General Election 2019 thread (2 Viewers)

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I love how you wheel out the ‘do gooder liberal type’ line. Clearly what makes you happy is just being a nasty, heartless bastard.

I hope for your sake you never find yourself in a desperate situation that would require an amount of empathy from another human being.

Thing is he would probably receive it from someone if push came to shove. Then he would go back to spewing more crap.

The coventrian

Well-Known Member
Thing is he would probably receive it from someone if push came to shove. Then he would go back to spewing more crap.
I can look after myself thanks. Unlike you I've had to deal with a lot of crap in my life but hey I'm not a drama queen so I'll not spew my life story on here.
As I've said;nobody gave me anything. Your type think your entitled to everything. I'm a survivor.

The coventrian

Well-Known Member
I love how you wheel out the ‘do gooder liberal type’ line. Clearly what makes you happy is just being a nasty, heartless bastard.

I hope for your sake you never find yourself in a desperate situation that would require an amount of empathy from another human being.
Well what I could do if I was on my arse is illegally enter another country. I'm sure I'd be well looked after as every country is as welcoming as ours isn't it?

The coventrian

Well-Known Member
You do realise right wing, anti-immigration parties are spreading all across Europe -Italy, France, Spain, Germany..... all with the same message of 'all the immigrants/asylum seekers are coming here'. When we took on 40k migrants Germany took on 1 MILLION in comparison.

Most of those seeking illegal immigration get put on wherever the people smugglers are able to go next. If you think more people sneak past our borders than elsewhere in Europe then that's on our government (under Tory, Labour and coalition) under-funding border patrol and not using the legislative powers available to them - no point blaming the EU because all those other countries like Spain, Italy, Germany etc are in the EU too.

As for the comment on foreign delivery drivers, how do you know they're foreign? Do you demand to see ID from them? Or do you just assume because of their appearance? Listen to them speak - mostly British accents I find. They may well be children or grandchildren of immigrants but that makes them no different to you and your Irish heritage (or indeed mine).
It's a shame Germany couldn't of taken our 40k as well. You lot seem to be happy enough to open the floodgates for anyone. Where will they be schooled? What about housing them? Healthcare?
You can just blame the Tories I suppose for the state of country whilst you wave through thousands of scroungers.

The coventrian

Well-Known Member
You do realise right wing, anti-immigration parties are spreading all across Europe -Italy, France, Spain, Germany..... all with the same message of 'all the immigrants/asylum seekers are coming here'. When we took on 40k migrants Germany took on 1 MILLION in comparison.

Most of those seeking illegal immigration get put on wherever the people smugglers are able to go next. If you think more people sneak past our borders than elsewhere in Europe then that's on our government (under Tory, Labour and coalition) under-funding border patrol and not using the legislative powers available to them - no point blaming the EU because all those other countries like Spain, Italy, Germany etc are in the EU too.

As for the comment on foreign delivery drivers, how do you know they're foreign? Do you demand to see ID from them? Or do you just assume because of their appearance? Listen to them speak - mostly British accents I find. They may well be children or grandchildren of immigrants but that makes them no different to you and your Irish heritage (or indeed mine).
Probably because they can barely speak English you tit.


Well-Known Member
This is what pisses me off about the right. Totally lack of intellectual curiosity. We can solve homelessness, we know because the last Labour government did it. Then when it rises under Tory watch it’s all “oh guess we’ll never know how this terrible thing happens”. So intellectually dishonest.

Some of us do have mates who have been homeless and have fed, clothed and homed them so maybe fuck off with your ridiculous internet point scoring like it makes you some kind of hard man to look down on those less fortunate than you.

And draconian sentencing works does it? I guess that’s why there’s no drug problems in the states. Or Thailand. Or maybe that’s yet more lazy thinking bollocks. “I reckon” can fuck right off as a valid political opinion when we have stacks of evidence that you reckon wrong.
Just because you have done the right thing by your mate - you have done what you seem to do on every issue - think you're an expert, & seek all data available to confirm your beliefs. Almost like you have a full grasp & understanding on why people become homeless, how to get them out of it. You appear to assume that all in the same situation are good people...clearly some of them disagree hence avoible the shelters. You see it as an exlusively Tory created issue, & applaud Labour's sticking plaster solutions...which in reality solved nothing!

