Well-Known Member
Have I missed all the other documents they've leaked, then?
As far as I can see, the leaking seems to be coming from 'the other side'.
I'd describe my current position as disliking all parties involved pretty much equally bit I've got to say, the amount of one-eyed partisanship I see on this site is making me question where I should apportion blame.
that's my point exactly, other shitsu docs that have discredited what they were saying about where golden share/players contracts rested have got out and showed them in a bad light. so if fishface has a signed agreement that ccc reneged on why haven't they "leaked" it? it would not only show them in a better light but also give them some credibility with future and past statements that they have made claiming they are the victim.
i can only think of 1 reason, said signed agreement doesn't exist