General Election 2019 thread (4 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Labour candidate says she’ll be happy when someone (who the country almost universally sees as a war criminal and who made the U.K. a “legitimate” target in the eyes of many Muslim extremists) dies


A Tory candidate who says benefit claimants should be put down.

Now, which one should we be most upset about? Mmmm, it’s a tough one. No wait... it isn’t. Definitely the first one. There’s clearly not enough war mongers in the world facilitating recruitment tools for groups of extremists. Fuck those down on their luck, they deserve it. Clearly.

Horseshoe theory - Wikipedia

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Employee share ownership alone is predicted to wipe several billions off company shares thus impacting pension funds and will make companies look to move HQs elsewhere

I've replied to this one before. I worked for a large American multi national that did this and it was a great idea and worked really well so your assumption is incorrect.

I don't agree with making it compulsory and I don't agree that it should be any company over 250 employees but it's a great idea in principal.

Unless of course that the crackpot interpretation of the word Marxist has now got so ridiculous on here that it's levelled at the CEO of a company that turned over 40 billion USD last year?


Well-Known Member
The problem I believe is this; left, centre or right, there is a belief between some people within these groups that your understanding is right so the need to listen to others with differing opinions is diminished.

Personally I would hope neither of these pair get anywhere near representing people in Parliament.
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Well-Known Member
Its common sense, stop trying to be a smart arse

If you get taxed a ridiculous amount more, you'll look to move elsewhere where tax will be less..taxing rich (business owners) more will cause businesses to go bust

How does Tesco move overseas exactly?

And how does a loss making business pay tax?

Should be simple answers, ya know, being common sense and all.


Well-Known Member
I've replied to this one before. I worked for a large American multi national that did this and it was a great idea and worked really well so your assumption is incorrect.

I don't agree with making it compulsory and I don't agree that it should be any company over 250 employees but it's a great idea in principal.

Unless of course that the crackpot interpretation of the word Marxist has now got so ridiculous on here that it's levelled at the CEO of a company that turned over 40 billion USD last year?
But many will moan about it.

I am in a company share scheme at work. We get free shares as part of the scheme. The money we put in is before tax.

Yes before tax. Ban it now. Tax dodgers.


Well-Known Member
I've replied to this one before. I worked for a large American multi national that did this and it was a great idea and worked really well so your assumption is incorrect.

I don't agree with making it compulsory and I don't agree that it should be any company over 250 employees but it's a great idea in principal.

Unless of course that the crackpot interpretation of the word Marxist has now got so ridiculous on here that it's levelled at the CEO of a company that turned over 40 billion USD last year?

I guarantee anyone using Marxist as an insult has never read any economics let alone any Marx.


Well-Known Member
But many will moan about it.

I am in a company share scheme at work. We get free shares as part of the scheme. The money we put in is before tax.

Yes before tax. Ban it now. Tax dodgers.

I expect better from you. You know damn well tax Dodging isn’t using the tax system as intended to lower your tax bill.


Well-Known Member
I expect better from you. You know damn well tax Dodging isn’t using the tax system as intended to lower your tax bill.
I know. You know. But not everyone has the same view.


Well-Known Member
By getting rid of billionaires, does the thick twat not realise that most of them are the ones who own the companies who employ thousands of people

The economics editor of the Financial Times seems to think the common sense position is quite different:



Well-Known Member
That remains to be seen. Parties promise a lot of things in opposition that they don't act upon when in government.

Mate. Look at his voting record and statements on record for the last thirty years.

Honestly “Corbyn is a secret Blairite” is up there for most brain dead take ever.


Well-Known Member
The tories are having a mare this last 24 hours

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Trouble is it's too early. It'll have been forgotten by polling day. If we want them to have a bad day you want it to happen just before polling day..

In the US the decision by Comey a few days before the election to announce the FBI investigation into Clinton's e-mails had a huge effect on the outcome (IMO).


Well-Known Member
By getting rid of billionaires, does the thick twat not realise that most of them are the ones who own the companies who employ thousands of people

You do realise that many big (ie plc) UK companies are owned by things like pension funds and financial institutions (and often oversees ones). We've got a lot of business with large shareholding owned by Russian, Chinese and Middle Eastern billionnaires who don't live here yet the companies still operate. Because they're still making money from them. It's not some hive thing where if the Queen moves the entire colony collapses.

A lot of the uber rich don't spend a great deal of time in this country anyway and much of their money is either hidden away offshore or in trust or 'charities' with the specific intention of avoiding tax. They contribute a decent amount in terms of actual £ but their effective tax rate is much lower than the average person because they make it look like they own and earn far less than they actually do..

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
But many will moan about it.

I am in a company share scheme at work. We get free shares as part of the scheme. The money we put in is before tax.

Yes before tax. Ban it now. Tax dodgers.

so you're buying shares. The scheme suggested by Labour is to be given them which is the sort of scheme I was in.
We could cash them in tax free but there were caveats which are too numerous to list.
I think even buying shares is a great idea, the more employees have a vested interested in a company's success the better as far as I'm concerned.


Well-Known Member
I thought I saw that 80% of the tax income comes from the top 10% of earners so that the country would have a reduced income if the Labour promise of tax increases higher earners assuming that it would drive some overseas - so less money for the NHS ?


Well-Known Member
Trouble is it's too early. It'll have been forgotten by polling day. If we want them to have a bad day you want it to happen just before polling day..

In the US the decision by Comey a few days before the election to announce the FBI investigation into Clinton's e-mails had a huge effect on the outcome (IMO).

Correct and I’d imagine Cummings has a few things up his sleeve on Corbyn to drop in the week before voting day.

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Well-Known Member
I thought I saw that 80% of the tax income comes from the top 10% of earners so that the country would have a reduced income if the Labour promise of tax increases higher earners assuming that it would drive some overseas - so less money for the NHS ?

I hope they like their chlorinated chicken

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Its not genuine. They’ve cut out his answers, which is what the Tories did to Starmers interview and claimed they “just shortened it”

We’re a short distance away from being able to produce manipulated speech on video. At least then the right can have their Corbyn IRA quote


Well-Known Member
I thought I saw that 80% of the tax income comes from the top 10% of earners so that the country would have a reduced income if the Labour promise of tax increases higher earners assuming that it would drive some overseas - so less money for the NHS ?

Higher rate tax payers aren’t some magical beast. They’re people doing jobs the economy needs. People with homes and families they don’t want to leave but people that can be replaced if they do leave.

The idea that we are at the top of the Laffer curve (or that the Laffer curve is even a thing) is far from proven and has been wheeled out at every tax rise.

I do wish we’d stop shitting everything down on hypotheticals. Let’s see what happens. If there’s massive brain drain it takes five minutes to change the tax code back. In the mean time we have massive inequality and underfunding issues that are real and here right now.

Also: the reason most of the tax comes from the top 10% is because they have most of the money.
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