he accuses others of saying a lot of things they haven't. I'm not interested in his racist bollocks any more.
I've only got one person blocked, that other racist fuck Gazbola, he can go on ignore with that alt right fucker.
I believe we have to be able to discuss problems rationally.. I see many people from the right and left throwing an awful lot of whataboutery around and this is part of the problem.
I should be able to tell you that terrorism kills 21000 people every year on average in the last decade and its a majority Islamic problem. And we should be able to discuss that without being branded racist etc..
I should be able to tell you that young black males commit more crime by % of population and we should be able to discuss that... Without being branded racist etc.
I should be able to tell you that grooming gangs in the UK are a problem mostly within the Pakistani Muslim community... We should be able to discuss that without being branded racist etc..
If I told you that white males are the biggest perpetrator of rape as a whole, you'd already know that and we could have that discussion without the whataboutery...
We won't all agree, but without rational debate, without fear of being branded racist, islamophobic etc... We will never EVER be able to solve Britain's problems.
This is simply common sense..
Leave the whataboutery for the like of Owen Jones and Paul Joseph Watson.
EDIT: I believe I have replied to the wrong reply of yours mate but still.. The overall point stands