That response is so insulting. If you turned that argument to the Asian population in England you'd be called racist and rightly so. The ones being targeted weren't the settlers but generations beyond. You talk about indigenous in the way I'd expect nigel Farage to and I'd bet a pound to a pinch of shit that you hate him. Usual double standards to suit your argument.
WTF are you on about, why would anyone turn the argument to the Asian population in England,
I don't think they have done anything like what the British have done in NI have they.
Catholics/Loyalists have been treated as 2nd class citizens in their own country for hundreds of
Years, policed by an almost entirely Protestant police force, overlooked for decent employment.
The run down areas in which they live receive hardly any investment, while Protestant areas
Receive investment and improvements in infrastructure.
Admittedly improvements have been made, the peace process has achieved 'so much more
Than an end to sectarian violence, great strides have been made in bringing communities
Together and exacting tolerance between faiths.
This makes it all the more galling that our desperate Government are willing to risk it all in a
Futile effort to cling to power, is this a risk worth taking?
Our historical human rights record leaves an awful lot to be desired, not just in NI but the whole
World over, and we never learn from the mistakes of the past.
So saying the word indigenous makes me like Nigel Farage. LOL:emoji_blush: