Love this...
This is from the coolest bar/venue in Folkestone.
Hey you…and you…and everyone else really
Tomorrow’s a big day for the country without any doubt.
Those who can vote, should.
If you’ve a firm strong belief, then your vote is easy. Vote for what you believe.
Then there’s those that are unsure, or don’t like any of the alternatives on offer.
A colleague said ‘I don’t HAVE to vote…who’s saying I should. If they’re ALL rubbish, why should I?’
Kind of a fair comment…
However, on this occasion, PLEASE don’t waste your vote!
It would be nice to think that a change of leadership WILL make everything better…not sure if we all firmly believe that though and it will certainly take some time…but it would be nice and indeed about time.
That statement above
doesn’t exactly make you want to run out and cast your vote though, does it??
Those in charge are accountable and in recent times, there’s been a normalizing of the MOST terrible behaviour, of blatant lying at the highest levels, of quite stunning hypocrisy and so much more that we'll never know I fear.
We all live by the same laws and should adhere to them - Prime Minister or Primary School teacher…all the same.
So as our public servants are accountable to the voters - vote!
A change is due.
Not because whomever is likely to win will make a 'night to day' difference to our country in an instant but because those that appear to abuse power (power given TO them) and really dent the countries moral compass NEED to be accountable and removed - as is the power of the voter to do so on July 4th.
If it achieves nothing else, it will remind those in power that they can be replaced.
Let’s all work at making our home a better place from Friday 5th July ♥ but that starts with casting your vote on Thursday 4th July - so please use It and make a change.
Chris & Liz
The Chambers