Now if you read my posts again - focus on the bits where I emphasise the fact that I don't know what the best solution is before you label or insult me.

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clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I can look after myself thanks. Unlike you I've had to deal with a lot of crap in my life but hey I'm not a drama queen so I'll not spew my life story on here.
As I've said;nobody gave me anything. Your type think your entitled to everything. I'm a survivor.

As I pointed out in an earlier post, you and me have been given plenty, free education, healthcare, a welfare system if needed, paid holidays, workers rights.

All won through the efforts of previous generations who fortunately werent subservient forelock tuggers like you otherwise we'd all still be up fucking chimneys.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I can look after myself thanks. Unlike you I've had to deal with a lot of crap in my life but hey I'm not a drama queen so I'll not spew my life story on here.
As I've said;nobody gave me anything. Your type think your entitled to everything. I'm a survivor.

You don’t know my experiences but are quick to judge. Son of an immigrant who wants to drown them in the Channel.


Well-Known Member
Go on then. Which part of it is wrong? What do you know that isn't in line of what I have said?

All you have been able to say is it isn't in line of what you make out you have helped with 4 times. But it is also the government official line. I could put up a full list for you that shows you to be wrong if you like.

I have stated facts. How about you stating the true facts for once?

Didn't think so. Mr know it all will just continue to make up his own facts as usual.

You started nothing - you linked an article a d clearly have zero understanding of the subject - if they are tier 1 and 2 applicants they’d have been given another date of entry as the actual application is approved on all other levels - even rejected applicants can appeal - the system is from my experience flexible not rigid


Well-Known Member
Bile? It's called an opinion. You don't like it but I couldn't care less.
Yes bile. As a kid I got loads of shit because my mother had an Irish accent. Getting told to go home etc, the fact my family is from Northern Ireland and British passed people displaying the same ignorance you do by. She came to England from Northern Ireland looking for a better life and got treated with the same disdain people of colour from the commonwealth got by ignorant dumb fucks like yourself who don’t even understand the irony of their opinion. I bet your mums proud. Why don’t you ask her about the shit the Irish got in the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s regardless of if they were from the North or the South. Then go and have that long think about your life to yourself like I advised you to do. It’s sorely needed.


Well-Known Member
You do realise right wing, anti-immigration parties are spreading all across Europe -Italy, France, Spain, Germany..... all with the same message of 'all the immigrants/asylum seekers are coming here'. When we took on 40k migrants Germany took on 1 MILLION in comparison.

Most of those seeking illegal immigration get put on wherever the people smugglers are able to go next. If you think more people sneak past our borders than elsewhere in Europe then that's on our government (under Tory, Labour and coalition) under-funding border patrol and not using the legislative powers available to them - no point blaming the EU because all those other countries like Spain, Italy, Germany etc are in the EU too.

As for the comment on foreign delivery drivers, how do you know they're foreign? Do you demand to see ID from them? Or do you just assume because of their appearance? Listen to them speak - mostly British accents I find. They may well be children or grandchildren of immigrants but that makes them no different to you and your Irish heritage (or indeed mine).

Most of the growth of right wing extremism is due to the membership of the EU and removal of national identity - people tend to want to break free of iron curtains run from a central federal powerhouse

It’s one reason why the uk compared to the other countries has seen comparatively little of this sort of far right uprising


Well-Known Member
Well what I could do if I was on my arse is illegally enter another country. I'm sure I'd be well looked after as every country is as welcoming as ours isn't it?
The worst thing about the Tories winning is that narrow minded, intolerant bigots like yourself have become so emboldened that you think your attitudes and beliefs belong in a civilised 21st century society.


Well-Known Member
The worst thing about the Tories winning is that narrow minded, intolerant bigots like yourself have become so emboldened that you think your attitudes and beliefs belong in a civilised 21st century society.

In Europe bigotry is far more rampant - I wonder why.

Sick Boy

Super Moderator
Most of the growth of right wing extremism is due to the membership of the EU and removal of national identity - people tend to want to break free of iron curtains run from a central federal powerhouse

It’s one reason why the uk compared to the other countries has seen comparatively little of this sort of far right uprising

Each country in Europe clearly has their own national identity and populism has occurred outside of the EU as well.

