Lose the Gut Thread (Following on from New Year's Resolution) (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Just go with Standard Membership then?

Just don't like dishonest companies TBH.

I'll probably end up with them if Cov Uni gym is no cheaper.


Thing is going to the gym you have to do something, going to classes means you even more have to do something else you look a pussy so it means you go that bit further.

Can download as many videos or get weights at home but would you use them?


Well-Known Member
lol ya see im the all or nothing type if im gonna do do it right im 33 now so wanted get back ripped and in shape ive partied since i was 15 so this year all about being in shape and healthy but being able go out the weekend have few drinks eat bad food but not worry about being out of shape because ill keep going the gym and be clean mon to sat its getting to that point first hard bit. use www.bodybuilding.com has loads free programs diets ect its very good tips aswell

i have done starting strength for 2 years and then did powerlifting. but that was wrong as i wanna look good not lift so heavy tbh

so now doing 4 day body building split

need to consume more calories a day though to bulk up


Well-Known Member
Just been into the Uni gym. It's £100 for membership until September, that makes it £12.50/month by my calculations. Cheaper than the £15.99 at Pro Gym but all up front. Decisions decisions.


Just been into the Uni gym. It's £100 for membership until September, that makes it £12.50/month by my calculations. Cheaper than the £15.99 at Pro Gym but all up front. Decisions decisions.

Does that include classes? ;)


Well-Known Member
shmee no offence mate but i get the feeling you just dont have getting in shape as a priority. or you are not really motivated

which is fine as everyones life different. but you need to be honest with yourself wether you wanna do this or not.

when i am motivated i am googling diet plans,workout plans etc and i just cant wait to go to the gym(like tonight for e.g). i am not sensing any passion from you brother! do it proper or not all. no half assed stuff like monstor energy drinks etc


shmee no offence mate but i get the feeling you just dont have getting in shape as a priority. or you are not really motivated

which is fine as everyones life different. but you need to be honest with yourself wether you wanna do this or not.

when i am motivated i am googling diet plans,workout plans etc and i just cant wait to go to the gym(like tonight for e.g). i am not sensing any passion from you brother! do it proper or not all. no half assed stuff like monstor energy drinks etc

Can't say it would be everybody's number 1 priority in life, some place it higher than others but doesn't mean they don't want to.


Well-Known Member
i dont mean a bigger priorirty than family or living etc.

i mean i sense alot of reluctance from him. and my biggest advice would be to really want it rather than do it because you think you should.


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Losing fat or getting in shape isnt easy alot factors come into planning getting into shape really, being serious and actually planning is good start but comes down to how bad you want it or what your goal is, obliviously your lifestyle dictates your effort aswell but that again thats up to you how much you will control your environment to achieve your goal. being brutally honest if your the kind person who makes excuses or lazy ect i just so see the point spending money on gym memberships and supplements when you wont use them fully pissing money away.


Well-Known Member
i dont mean a bigger priorirty than family or living etc.

i mean i sense alot of reluctance from him. and my biggest advice would be to really want it rather than do it because you think you should.

With all due respect, I couldn't give a fuck what you think. ;)

I'm keen to get in shape, but not keen on the gym. I've found them full of wankers and I'm a bit self conscious. But I've bought home equipment before and not ended up using it, so I reckon I'd get further from a gym (ideally with a training plan).

But in two weeks I've quit a 20 year smoking habit, increased my activity level about 1000% and have started looking at gyms. I don't have cash to burn at the moment so can't just randomly join one on a whim. I also have to ensure it fits around my childcare, work and uni commitments


Well-Known Member
Im honna assume yoir first line is a joke.

Yeh u have made big.imporvements in 2 weeks. I guess i just commenting on the energy drinks and not joining gym.

I get it money is issue. Maybe just stick to bidyweigbt excercises in your house. Wide grip chin ups. Press ups. Planks etc but dont look fown on the gym. Thats inferiority speaking.

My original comment wasnt a putdown. I just wanna see some eye of tiger from you. Font want yoi to become one thos epeople who says just 1 coke can a day now. Or fish and chips has protein right? Lol


Well-Known Member
Im honna assume yoir first line is a joke.

Yeh u have made big.imporvements in 2 weeks. I guess i just commenting on the energy drinks and not joining gym.

