just got my cup tickets (3 Viewers)


New Member
I know what a scab is,I've been in the car industry 18 years. You know what I mean smartarse.


Well-Known Member
What are you trying to get done? Nothing by giving that lot more cash. It's us,the stay away fans on Saturday that are going to suffer. What's your contribution to the cause? Nothing.

I'm not going to the game. You don't have to be going to find your abuse of those who are repugnant, you see.


Well-Known Member
I know what a scab is,I've been in the car industry 18 years. You know what I mean smartarse.

I've been in the industry for 22 years and we all know what the term means - the minority who breach a majority view - you are in the minority.


New Member
I'm suffering by not going to the game. Do you not think I wanna go? I can't remember the last time I missed an fa cup tie. At least I wanna do something torch.


Well-Known Member
Really? I thought you were about 12.

I know what a scab is,I've been in the car industry 18 years. You know what I mean smartarse.


New Member
I probably am in the minority cos most fans are to spineless to do anything about it. Night all,been nice bickering with you.


Well-Known Member
Please remember to shout "fucking scabs" to those walking past you on Saturday. Or do you only do that anonymously from your PC?


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
By the way Torch I did put the question regarding boycotting the next FA Cup match and Ashbyjan kindly replied that this is a one off regarding the banning of the cup and they will be looking at other possible routes regarding protesting, I will try and find the thread for you so you can see what he actually said in responce.


Well-Known Member
What a strange juxtaposition of wanting to fight for the club to thrive, and yet apparently not acknowledging fans from outside the city border, a region that the club clearly needs in order to thrive.

Of course as it's valiant I say juxtaposition, but I mean derp derp derp.


New Member
Please remember to shout "fucking scabs" to those walking past you on Saturday. Or do you only do that anonymously from your PC?

From the last couple of pages of this thread it seems the scabs are more than happy to throw around the insults at other fans "idiots", "lunatics" etc. So why don't you get off your fucking high horse. :jerkit:


Well-Known Member
Torchy number 28 on this thread was Ashbyjans reply regarding the protest. Here is what he said.
I for one will be protesting outside and not going in but hoping that we absolutely stuff Southampton. If we get through to the next round I doubt that we will do the protest again as it will lose its impact with repetition and we will come up with other ways of raising SISU's profile in a totally negative way. We have caught the attention of the nationals judging by calls I have had today from newspapers and agencies and we must keep up the pressure until SISU are gone.

Hope this helps you torchy with what you wanted to know?


Well-Known Member
Thanks, Ichan. Yes, it does. Appreciate you taking the trouble to find that.


Well-Known Member
Jesus I just read this post, and some people need to get a reality check.

If poeple want to go to the game, thats their perogative, as it is those that dont and want to protest. It does not make anyone a scab or anything of the sort if they choose to go, and to say otherwise shows crass stupidity, and extreme immaturity.

We live a democarcy where people have a freedom of choice, some people need to read that, appreciate it, and take it in.

To say i am totally amazed at the vitriol some supporters have had on this post to choose to go to the game has just left me amazed, as has the abuse that torchy recieved for not actually being from Coventry. Im not, wasnt born in the City and dont live in the city (although used to) so does that mean I am not a fan. What a f*cking joke.


Well-Known Member
What next? We can only have players who were born in the City?


Well-Known Member
What next? We can only have players who were born in the City?

There will probably be a passport control at the turnstile to identify your birthplace. If you fail the test you are refused admission.


Well-Known Member
I've got no chance then, have I?
There will probably be a passport control at the turnstile to identify your birthplace. If you fail the test you are refused admission.

You'll Never Beat McPake

Well-Known Member
I have attended every FA Cup match since 2000 with my son since he was old enough to appreciate what being a sky blue fan means. We will be going to the game on Saturday to keep this ritual going and to cheer on the team.
Life is all about making choices, some are easy and some are very difficult and we all have to live with the consequences of our actions.

I applaud those making a stand to boycott the beginning of the game because it is their democratic right to do so. I am sure that they will feel great frustration at missing any goals and hopefully a win through this sacrifice.


Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
So hang on a second valiant15 is having a go at fans for going to the match to justify his stance on the protest BUT HE ISN'T EVEN GOING TO THE PROTEST OUTSIDE THE GROUND?!

You couldn't make it up could you?

Good luck to the protesters (although I do feel sorry for them as no one from SISU will be in Coventry) but if I get any crap from my own clubs fans for going to the game, I will start windmilling! ;c)


Well-Known Member
So hang on a second valiant15 is having a go at fans for going to the match to justify his stance on the protest BUT HE ISN'T EVEN GOING TO THE PROTEST OUTSIDE THE GROUND?!

You couldn't make it up could you?

Good luck to the protesters (although I do feel sorry for them as no one from SISU will be in Coventry) but if I get any crap from my own clubs fans for going to the game, I will start windmilling! ;c)

Remember to take your keys:



Well-Known Member
SA - just to reiterate that any fan joining in with the protest who, in any way disrespects his fellow fans who don't wish to join the protest will be roundly condemned by Save Our City - we are an inclusive group not divisive. We all share a passion for our club and we can all show that passion in our own way - no one supporter is better than any other.

See the website www.save-our-city.com or twitter feed #save_our_city

Sterling Archer

Well-Known Member
Good work Ashby.

Any protesters who turn on fans going to the game would be morons. The same goes for any fans going to the game who turn on the protestors.

We all want whats right for the club at the end of the day. Ultimately we all want to see an end to the last 10 years of sh*ttyness on the pitch and have something to cheer about.


Well-Known Member
Valiant - your support is appreciated but your attitude to fellow fans is not - comments like "spineless" etc are disrespectful to fellow fans and not helpful to our long term goal of uniting all supporters.


New Member
So the people who are paying to go to the game,what's their contribution to the protect/boycott? The going in late idea is a waste of time,sisu wont give a shit cos they've pocketed the cash. They want sisu out but they are not prepared to help by boycotting one game. If this was happening at any other club there would be uproar.


Super Moderator
So the people who are paying to go to the game,what's their contribution to the protect/boycott? The going in late idea is a waste of time,sisu wont give a shit cos they've pocketed the cash. They want sisu out but they are not prepared to help by boycotting one game. If this was happening at any other club there would be uproar.

Who says that the fans going in don't just want to support their team regardless of ownership?

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