Hoffman bid withdrawn!!!!! (1 Viewer)


New Member
What was that Otis? Fucking laughable that people are blaming Ken for this, some of you ain't got a clue. I knew my instincts were right, Hoffman was a phoney, wonder if him and Joe are at the riverside today, I very much doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Why am I not surprised. They're all Billy Bullshitters and I don't believe any of them to be honest. SISU, Hoffman, whoever, it doesn't really matter.


Well-Known Member
So it has all ended in tears by the looks of it. Seems as if both sides have acted unprofessionally in this whole deal. It was obvious Ken Duluei and the board were trying to scupper any deal, but also it is just downright stupid from Hoffman. I don't see any chance this deal could be resurrected even if Allardyce was to resign as director it sounds as if the investors have lost interest. This was our only chance to give us a fighting chance of staying up this season.

All in all this whole situation has just strengthened my desire for :blue:


Well-Known Member
What was that Otis? Fucking laughable that people are blaming Ken for this, some of you ain't got a clue. I knew my instincts were right, Hoffman was a phoney, wonder if him and Joe are at the riverside today, I very much doubt it.

Hibbert, Im finding your constant support of Ken Dulieu infuriating. Its not about whos against it, its about the fact that anyone is trying to oust this cancer from our club. I would support anyone who can get this disgrace out of our beloved club. Hes killing our club, if you dont see that, then im afraid your the one who hasnt got a bloody clue mate.


Well-Known Member
Hibbert, Im finding your constant support of Ken Dulieu infuriating. Its not about whos against it, its about the fact that anyone is trying to oust this cancer from our club. I would support anyone who can get this disgrace out of our beloved club. Hes killing our club, if you dont see that, then im afraid your the one who hasnt got a bloody clue mate.

I think you will find he is just picking over the corpse, it was dead yonks ago


Well-Known Member
On the bright side at least Ken Duluei keeps telling us he is currently talking to investors.:D

Oh wait that was a load of bull:facepalm:


New Member
Hibbert, Im finding your constant support of Ken Dulieu infuriating. Its not about whos against it, its about the fact that anyone is trying to oust this cancer from our club. I would support anyone who can get this disgrace out of our beloved club. Hes killing our club, if you dont see that, then im afraid your the one who hasnt got a bloody clue mate.

He's killing our club by securing funding for this season to keep us alive? Riiiight. Supporters only moan at owners when they don't spend any cash on players, they don't look beyond that at all. I'm not pro Sisu at all, I dont particualry like them, but you've got to face the facts, they're keeping us afloat as a football club and there is NO ONE else.

Bennets Afro

Well-Known Member
Hoffman is gonna say that his investers have pulled out for 2 reasons

1- it puts more pressure on SISU from the fans to dig deep in their pockets or find more investment

2- it makes SISU realise they are stuck with a product they do not want and cannot sell

I personally think that we haven't heard the end of this saga yet


Active Member
so what have we got left- sisu will finance us to the end of the season - but not fund bringing players in.
we will get relegated to league one - Clingan and the likes out of contract, and saleable assets will dissapear to other clubs during the close season.
we will then go into adminstration with a minimum of -10 points to start the season.
All that can be hoped for that someone comes in at that stage with enough finance to buy players to get us back into the championship- but can we really expect that to happen. I can see us wallowing in L 1 for many a year like with have in this division just ticking over with gates of 8K, ( on good day).
dark days chaps, dark days!!!!


Well-Known Member
Suppose Hoffman is still some kind of hero though, how dare Dueilu ask for proof of funds.

I think you will find that hoffman wanted a confidentiality contract signed by sisu prior to revealing the details. Not an unusual request in any business takeover.


Well-Known Member
SISU have said that they will support the funding of the club till the end of the season - true but have they said where these funds are coming from? Gunnarson money - mwho knows how much that will be but not much, Dann money - what happens if he doesn't get sold? Mortgage what else? Nothing left to mortgage or take loans against so that leaves player sales - oh joy. Still cannot beat a good business plan can you.


New Member
I think you will find that hoffman wanted a confidentiality contract signed by sisu prior to revealing the details. Not an unusual request in any business takeover.

How come Hoffman was running to the papers every two seconds then?

you're an idiot

New Member
He's killing our club by securing funding for this season to keep us alive? Riiiight. Supporters only moan at owners when they don't spend any cash on players, they don't look beyond that at all. I'm not pro Sisu at all, I dont particualry like them, but you've got to face the facts, they're keeping us afloat as a football club and there is NO ONE else.

Hibbert, lets be clear, they are keeping their investment afloat, it just so happens that the club is their investment so please refrain from attaching any emotional connection between SISU and Car Crash FC. They have absolutely no strategic plan in place to keep the club running at all in this league or below. You can't keep flogging a dead horse and that's what we are until someone comes in, procures the stadium, buys a small number of players to reignite faith in the supporters, we are not asking for an Ambramovich type takeover, we are not interested in a mass purchase of players. Instead, we are more interested in seeing owners come in who have the business plan to keep this club alive (and by alive I don't mean the life support it's on at the moment, I mean the feeling of sky blue blood running through the veins alive). SISU's plan is one of pure fantasy waiting for a rich eastern european oil tycoon to throw a dart at a map of the universe blindfolded and for it to land on Coventry as his lucky dip choice of football club to play with.


