Kcic front bid to buy club (23 Viewers)


What if the right solution is to start building bridges and we come back to an initial rental deal with a view to buying the Higgs share as originally planned. Your post reads like a party political broadcast by Labovitch himself on behalf of Sisu. Because all of what you say should happen would involve Sisu putting their hand in their fucking pocket (unless like Grendel you want it given away for free). You can snide at Michael by accusing his group of being silly or a side show or creating delays but I for one am happy there is someone willing to put their head over the trenches in the name of CCFC rather than faceless people having a pop because they think what they say is the right thing to do. Michael might not get it right all of the time but do any of us? Would you rather we just had Labovitch continually telling us that it is everyone else's fault but Sisu's and the Council and ACL are evil?

Who has had a pop or been snide?

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Who has had a pop or been snide?

I was answering Paxman where he had used the words silly, side show and creating delays. Might be me but that doesn't come across as being supportive.

Why have you just picked out the snide/pop comment from my post?

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Michael I can't believe the naivety being shown.
Since when has it been about affording the rent and match day cost? It may have been part of the dispute but is not fundamental in the overall requirement SISU seek (namely ownership of the stadium in some form) in order to return to the Ricoh once and for all.

It puzzles me why kcic should make such a silly offer? Indeed as said by someone, it smacks of a repeated offer made by Hoffman that was easily dismantled as a joke back then once examined under scrutiny but got him some media attention.

If you truly believe you are onto something with this 'offer' and yet refuse to say who agree backing it and what the end game is then I wish you luck in your naivety. If I was SISU I doubt I would even bother to respond. You are merely carpet bagging them to look bad if they don't respond.

There is nothing in it for them. They could make such arrangement with ACL themselves if they really wanted to. It's about the long term future and getting ACL to realise this and moreover the council who own the gig and half of ACL.

You should put your efforts into trying to talk to various parties as to how you can release ACL from the 40 year lease, deal with all the contractors in place and sub leases and in some way convince the council the football club needs to own the stadium for the community it serves. Now that would be making progress. Your idea simply delays the inevitable from happening and is a side show to the real problem that all this has been about.

I would hazard a guess that some of your backers are the likes of dear Uncle Joe who was a party to the mess in the first place and then of a failed takeover bid that was undermined with the councils intent to rid itself of SISU. Hoffman allegedly made his offer famously on the back of a cigarette packet which really gave him credibility and then disappeared again.

Everyone needs to realise it is ALL about owning the Ricoh for the football club. SISU may have designs on it for themselves but one way or another the right solution can be found.

You accuse Michael of being naive and believe the fag packet rubbish. You need to realise this is NOTHING to do with owning the Ricoh for the football club.


Well-Known Member
I was answering Paxman where he had used the words silly, side show and creating delays. Might be me but that doesn't come across as being supportive.

Why have you just picked out the snide/pop comment from my post?

Your posts are sanctimonois buffoonery. If being supporting is getting a few sound bites in the media for your own glorification count kcic in but count me out.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
Your posts are sanctimonois buffoonery. If being supporting is getting a few sound bites in the media for your own glorification count kcic in but count me out.

Firstly it's sanctimonious or are you really French?

How can we count you in or out? you spout shit every day but actually come up with nothing.

Michael is a fan who is trying his hardest to work in the murky world of football business. Do you actually think Michael wants the media attention or that he wants the football team he supports playing in the city it took it's name from. I would imagine it takes a hell of a lot of his own time trying to put together what he does, maybe even more than you spend posting shite on here.


Well-Known Member
Firstly it's sanctimonious or are you really French?

How can we count you in or out? you spout shit every day but actually come up with nothing.

Michael is a fan who is trying his hardest to work in the murky world of football business. Do you actually think Michael wants the media attention or that he wants the football team he supports playing in the city it took it's name from. I would imagine it takes a hell of a lot of his own time trying to put together what he does, maybe even more than you spend posting shite on here.

I want the club back. You wouldn't want them back unless they had "paid their fair share" back to the council would you? Not I suspect does Michael.

The Gentleman

Well-Known Member
I want the club back. You wouldn't want them back unless they had "paid their fair share" back to the council would you? Not I suspect does Michael.

I would love CCFC back playing in the city where they take their name. Can the Council let Sisu/Otium have the arena for peanuts? have the revenue streams for peanuts? Or are there certain rules and procedures that have to be followed, especially after the JR. Do you sell anything and then expect it back for free if you've realised that you needed it in the end?

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
I want the club back. You wouldn't want them back unless they had "paid their fair share" back to the council would you? Not I suspect does Michael.

Lol !!
So you only want them back if the Ricoh is gifted to Sisu ???
Because that's how it comes across !!