I get it money is issue. Maybe just stick to bidyweigbt excercises in your house. Wide grip chin ups. Press ups. Planks etc but dont look fown on the gym. Thats inferiority speaking.

My original comment wasnt a putdown. I just wanna see some eye of tiger from you. Font want yoi to become one thos epeople who says just 1 coke can a day now. Or fish and chips has protein right? Lol

Yeah a bit of fun poking does rile me up, so fair play on that front. Ofc I'm joking.

Energy drinks? What you on about? Like I say, nothing but water and black coffee so far this week.

I think, thanks to your poking I am going to join a gym. Should have the money when I get paid Friday night. Dammit I'm saying it now, I'm joining on Saturday.


Well-Known Member
With all due respect, I couldn't give a fuck what you think. ;)

I'm keen to get in shape, but not keen on the gym. I've found them full of wankers and I'm a bit self conscious. But I've bought home equipment before and not ended up using it, so I reckon I'd get further from a gym (ideally with a training plan).

But in two weeks I've quit a 20 year smoking habit, increased my activity level about 1000% and have started looking at gyms. I don't have cash to burn at the moment so can't just randomly join one on a whim. I also have to ensure it fits around my childcare, work and uni commitments
Yeah I was a bit self conscious when I first joined the gym, but after a couple of weeks I realised no one gives a fuck what I'm doing, they're all too wrapped up in their own workouts.
And remember, you have as much right to be there as any muscle bound beefcake. You all pay the same subscription.
Good luck with it mate.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was a bit self conscious when I first joined the gym, but after a couple of weeks I realised no one gives a fuck what I'm doing, they're all too wrapped up in their own workouts.
And remember, you have as much right to be there as any muscle bound beefcake. You all pay the same subscription.
Good luck with it mate.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk


important to realise that im not looking at you. and your not looking at me. everyone just doing their workouts

unless you hot bird in yoga pants...


Yeah I was a bit self conscious when I first joined the gym, but after a couple of weeks I realised no one gives a fuck what I'm doing, they're all too wrapped up in their own workouts.
And remember, you have as much right to be there as any muscle bound beefcake. You all pay the same subscription.
Good luck with it mate.

Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk

Apart from the absolute knobheads I like to follow round and put the weights up loads (even if it kills me). :)


Well-Known Member
Shmmee, it would be a massive help to you if you had a training partner. They could help you with heavy lifts, give encouragement etc. Also, on days when you are due to go to the gym but don't feel like it, the fact that you know they are waiting for you gives you a bit of a push to go.


Well-Known Member
Just been into the Uni gym. It's £100 for membership until September, that makes it £12.50/month by my calculations. Cheaper than the £15.99 at Pro Gym but all up front. Decisions decisions.

That's a very good price. I'm in Rugby and use the Diamond Jubilee Centre, at £20 a month its a reasonable price.

Re going to the gym, like a previous poster said, most people don't look at anyone else they are more bothered in what they are doing, and just focus on yourself. There are always a very small amount of posers, but most people are like us, there for a reason to get fit and healthy. I look shit after my cardio sometimes, but so do most people, and I can lift bigger weights on the machines than some, less than others, its all relative to yourself.


Well-Known Member
thats the appeal i guess for me, lots of body building equipment

however cant lie i was lol intimidated when i was talking around lol. i will do it for a month and see how it is.


Well-Known Member
if anyone wants any tips on meal prep food supplements ect ask away

i have breekie of ommelette,hard biled eggs or porridge with protein powder in it

i ame ating lean meats veg and slow carbs. but not been strict on sauces etc think i need to work on my portions,bit too big

after workout i have jacket potato or peanut butte rbagel. and protein shake

i have ordered a few meals to be delivered to my house now from a bodybuilding delivery site. see how that goes

snack wise i have turkey slices,fruits,nuts,hummus

drink just water and green tea mostly.

sound about right?


