were told at the recent 'meeting' that we are not going back.

I do not think that there is a clear and concise 'long game' being played from Sisu. I think it is more a we want the Ricoh so lets try lots of different and see if we hit with something. Lets not forget that we are owned by business people and not football people so I think in some cases they say long game because they do not actually have a fucking clue.

Lastly, the implications i think may come about are from the FA and Government for the detrimental effect that empty stadiums will have on the national game because of the amount of money is tied up in it. It is not a good advert to see empty stadiums, disgruntled fans, powerless FL, greedy business people trying to suck the life out of a club and its fans and Councils tied up in football disputes when there is far more important things going in this country. Just my opinion.

Jack Griffin

As I've said before...
They lost around 8,500 paying customers when they left the Ricoh and they took that hit, but you think those last 1,500 will make the difference? It's small change! They don't give a fuck about the support at the moment, it's all about winning the war. I'm sure if they ended up with the Ricoh there would then be a charm offensive but at the moment an empty Sixfields would change nothing, not a fucking thing! I'm staggered that people cannot see that.

The PR effect would be incredible, but as a realist I know it won't happen.

i think next season there will be a slight diminishing of numbers, but a hard core are so addicted to their footy they'll just follow blindly on.

Firstly, if we do not go back to the Ricoh then I can assure you we will be there for at least another 4 years but probably more if truth be known so to be honest it may well be worth discussing as people were told at the recent 'meeting' that we are not going back.

Yes, did anyone ask Timmy if his 3 year promise (or even the 5 year one, which is now down to 4) is still what is projected?


Well-Known Member
Firstly, if we do not go back to the Ricoh then I can assure you we will be there for at least another 4 years but probably more if truth be known so to be honest it may well be worth discussing as people were told at the recent 'meeting' that we are not going back.

I do not think that there is a clear and concise 'long game' being played from Sisu. I think it is more a we want the Ricoh so lets try lots of different and see if we hit with something. Lets not forget that we are owned by business people and not football people so I think in some cases they say long game because they do not actually have a fucking clue.

Lastly, the implications i think may come about are from the FA and Government for the detrimental effect that empty stadiums will have on the national game because of the amount of money is tied up in it. It is not a good advert to see empty stadiums, disgruntled fans, powerless FL, greedy business people trying to suck the life out of a club and its fans and Councils tied up in football disputes when there is far more important things going in this country. Just my opinion.

Well clearly we will have to play somewhere! So are you saying you believe SISU will build? And that what people were told at a recent meeting is to be believed? And that SISU are genuinely prepared to take those losses for 4 or 5 years? Personally I don't. The only route to a return on investment (should they not acquire the Ricoh) is further losses followed by huge investment, and even then, only maybe! Once gaining the Ricoh or ACL are not a possiblility, its time to walk away. Either way, we won't be at Sixfields for years.

As for implications, yes it needs to come from government as the FA and FL seem unable or unwilling to put their house in order. That will take years though and will come too late for us.
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The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Well clearly we will have to play somewhere! So are you saying you believe SISU will build? And that what people were told at a recent meeting is to be believed? And that SISU are genuinely prepared to take those losses for 4 or 5 years? Personally I don't. The only route to a return on investment (should they not acquire the Ricoh) is further losses followed by huge investment, and even then, only maybe! Once gaining the Ricoh or ACL are not a possiblility, its time to walk away. Either way, we won't be at Sixfields for years.

As for implications, yes it needs to come from government as the FA and FL seem unable or unwilling to put their house in order. That will take years though and would come too late for us.

I didn't say that I think they will build because I think that most of what comes out of their mouths isn't just crap but damaging for us too. It's just that you said it's not worth discussing but I think it is because the reality is that we will be playing at Sixfields for a while regardless of what happens and that in itself will be very damaging for the club and the fans because I fear for what will be left if and when we return to Cov.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say that I think they will build because I think that most of what comes out of their mouths isn't just crap but damaging for us too. It's just that you said it's not worth discussing but I think it is because the reality is that we will be playing at Sixfields for a while regardless of what happens and that in itself will be very damaging for the club and the fans because I fear for what will be left if and when we return to Cov.

What draws you to that conclusion?

Sky Blues

Active Member
Seems that the FL's idea of hiding under a blanket and hoping things will sort themselves out isn't working.

Can we get a poll ready chaps? Who's fault will it be when we get the next set of points deductions?

I'll blame the person who spread the rumour in the canteen at Bennet's Afro's workplace. If he or she hadn't said anything until after May 31, Bennet's Afro wouldn't have come on here asking about the rumour, Simon Gilbert wouldn't have picked up on it and contacted GR and MM and there would be no story in the paper that Sisu would need to check out to ensure they weren't going to be overpaying.*

*I'm not being serious. In my opinion, I suspect we would probably have been in this situation regardless of what was said in the canteen and the words being printed in the newspaper today would just offer up a different reason. Maybe involving the word "modalities", for example.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if this situation might make the football league reconsider their decision from last season regarding the location bond.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
What draws you to that conclusion?

