Well-Known Member
A company buys the football club I support. In the space of 5 years they sell most of the players that are worth anything, 'gain' demotion to league one, build up an enormous debt, treat the fans with total disdain, take the team away from Coventry to ground share 35 miles away, and reduce the fan base from 17,000 per game to around 1500.
When interviewed Joy Seppela lays the blame clearly with the council for high rent, a rent which she was fully aware of from when they purchased the club.
Now every other article I read on the Coventry Telegraph seems to give the view that the next best action would be for SISU to buy the Ricoh. Also people on here are arguing the same. Where the heck is this coming from?
I really can't understand why any fan wouldn't feel absolute horror at the thought of this bunch of incompetents taking over a major development in the City of Coventry. I really do feel like shouting at the top of my voice whenever I read an article even hinting at SISU getting their way in this sorry affair of their own making.
At the end of the day SISU's normal business plan is to make a quick buck out of distressed businesses. Their dear hope is to get the Ricoh at a knock down price, then recoup their losses by selling it at market price.
There is the answer I hear all you pro-SISUs shout - then the club will be sold!
No I say. If this happened SISU would be recouping their money at the expense of the Coventry ratepayers. Coventry ratepayers have already saved the club when the Ricoh project was bailed out by the council. Now the people of Coventry are being told they have got to bail the club out again. Never!
This is my point of view. I will never got to see CCFC play again it is owned by SISU - full stop. If a new Coventry team was created to play in the Ricoh and were branded the new sky blues they would get my full support.
I will leave this on one note. Joy Seppela said in her latest interview that she felt empathy with the fans. The dictionary definition for empathy is:-
"Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives."
In the same interview she says:-
"I shepherd other people’s money. I don’t have the desire to run a football club, I don’t know anything about football"
To me this says everything about the woman and the business she runs.
Dear oh dear, the same old "asset of Coventry" nonsense. A football stadium without a football club, what an amazing asset for the city. Couldn't care less about the Ricoh without the skyblues playing there. Surely the importance of us coming home outweighs anything else.