Well-Known Member
I would love CCFC back playing in the city where they take their name. Can the Council let Sisu/Otium have the arena for peanuts? have the revenue streams for peanuts? Or are there certain rules and procedures that have to be followed, especially after the JR. Do you sell anything and then expect it back for free if you've realised that you needed it in the end?

No one will want to own the club unless it has access to the stadium on massively preferential terms.

sky blue john

Well-Known Member
Had any meetings with TF & ML lately Grendel ??
Maybe your just angry because you have been used by Sisu and treated like a mushroom !!!

Paxman II

Well-Known Member
It has everything to do with the Ricoh! And yes I meant what I said. The Ricoh should belong to the football club where it serves it's community. Whether that means literally the football club or the clubs owners as can happen from time to time is for the council to determine in what ever they feel they can accept?
For now SISU as owners of our football club are not going to accept anything that assist ACL in the continuance of the present situation. i.e. renting short or long term. If they wanted that SISU could pay the rent and match day cost themselves.

Selling the original shares in the Higgs side of it did not bring them share in the revenue streams remember and nor will it if they buy it back.

Lets be clear we are at the point where a short term deal of any kind has long been dismissed as a probability even if some pressure group pay for it. If I was making the stance SISU have then I too would not consider going back until the right deal to ownership and the stadiums revenue and operations were on the table.

Now if the council said OK you can talk about ownership for a price and we are willing to sell but all sides from ACL to Compass and the rest must be adequately satisfied or no deal, then yes return for now based on that scenario. SISU would be there like a shot.

Broken Hearted Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
It has everything to do with the Ricoh! And yes I meant what I said. The Ricoh should belong to the football club where it serves it's community. Whether that means literally the football club or the clubs owners as can happen from time to time is for the council to determine in what ever they feel they can accept?
For now SISU as owners of our football club are not going to accept anything that assist ACL in the continuance of the present situation. i.e. renting short or long term. If they wanted that SISU could pay the rent and match day cost themselves.

Selling the original shares in the Higgs side of it did not bring them share in the revenue streams remember and nor will it if they buy it back.

Lets be clear we are at the point where a short term deal of any kind has long been dismissed as a probability even if some pressure group pay for it. If I was making the stance SISU have then I too would not consider going back until the right deal to ownership and the stadiums revenue and operations were on the table.

Now if the council said OK you can talk about ownership for a price and we are willing to sell but all sides from ACL to Compass and the rest must be adequately satisfied or no deal, then yes return for now based on that scenario. SISU would be there like a shot.

If all that is true then why did they want to buy just the Higgs share of ACL or were they just kidding? And in answer tou your last part no they would'nt.


Well-Known Member
certainly stricter than the terms Higgs agreed with sisu anyway.

And I think that will be a big problem. How confident would CCC and Higgs be to hand over the Ricoh in the belief that the contract is water tight and SISU won't find a way out based on their behaviour to date? I think that is the reason CCC need to retain the freehold, gives them a little more security but doesn't prevent the club from having effective ownership and access to all revenues.

Jack Griffin

Interesting, so far they haven't said no to free rent.. so they are obviously thinking about it... it is a very terse response.. so far..

Either they are struggling to find a justification for dismissing it or they are actually considering taking the offer up.

Told ya... yet to see how it will be handled.. will all parties be dealing in good faith? I hope so.. otherwise no point..
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Well-Known Member
And I think that will be a big problem. How confident would CCC and Higgs be to hand over the Ricoh in the belief that the contract is water tight and SISU won't find a way out based on their behaviour to date? I think that is the reason CCC need to retain the freehold, gives them a little more security but doesn't prevent the club from having effective ownership and access to all revenues.

I'm not sure what CCC could do if the freehold is sold. Surely private property, they can sell to who they want then?

125-year lease. £1/year rent. Chance to buy into the rest of the income from the arena or buy land for development. Allow CCFC to use the Ricoh all year and gain all benefit from the stadium bowl (F&B, but also other sports, streaking contests, whatever). ACL to focus on the hotel, conference centre and casino as well as overall development.

That's a perfect scenario to me. Stadium is tied to club. Club can improve revenue, CCC still control major strategic element and development rights for the land. Give CCFC the hospitality on match days from the hotel as well, and a couple of hundred parking spaces.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what CCC could do if the freehold is sold. Surely private property, they can sell to who they want then?

125-year lease. £1/year rent. Chance to buy into the rest of the income from the arena or buy land for development. Allow CCFC to use the Ricoh all year and gain all benefit from the stadium bowl (F&B, but also other sports, streaking contests, whatever). ACL to focus on the hotel, conference centre and casino as well as overall development.

That's a perfect scenario to me. Stadium is tied to club. Club can improve revenue, CCC still control major strategic element and development rights for the land. Give CCFC the hospitality on match days from the hotel as well, and a couple of hundred parking spaces.

All very good in principal but it would kill ACL and therefore won't happen.

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