Ranson was the man who almost got the club into administration, his business record is appalling and he appointed Aidy Hoofroyd last summer (who was slightly unlucky with injuries in my opinion). It's to think that the grass will be greener with a new board but I think it would be the same cycle, unless Hoffman is genuine about buying the Ricoh and has the funds, there would be a bit of optimism a few signings and slowly the club will slip into the same apathy that surrounds it today.
Have to disagree with the bit about Ranson. Just how did he almost get us into administration? It wasn't through buying expensive players that's for sure!
If SISU had stuck to their original gameplan of putting a young cheap side together with players like Fox, Dann and Westwood and buying the players Ranson had lined up like Henderson, Carroll and Cork then we'd have been up by now. SISU bottled it and started selling off anyone worth a few quid the first chance they got.
They only have themselves to blame for their investment not making them a handsome profit.
You can't conjure up money by wanting it really hard, as my entire National Lottery history proves.
If SISU had stuck to their original gameplan of putting a young cheap side together with players like Fox, Dann and Westwood and buying the players Ranson had lined up like Henderson, Carroll and Cork then we'd have been up by now. SISU bottled it and started selling off anyone worth a few quid the first chance they got.
They only have themselves to blame for their investment not making them a handsome profit.
well brodys appearing on telly in america and the charman thinks he is a coach attending all the training sessions in portugal so i doubt were tryin too hard at reviewing thorns wish list!Thanks Rich, I can sleep tonight knowing this
It is annoying that we dont seem to be moving in the transfer marker, however I trust that something (not sure what but there must be something) is going on in the background! The squad and management might be away on Holiday, but this doesnt mean the board arent working / reviewing AT's wishlist!
Maybe he took some time out to do some scouting in Portugal??
well brodys appearing on telly in america and the charman thinks he is a coach attending all the training sessions in portugal so i doubt were tryin too hard at reviewing thorns wish list!
The idea that SISU not splashing the cash is because they don't care is hilarious. Do people really think that if the same people were Cov fans they'd be throwing the millions that clearly don't exist at us? You can't conjure up money by wanting it really hard, as my entire National Lottery history proves.
well brodys appearing on telly in america and the charman thinks he is a coach attending all the training sessions in portugal so i doubt were tryin too hard at reviewing thorns wish list!
Oh.. well that's 15 years of my life wasted..
Ranson stated in fans forums that the investors who had funded our 'project' would remain nameless, but that they included some people EXTREMELY high up on the rich list; so it isn't that they don't have the money IF they wanted to put it in.
Rich people such as Steve Gibson or Dave Whelan throw money at their clubs just because they love them.
To say that these investors don't care may be a little harsh - but they don't care about their clubs like many other owners do. If they did they wouldn't constantly cash in on players.
For me the Connor Thomas deal was the biggest slap in the face yet. Thank god Liverpool changed their minds because we need a homegrown hero.
Steve Gibson and Dave Whelan willingly lose money because it's partly their hobby, and partly because they can afford to. I can't see how we could have some incredibly rich backers; particularly when the option to purchase half the ground and start to recoup appears to make sound financial sense and yet nothing's happened.
That's exactly it really, their decisions are made from a business and financial view, whereas we'd look at the same thing from a more footballing and/or emotional standpoint.
I just don't buy when people say it's because they don't care - the betterment of the club is as much in their interests as it is ours, just for different reasons.
Yeah, I guess it's just down to the definition of 'care'.
It'll all be fine when I win the euromillions on Tuesday and name the ground after me. Luckily all I have to do is remove the 'O'![]()
What pisses me off about sissu is what ever fat cats are running club as early posts said think its a profitable project, well what about the fans its a hobby and love of sport for club that we want to see win a its a tough buisness but for gods sake dont fuck the fans around that put in there hard earned money to help there club and then the company running club piss it againt the wind and we the fans are standing there with egg on our face wanting to know whats going on and if well ever go up?
Of SISU now, another player gone (gunner) and no signs of anyone coming in anytime soon to replace any of our key players. They clearly don't give two shits about the club and therefore I ask the Hoff to please bail us out now before it's too late.
"SISU are Leicester fans, SISU are Leicester fans" :claping hands::claping hands::guitar2:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2UP86bciVANo signings , no money , we are in the mire big time ! Sisu step aside , do one , jog on . We need someone who cares about our beloved club
Sell up and feck off
If I win it, I'm going to have them build a huge statue of me straddling the A444 en route the Ricoh. A bit like the Colossus of Rhodes except with a clock in the stomach. You don't want to know what the pendulum is.