Even Salvini has dropped his anti Euro and anti EU policies now...and I think Le Pen as well.


Well-Known Member
Each country in Europe clearly has their own national identity and populism has occurred outside of the EU as well.

Even Salvini has dropped his anti Euro and anti EU policies now...and I think Le Pen as well.

Makes no difference - the rise of extremism is down to the Eu and in particular monetary union - which pretty much makes it impossible for these countries to actually leave anyway

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
But it hasn't worked in Holland.
To be honest it's a different model to what has been used in Portugal (with great success) which is different again to Switzerland, which has also has a lot of success.
Worth lisening to some Neil Woods from LEAP or Johan Hari if you're interested in the subject.


Well-Known Member
You started nothing - you linked an article a d clearly have zero understanding of the subject - if they are tier 1 and 2 applicants they’d have been given another date of entry as the actual application is approved on all other levels - even rejected applicants can appeal - the system is from my experience flexible not rigid
Are you now pretending that I didn't state those who failed can reapply?

Clearly no understanding? What a joke you are. It is you that said you know how to get around the system that you say doesn't exist.

Tier 2 did you say? Read again. Or should I just say read as you don't like what it says.

UK has rejected over 1,000 skilled IT bod visa applications this year

And in case you continue to twist the truth here is a paragraph from it.

Of all eligible applications for a Tier 2 (General) certificate of sponsorship, 36 per cent were refused in December, while some 47 per cent were refused in January and 48 per cent in February. The proportion rose to 59 per cent in March.


Well-Known Member
In Europe bigotry is far more rampant - I wonder why.
Quick. Point finger in other direction. How about bigotry in the direction of travel we’re moving in? The USA. Where aside from the regular bigotry you have things like White privilege to add into the mix because apparently they made the country great. That’s the country they stole from the indigenous people forcing them to near extinction, the country they built on slave labour, the country they’re killing with ignorance to the damage caused by fossil fuels, the country that’s health service is barbaric, the country where the elite think they have the right to kill endangered species in poor African countries just because they can etc etc.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Makes no difference - the rise of extremism is down to the Eu and in particular monetary union - which pretty much makes it impossible for these countries to actually leave anyway

The monetary union has been in place for much longer than the recent rise of the far right. Probably more to do with the rise of Islamic extremism ultimately leading to Merkel’s disastrous ‘anyone can come’ decision combined with notable Islamic terror attacks. Charlatans across the continent including our own Nige exploited it to the maximum


Well-Known Member
To be honest it's a different model to what has been used in Portugal (with great success) which is different again to Switzerland, which has also has a lot of success.
Worth lisening to some Neil Woods from LEAP or Johan Hari if you're interested in the subject.
I have been more for legalizing certain drugs since tests can be done on the roadside quite quickly.

But a lot would have to be put in place first. Everything legally produced in the UK? How much would be counted as a legal amount? Legal places to consume?

It is a very large list.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I have been more for legalizing certain drugs since tests can be done on the roadside quite quickly.

But a lot would have to be put in place first. Everything legally produced in the UK? How much would be counted as a legal amount? Legal places to consume?

It is a very large list.

Look to the American states which have legalised marijuana as examples. It amazes me that it remains illegal while the filth that constitutes tobacco isn’t


Well-Known Member
Look to the American states which have legalised marijuana as examples. It amazes me that it remains illegal while the filth that constitutes tobacco isn’t
Not been legalised for long. We will have to wait and see.


Well-Known Member
Are you now pretending that I didn't state those who failed can reapply?

Clearly no understanding? What a joke you are. It is you that said you know how to get around the system that you say doesn't exist.

Tier 2 did you say? Read again. Or should I just say read as you don't like what it says.

UK has rejected over 1,000 skilled IT bod visa applications this year

And in case you continue to twist the truth here is a paragraph from it.

Of all eligible applications for a Tier 2 (General) certificate of sponsorship, 36 per cent were refused in December, while some 47 per cent were refused in January and 48 per cent in February. The proportion rose to 59 per cent in March.

Lol you’ve just sent a link that proves what I’ve said is correct - namely they are not rejections


Well-Known Member
Lol you’ve just sent a link that proves what I’ve said is correct - namely they are not rejections
Being turned down isn't a rejection?

What is it then? Oh yes all because of the limits set just like I said.

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