Well-Known Member
Think it's a difference in the interpretation of the meaning of shocking.
Otis means it in a 'digusting' kind of way rather than a 'surprising'
Fair enough
Think it's a difference in the interpretation of the meaning of shocking.
Otis means it in a 'digusting' kind of way rather than a 'surprising'
Good to see that Jamie Redknapp has sorted out racism. Just need black kids in private schools and problem solved.
Good to see that Jamie Redknapp has sorted out racism. Just need black kids in private schools and problem solved.
I don’t know what you are on about now but a large percentage of children in private schools are not white
I don’t know what you are on about now but a large percentage of children in private schools are not white
Not really. I can only go on my experience and when I refer to private schools i mean ex grammar. In those in Coventry definitely there was at least 4% representation and less white as a percentage against the population as a whole.Clever wording. Asian students are the highest performing. This is very much about black students not “non white”. I note the ISC is very careful to use the same words you do and don’t reveal the breakdown beyond that.
Not really. I can only go on my experience and when I refer to private schools i mean ex grammar. In those in Coventry definitely there was at least 4% representation and less white as a percentage against the population as a whole.
I will say I have no idea what Redknapps point is that Dave’s on about can’t find anything online. I assumed it was the way to stop racism is more black kids at private schools?
It's not really white privilege, it's not as if there aren't any black players earning silly money from football who can send their kids to private school.
That’s not what white privilege means. I’m not a fan of the phrase but it’s about not recognising your circumstances don’t apply. I’d call this class privilege rather than white privilege, the fact is for the vast vast majority of people black or white, private schools ain’t gonna be the answer.
We look to these people to help tackle structural racism
That’s not what white privilege means. I’m not a fan of the phrase but it’s about not recognising your circumstances don’t apply. I’d call this class privilege rather than white privilege, the fact is for the vast vast majority of people black or white, private schools ain’t gonna be the answer.
We look to these people to help tackle structural racism
Perhaps, David lammy, black people simply don't want to become court judges in sufficient number, in the same way as black people may not want to become steeple jacks or roofers or stone masons.
Perhaps ADM this is actually a measure of inequality in the education system between black and white kids meaning that as a reflection of that there’s a disproportionately low number of black kids going to university meaning that there’s a disproportionately low amount of black people with a carrier in law meaning that there’s a disproportionately low number of black judges.Perhaps, David lammy, black people simply don't want to become court judges in sufficient number, in the same way as black people may not want to become steeple jacks or roofers or stone masons.
Perhaps ADM this is actually a measure of inequality in the education system between black and white kids meaning that as a reflection of that there’s a disproportionately low number of black kids going to university meaning that there’s a disproportionately low amount of black people with a carrier in law meaning that there’s a disproportionately low number of black judges.
You think it is a matter of choice rather than the lack of opportunity to take that particular path, or even believe that path is an option?Perhaps, David lammy, black people simply don't want to become court judges in sufficient number, in the same way as black people may not want to become steeple jacks or roofers or stone masons.
In which case colour of skin isn't relevant is it? It's somebody who was a footballer and earnt a lot of money who's dad is also minted not really knowing about what it would be like going to a school in a really bad area.
So much stuff is more about "class" than it is skin colour, it's almost as if it's racist to try to make it about skin colour rather than class.
Perhaps, David lammy, black people simply don't want to become court judges in sufficient number, in the same way as black people may not want to become steeple jacks or roofers or stone masons.
Are there no judges in majority black countries?
I'd trust David Lammy a black lawyer on matters of black people and the law establishment over some walloper like ADM
You think it is a matter of choice rather than the lack of opportunity to take that particular path, or even believe that path is an option?
The two are so intertwined, I agree that a lot of “structural racism” points raised are about class. I’ve still not seen a good explanation as to white black communities tend to be more working class than say Asian communities. Maybe something to do with how people came over? As in what sort of jobs? I honestly have no idea.
I’ve said the same to the missus about police “brutality” TBH, a lot of the stories sound similar to how me and my mates were treated as teenagers and maybe the big issue is how police treat all groups they suspect of crime?
There’s clearly racism in personal decisions that need to be tackled, and racist groups, but I do feel that like a lot of sexism, a lot of structural racism in this country is down to a mix of class and interventions not flowing through yet to the top of society.
It's hard enough to become a barrister if you aren't the child of either a barrister or the friend of a barrister.
Again, isn't that more class than skin colour?
A white or a black kid from a rough place growing up have about the same chance to know a barrister.
And why is there a disproportionslly low number going to university ? Why are they not getting the grades ? Are you saying that in a mixed class with white kids it's the white kids that get the grades and the black kids that don't? Who's to blame for that ?Perhaps ADM this is actually a measure of inequality in the education system between black and white kids meaning that as a reflection of that there’s a disproportionately low number of black kids going to university meaning that there’s a disproportionately low amount of black people with a carrier in law meaning that there’s a disproportionately low number of black judges.