If anyone want to get into a bit of political philosophy then I would recommend the Two Treaties of Government and the Right to revolution.
John Locke (the guy who invented America) argued that anyone has the right to overthrow a government when it acted like a Tyranny.
It's great reading.
Straight from wiki
Second Treatise outlines a theory of civil society. Locke begins by describing the
state of nature, a picture much more stable than
Thomas Hobbes' state of "war of every man against every man," and argues that all men are created equal in the state of nature by God. From this, he goes on to explain the hypothetical rise of property and civilization, in the process explaining that the only legitimate governments are those that have the consent of the people. Therefore, any government that rules without the consent of the people can, in theory, be overthrown.
Two Treatises of Government - Wikipedia
Always good to keep asking the question of where did the consent from the people come for the creation of the WMCA?