The fact that all parties involved in this mess seem to be as stubborn as mules. If it was as easy as someone saying fuck it, lets sort this out and make a deal then we would have been finishing the season at the Ricoh. All this talk of everything will be sorted after the JR is very hopeful and wishful thinking in my opinion. This has been happening for years so some time longer is not going to matter to these stubborn fuckers. Playing at Sixfields has showed us that. It is not me believing that a new stadium will be built because I don't, it's just pig headedness way beyond what normal and reasonable people will go to to get their way.
I wonder if this situation might make the football league reconsider their decision from last season regarding the location bond.


take breath


FL :jerkit: doing something? When have they ever challenged this lot???


Well-Known Member
The fact that all parties involved in this mess seem to be as stubborn as mules. If it was as easy as someone saying fuck it, lets sort this out and make a deal then we would have been finishing the season at the Ricoh. All this talk of everything will be sorted after the JR is very hopeful and wishful thinking in my opinion. This has been happening for years so some time longer is not going to matter to these stubborn fuckers. Playing at Sixfields has showed us that. It is not me believing that a new stadium will be built because I don't, it's just pig headedness way beyond what normal and reasonable people will go to to get their way.

Gent, i agree with that but... this is business and at some point at one end or the other, someone will pull the plug. They will not just keep flushing good money after bad. The JR will have some bearing on when and by whom, but at some point it will happen. What happens after that is the scary part!

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
The fact that all parties involved in this mess seem to be as stubborn as mules. If it was as easy as someone saying fuck it, lets sort this out and make a deal then we would have been finishing the season at the Ricoh. All this talk of everything will be sorted after the JR is very hopeful and wishful thinking in my opinion. This has been happening for years so some time longer is not going to matter to these stubborn fuckers. Playing at Sixfields has showed us that. It is not me believing that a new stadium will be built because I don't, it's just pig headedness way beyond what normal and reasonable people will go to to get their way.

All parties stubborn as mules ????
I don't see it that way I only see one side being stubborn and thats Sisu !!

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Why??? Because all it is, is just your opinion not an established fact. You maybe right that if virtually no one went to Sixfield both SISU and the Football League wouldn't give a damn, but no one can know that for certain,because it never happened. \Both points of views are arguable points, that is why it has come up continually for over 12 months, and will no doubt be argued until there is finally a resolution to this shambles.

Exactly Spot on..
Its a shame some of our fans under estimate the power we could hold unified !!


Well-Known Member
In addition - would it not be very difficult for the FL to impose a sanction on something that is outside of their (and the club's control)?

Don't see why it would be difficult. The FL told Otium they would issue them the Golden Share on the condition that they paid ACL £590K by the end of this month. It appears they haven't done so and have therefore breached the conditions set by the FL. Having done that why would it be difficult for the FL to impose sanctions on the club?

Of course that would require the FL to have a backbone so thankfully for us, as it would most likely be a points deduction or worse, it's unlikely to happen.


Well-Known Member
I think they would be able to argue the £300k, and the relation to the overall payment. Even OSB seemed to suggest it should only be £516k.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Gent, i agree with that but... this is business and at some point at one end or the other, someone will pull the plug. They will not just keep flushing good money after bad. The JR will have some bearing on when and by whom, but at some point it will happen. What happens after that is the scary part!

I also agree with what you say about the business side of it and at some point Sisu/Otium will say enough and call it a day, but that is a massive concern to all CCFC fans and one thing that I hope will not come before someone will finally see sense. However, recent history tells us that our owners are prepared to keep losing money despite there being no business logic to it which brings me back to the line of they know fuck all about football and why they may think that another year or so at Sixfields won't bother them.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
I think they would be able to argue the £300k, and the relation to the overall payment. Even OSB seemed to suggest it should only be £516k.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

Whether it is £516k or £10, the debt should be paid especially as if it isn't we stand to be punished yet again. If you or me had to pay an outstanding debt to the bank, do you think we would be able to argue a technicality and not be punished?


Well-Known Member
I think they would be able to argue the £300k, and the relation to the overall payment. Even OSB seemed to suggest it should only be £516k.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - so please excuse any spelling or grammar errors :)

£516k suggested under certain assumptions. It wasn't his opinion.

I'll guess we'll have to wait until the FL finish their 3day jolly in June before we find out what assumptions are right or wrong.
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New Member
"Football club had been given until May 31 to pay £590K to stadium company ACL"

SISU of course don't want to pay it, but as it's only 10 days away to the start of the JR, so they try and stall on it by muddying the waters, suggesting they want confirmation from the FL etc.. It's a obvious stalling tactic.

If they lose the JR, I believe they will sell any one of value (Callum Wilson is probably they only real player of value) and then pull the plug, so why would they want to pay £590K.

Sadly it's bye bye CCFC as I think they will liquidate.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
All parties stubborn as mules ????
I don't see it that way I only see one side being stubborn and thats Sisu !!

Although I do think that Sisu take the lionshare of the blame in this, both sides have been stubborn John. I think in some cases ACL/CCC have a right to be stubborn but I thought and hoped that they could play the better man card. Now they might not have had the chance to but I was hoping they would do it because there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of Sisu trying to be the better man because I don't think they are capable.

Rusty Trombone

Well-Known Member
According to Labovitch 'a large sum of money' has already been paid and is being held in escrow. I can't believe he would lie about that.

He then goes on to say 'there is a risk that they might be paid twice over. As soon as this uncertainty is resolved, the correct sum can be determined and released to ACL from the escrow account.'

So he has left it unclear, to me, whether the 'large sum' is enough to cover the £590k, he seems to imply it is. If it is then surely no sanctions can be applied as the club has done what the FL requested. It is now for the FL to authorise payment to ACL, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
According to Labovitch 'a large sum of money' has already been paid and is being held in escrow. I can't believe he would lie about that.

He then goes on to say 'there is a risk that they might be paid twice over. As soon as this uncertainty is resolved, the correct sum can be determined and released to ACL from the escrow account.'

So he has left it unclear, to me, whether the 'large sum' is enough to cover the £590k, he seems to imply it is. If it is then surely no sanctions can be applied as the club has done what the FL requested. It is now for the FL to authorise payment to ACL, isn't it?

We have the normal bluster coming out here.

Why wouldn't he say that the full 590k had been paid in if it had? A large amount? He was trying to make out that 500k had been paid by others, so could 190k have been paid in? Certainly could be called a large sum of money. But even we know that the amount paid was 300k which was 150k off each of them so how wouldn't he know this?

Both sides have been stubborn? That would mean that both sides haven't moved. So did CCC try the road map that SISU didn,t keep to? How many offers did CCC/ACL make to SISU? They offered SISU what they said they wanted just for them to keep moving the goalposts. This continued until they asked for what they can't legally be offered. This is when the offers stopped. And this is whilst SISU were bringing litigation whenever they could see a reason to bring it.


New Member
I am a little worried about this.
We were only allowed to play last season on the understanding that this 590k would be paid by the end of this month. So if we got a points deduction over this would it be against last seasons points tally? If so we will find ourselves in Division 4 next season. Is this what they want so they don't have to put a better squad together than we already have and then blame it all on the FL?

From what the FL have said that won't happen. They've said no decision will be made until after the AGM, and the AGM is where they agree who is in which division. By my reckoning any decision made after then would be too late to change the fact that you're playing in Division 3, and any points deduction would likely be off 2014/15.

Of course they'll probably just give SISU a slap on the wrist and tell them they've been naughty boys and not to do it again.


Well-Known Member
But there is no 100% guarantee. Why set the deadline for just after the end of the season?

They started talking to the FL about our move to Northampton about 18 months ago. All we have so far is a few pictures. They said to the FL that they had no choice but to leave the Ricoh. They got offered a rent free period then less than is being paid to Northampton. The FL know about this for sure. They were the middle man in the offer. The FL are getting bad press over the matter. They are getting repeated requests from our supporters on news of what is going on and requests on what they are going to do about the matter. The 590k that they agreed with SISU so we could play last season wasn't paid it looks like. They want to argue with the FL over the matter.

When are they going to say enough is enough to SISU? Was there an agreement on what would happen if the 590k wasn't paid? If the FL finally grow a pair our club could be in trouble. Are SISU hoping for yet another transfer embargo? This would give them a good reason to have a poor squad for next season. It says it all when you have a player who says publicly that he is happy to take a pay cut to stay but doesn't get an offer from our club.

Mr T - Sukka!

Active Member
Well well well! ACL owed money to CCFC? due to over charging and its payed straight away and the cheque cashed instantly.

When it comes to SISU paying ACL there is no payment!

Dress it up anyway you want there should have been a transfer of £590k from SISU to ACL yesterday, there wasnt.

Im going to contact the FL and give them a timley reminder of SISUs actions. No doubt about it they are gambling with CCFC here.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people over Twitter & Facebook stating that today we could expelled from the Football League.. I hope this is scaremongering...

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Well-Known Member
A lot of people over Twitter & Facebook stating that today we could expelled from the Football League.. I hope this is scaremongering...

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I can't see it happening personally but it is clearly within the realms of possibilities.

Having said that, if I was custodian of our club its not a risk I would be taking with it.


Well-Known Member
I can't see it happening personally but it is clearly within the realms of possibilities.

I can see it being a points deduction.. But as you said it's not out of the realms of possibility!

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Well-Known Member
A lot of people over Twitter & Facebook stating that today we could expelled from the Football League.. I hope this is scaremongering...

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The FL don't have the backbone for such action.

It will most likely just be a transfer embargo which in reality just punishes the fans.

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