Facebook User
i have breekie of ommelette,hard biled eggs or porridge with protein powder in it

i ame ating lean meats veg and slow carbs. but not been strict on sauces etc think i need to work on my portions,bit too big

after workout i have jacket potato or peanut butte rbagel. and protein shake

i have ordered a few meals to be delivered to my house now from a bodybuilding delivery site. see how that goes

snack wise i have turkey slices,fruits,nuts,hummus

drink just water and green tea mostly.

sound about right?

ya sounds good be careful with eggs i wouldnt have more one or 2 yellows, i always have scrambled eggs 1 whole and 7 egg whites and i mix an avacado with it, my oats are around 50g weight wise or 40g carb wise, they key is meal frequency small clean meals and your cardio is 30mins a day more if you can depends how fast you wanna burn fat. i eat 6-7 meals a day from 6.30am up till 9pm plus my shakes on top of it. im at the end of my 8 week program which has been very tough cos cardio is morning and after my workout it goes up 5mins every week so at the start i did 20mins morning 20 mins after y work out now week 8 its 55m ins in morning and 55mins after my work out with only 3 meals have fuck all carbs in them. in order to burn fat you need to calorie deflect no point busting your ass in gym cardio burning fatty food that you ate and not getting to fat you stored if you get what i mean its all about using up stored fat for energy in gym and cardio how you lose it. oh if your buying meals in uk these guys are great affordable too MuscleFood | Premium Lean Meats & Sports Nutrition

as for supplemetns only 2 crowds id use below myprotein and kaged muscle


Kaged Muscle Supplements - Products


Well-Known Member
tbh i have noticed if i have too many egg sin 2 or 3 day period i get stomach cramps. maybe i shud stick to egg whites only after 1 or 2 yolks

do u recommend cardio everyday? i thought bodybuilders say too much cardio eats up muscle?

i have a bit of a pot belly. can see muscle improvements in arms and legs,back, top half of chest but the friggen belly never goes. some say bulk before cutting.

you reccomend burning the belly away right off bat with cardio every day?


Facebook User
tbh i have noticed if i have too many egg sin 2 or 3 day period i get stomach cramps. maybe i shud stick to egg whites only after 1 or 2 yolks

do u recommend cardio everyday? i thought bodybuilders say too much cardio eats up muscle?

i have a bit of a pot belly. can see muscle improvements in arms and legs,back, top half of chest but the friggen belly never goes. some say bulk before cutting.

you reccomend burning the belly away right off bat with cardio every day?

this my instragram page have look weight i had on me my food supps ect Shane (@theirishguy99) • Instagram photos and videos

majority of guys hold fat mainly in their stomach and abdominal area its last place lose fat im a great example right now while im cutting only place ive left cut fat my stomach and chest my abs are there i just need chisel off this fat , as for the cardio myth all comes down to macros as long as your protein intake in your meals covers your lean body weight so when you do cardio your body doesnt use muscle mass for energy then comes down to how much cardio you do versus your clean carb intake, so example you start 20mins morning 20mins after your workout now say your having white bread pasta ect in 2 or 3 meals per day your cardio only burn that food you ate heck you might not even burn it all but it you swap out the bread for brown rice or sweet potato or white potato your body uses that and burns it that day so when your workout and cardio it burn your stored fat in your body instead. think this way you have a car your running on diesel its dirty and slow hard burn you switch petrol its clean quick burn runs faster same with your food eat clean food burn your fat eat shit you just go backwards and have bust your ass in the gym barley burn a bar chocolate.


Well-Known Member
you are in good shape!

i dont look a million miles away from your first picture. maybe bit more of belly and pec fat though.

how long did it take you to get to where you are now?


Facebook User
you are in good shape!

i dont look a million miles away from your first picture. maybe bit more of belly and pec fat though.

how long did it take you to get to where you are now?

7 weeks im currently on week 8 ill do one more week id say should have my abs then, i weigh myself every monday morning soon as i wake up. ive only the stomach fat and chest left really pain in the ass to shift it but it go in the next 2 weeks


Facebook User
no way. it takes months and years to get cut up

no chance 7 weeks!

u had 0 cheat meals?

lol no it doesnt man, ya no sugar, dairy, fruit milk or alcohol nothing bad in 7 weeks all low carb clean eating 6 meals a day every day cardio twice a day gym, ill even show you the program i do the trainer is kris gethin his programs are no bullshit tough hardcor but as you can see get best results, look at my page on insta sure you see post when i started with my weight like and im more cut now since sunday ive dropped more weight. heres the program its free watch the vid have look through it well worth it:


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