My suspicions are also raised with its similarity to Hoffman's 'offer' that those equally responsible for the demise of our club are meddling in the background.
If the discussions were to buy the club, I would be concerned, but this is to get CCFC back to the Ricoh, and really, does it matter who is behind it if it gets SISU talking?
The timing is also... unfortunate. Just before a JR result, not too long until a march celebrating fan unity. ...... I'd suggest it's more likely SISU would be willing to sit down with ACL/CCC then they would KCiC!
The perfect timing is long past, but if SISU came back and said they will discuss it after the JR is done and dusted, I would accept that. Agree about your next point though, but I still support this attempt to get discussions.
So yes, I would like to know what this deal actually is................I was always taught to ask questions if I didn't understand something or if I wanted to be reassured... once things were in the media, I was *definitely* taught to ask questions before taking at face value
Really, I this is a genuine attempt to get SISU to talk, so at this stage, i'm not really interested in detail. If they talk, great, if they don't, let's know why, but if they do, I think that's when the detail can be put together, with SISU's involvement. I would find it hard to put detail together on this because I really do not know what, if anything, would be acceptable to SISU, hence let's meet and go through it. The important aspect is "let's meet"
You, *you* may have the answer! You may be one of those businessmen! For that matter, you may be Elliott and/or Hoffman in which case hi
Ha, no sorry to disappoint you

I might have got involved if I'd won the £100million+ lottery the other week...but I didn't.
So... rather than see questions as a negative, isn't it better to consider them more as 'here's an idea we can run with, let's flesh it out a bit to see if it's a goer'? You may not give a damn about the detail, but what if there's something missing that could have easily been added without consequence that woul be *more* likely to get talks started?
Can you imagine how much squabbling there would be on here as to how to "flesh it out" ? Blimey, the JR would be well and truly finished and a new stadium built before we agreed on what the offer should be...
Just dismiss my doubts as those of someone who wants the club in Northampton and that loses someone automatically who's disposed to get behind something.
And yes, have ACL actually been consulted too? If not, what if SISU turned round and said alright, what happens then!
I would expect there to have been some dialogue with ACL first, but I don't know. If there has, then giving the detail on here would again be like throwing meat for the dogs to scrap over...not productive. If there hasn't, then they could still discuss with SISU what would work and then talk to ACL. You know, like acting as a mediator...
Sorry for the delay in answering