Well-Known Member
SISU have said that they will support the funding of the club till the end of the season - true but have they said where these funds are coming from? Gunnarson money - mwho knows how much that will be but not much, Dann money - what happens if he doesn't get sold? Mortgage what else? Nothing left to mortgage or take loans against so that leaves player sales - oh joy. Still cannot beat a good business plan can you.

if our supposed saviours weren't so stupid as to make an illegal bid we wouldn't have that problem. I'd actually like to see SISU pack up and leave right now and say "o.k thats what you all want, now what you going to do".


Well-Known Member
Hibbert, lets be clear, they are keeping their investment afloat, it just so happens that the club is their investment so please refrain from attaching any emotional connection between SISU and Car Crash FC. They have absolutely no strategic plan in place to keep the club running at all in this league or below. You can't keep flogging a dead horse and that's what we are until someone comes in, procures the stadium, buys a small number of players to reignite faith in the supporters, we are not asking for an Ambramovich type takeover, we are not interested in a mass purchase of players. Instead, we are more interested in seeing owners come in who have the business plan to keep this club alive (and by alive I don't mean the life support it's on at the moment, I mean the feeling of sky blue blood running through the veins alive). SISU's plan is one of pure fantasy waiting for a rich eastern european oil tycoon to throw a dart at a map of the universe blindfolded and for it to land on Coventry as his lucky dip choice of football club to play with.

but we don't have an offer? How we can have SISU out with no-one in?


New Member
He's killing our club by securing funding for this season to keep us alive? Riiiight. Supporters only moan at owners when they don't spend any cash on players, they don't look beyond that at all. I'm not pro Sisu at all, I dont particualry like them, but you've got to face the facts, they're keeping us afloat as a football club and there is NO ONE else.

I think there is some merit in what you say.

Football fans want money spent on players with no regard to the consequences, until those consequences come to pass.

you're an idiot

New Member
but we don't have an offer? How we can have SISU out with no-one in?

Do you not agree that considering the information we are privy too that SISU have done all they can to be uncooperative and discourage any interested takeover by Hoffman's contacts??? We had an offer. The details of that offer, which were to remain confidential for the offer not to be breached, were disclosed to the paparazzi??? Am I missing something?? Tango Ken disclosed the attending parties despite that being a condition of the offer??


New Member
Not you specifically, but when I've raised that question to other people there answer has been "admin is better than what we've got now, it gives us a chance for someone to buy us on the cheap". Absolute worst thing we can do right now is admin.


Well-Known Member
Do you not agree that considering the information we are privy too that SISU have done all they can to be uncooperative and discourage any interested takeover by Hoffman's contacts??? We had an offer. The details of that offer, which were to remain confidential for the offer not to be breached, were disclosed to the paparazzi??? Am I missing something?? Tango Ken disclosed the attending parties despite that being a condition of the offer??

disclosed or not to the press it was not an offer that could not have been valid.

maybe Orange Ken was sick of everybody sucking on the Hoff.

I would prefer SISU were not running the club but I'd still like to see somebody else in charge rather than just saying "SISU out"

you're an idiot

New Member
disclosed or not to the press it was not an offer that could not have been valid.

maybe Orange Ken was sick of everybody sucking on the Hoff.

I would prefer SISU were not running the club but I'd still like to see somebody else in charge rather than just saying "SISU out"

Fair enough Macca, I see your point with regards to the validity of the offer. If we are stuck with SISU for the time being though I wholeheatedly with a passion believe Orange Ken needs to be replaced if not for the sake of the club then at least for the sake of SISU! No investor/takeover group would come near the place with ken trying to win a non-existent popularity contest.


Well-Known Member
the statement is now on the offal
This made me laugh

"For the past six months a number of people outside of the club, who profess to have the Club's interests at heart, have been trying to destabilise our recovery work. The Board and the owner want every stakeholder of the club to be clear that significant funding continues to be made available by SISU to allow the Board to work towards improving all aspects of club life.
We want all supporters to continue their fantastic support of the team, with the knowledge that the Board and owner are working together to improve the club's future prospects."

You are fooling nobody Ken.


New Member
Not you specifically, but when I've raised that question to other people there answer has been "admin is better than what we've got now, it gives us a chance for someone to buy us on the cheap". Absolute worst thing we can do right now is admin.

Why is admin the worst thing that can happen?


New Member
We need hoffman an sisu to come out with official statements so we can get an end to it all...is there going to be another bid? I hope so for our sakes...cant believe hoff would of been that stupid to think big sams name wouldnt come out

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