Maggie Thatcher has died (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member

Glasgow: More than 300 people attended impromptu street party
London: Over 100 people gathered in Brixton to 'celebrate'
MP George Galloway met with disgust after tweeting 'tramp the dirt down'
Facebook campaign to take 'Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead' to number one
Durham Miners' Association: Her death was a 'great day' for coal miners
Second most trending topic on Twitter: #nostatefuneral
NUS National conference reported to have cheered at news of her death

Whatever people's views on her the reactions of the individuals above says more about them than it does about her. Pretty disgraceful. Galloway in particular is a class A prick.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure it's easier reading about her on Wiki than it was living through her time in office.

One of the most amazing and inspiring women in history. I find it incredibaly rude and disrespectful that some people are rejoycing over her death. They should be ashamed of themselves


Well-Known Member
Rude to deride the worst pm in history?
Her demise by being kicked out by her own party in 1990 was a truly memorable day.

That's...interesting. Your first statement is probably untrue, & is simply your opinion stated as fact. Second point - she heads the guts to stand & fight to pretty much the bitter end. Not many others do that! Like her politics or not - she was a fantastic leader IMO


New Member
That's...interesting. Your first statement is probably untrue, & is simply your opinion stated as fact. Second point - she heads the guts to stand & fight to pretty much the bitter end. Not many others do that! Like her politics or not - she was a fantastic leader IMO

So was Hitler... He stood up and fought to the bitter end. Like his politics or not, he was an even better leader.


Well-Known Member

Glasgow: More than 300 people attended impromptu street party
London: Over 100 people gathered in Brixton to 'celebrate'
MP George Galloway met with disgust after tweeting 'tramp the dirt down'
Facebook campaign to take 'Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead' to number one
Durham Miners' Association: Her death was a 'great day' for coal miners
Second most trending topic on Twitter: #nostatefuneral
NUS National conference reported to have cheered at news of her death

Stood up to the IRA
Strong principals
Respected by peers
Forged a new direction for the country adopted by all that followed including opposition
Put her country ahead of popularity contest
Strong, independent, corageous
Refused to open the immigration floodgates from europe
Defeated Scargill and his lawbreaking followers

I find it sickening that people are permitted express an opinon to celebrate her death in the same country that surpresses the same rights to freedom of speech in so many other quarters. I guess I shouldn't be surprised however by the actions of a country where so many lack moral fibre.


Well-Known Member
Whatever people's views on her the reactions of the individuals above says more about them than it does about her. Pretty disgraceful. Galloway in particular is a class A prick.

Hear, hear. I would "like" if I wasn't on tablet.


Well-Known Member
That's...interesting. Your first statement is probably untrue, & is simply your opinion stated as fact. Second point - she heads the guts to stand & fight to pretty much the bitter end. Not many others do that! Like her politics or not - she was a fantastic leader IMO

Fantastic leader? Never listened to anyone else. How can you be a great leader with that attribute?
She did some terrible things. I hope some of the truth comes out?


Well-Known Member
Fantastic leader? Never listened to anyone else. How can you be a great leader with that attribute?
She did some terrible things. I hope some of the truth comes out?

About the fourth time I've seen that written. What truth? What are you expectin that we don't already know about. At least base your opinion on fact as opposed to emotional hearsay and rumour.


Well-Known Member
Fantastic leader? Never listened to anyone else. How can you be a great leader with that attribute?
She did some terrible things. I hope some of the truth comes out?

She did some very good things in some people's view & terrible things in others. Whatever you would like to believe she would never got anything done if he had not listened. Those she listened to & followed their advice just don't shout about it...


Well-Known Member
Stood up to the IRA
Strong principals
Respected by peers
Forged a new direction for the country adopted by all that followed including opposition
Put her country ahead of popularity contest
Strong, independent, corageous
Refused to open the immigration floodgates from europe
Defeated Scargill and his lawbreaking followers

I find it sickening that people are permitted express an opinon to celebrate her death in the same country that surpresses the same rights to freedom of speech in so many other quarters. I guess I shouldn't be surprised however by the actions of a country where so many lack moral fibre.

Put her country before her popularity? Put her own country at war for her own popularity more like.
No-one mentioned her tacid support of apartheid and tin pot leader in Chile who killed dissident s

Why all the deep venom towards Thatcher, because she deserved it?


New Member
Like her or hate her people need to show a bit of respect, at the end of the day its someone's mum!! To the haters lets celebrate when your mum dies


Well-Known Member
Too late. Mine died four years ago.

Like her or hate her people need to show a bit of respect, at the end of the day its someone's mum!! To the haters lets celebrate when your mum dies


Active Member
I'm sure it's easier reading about her on Wiki than it was living through her time in office.

Exactly Torch...It's made me quite nauseous reading some of the gushing tributes for her today. Many from outside the UK and also from those that weren't born to witness how her ill judged and in the case of the poll tax unfair and immoral policies desyroyed whole communities. Growing up in Coventry we suffered more than most and I watched the effect her cut throat policies had on my parents who I saw buckling from the strain of one financial blow after another. I can't see how anyone in Coventry can praise her in such glowing terms as I've heard today. The Specials didn't write Ghost Town about the city for nothing. She encouraged selfishness and for people to believe 'greed was good' and to forget any sense of social consciousness at all. Well greed wasn't good and it still isn't. I'm not rejoicing in her demise but if the truth were known I wish she'd never been born at all.
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Well-Known Member
All this is very different to when St Mandela pops his clogs and we have a year of enforced grief and fawning. Any sick or negative comments and opinions such as these probably wont be allowed to see the light of day.

Yes she got a lot wrong but all this shit is just populist look at me I m so right on crap. Still as long as none of you are enjoying the trappings of capitalism


Well-Known Member
Mandela? Thatcher said he was a terrorist while being all cosy with the leaders of Apartheid.

All this is very different to when St Mandela pops his clogs and we have a year of enforced grief and fawning. Any sick or negative comments and opinions such as these probably wont be allowed to see the light of day.

Yes she got a lot wrong but all this shit is just populist look at me I m so right on crap. Still as long as none if you are enjoying the trappings of capitalism


Well-Known Member
I certainly don't expect everyone to have liked her or even respect her in death, she of course polarises opinion, but celebrating and blaming someone for their own misgivings having left power in excess of 20 years ago, is frankly embarrassing and shameful.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't agree more. She only cared for those in the Home Counties. The rest of the country went to ruin.

Exactly Torch...It's made me quite nauseous reading some of the gushing tributes for her today. Many from outside the UK and also from those that weren't born to witness how her ill judged and in the case of the poll tax unfair and immoral policies desyroyed whole communities. Growing up in Coventry we suffered more than most and I watched the effect her cut throat policies had on my parents who I saw buckling from the strain of one financial blow after another. I can't see how anyone in Coventry can praise her in such glowing terms as I've heard today. The Specials didn't write Ghost Town about the city for nothing. She encouraged selfishness and for people to believe 'greed was good' and to forget any sense of social consciousness at all. Well greed wasn't good and it still isn't. I'm not rejoicing in her demise but if the truth were known I wish she'd never been born at all.
you never lived through it!

but I did,

3 day weeks/power cuts/civil breakdown/union movement used by fanatics.

If anything during MT's reign the unions were galvanised into respectability with many much improved working conditions delivered by unions and management in a less hostile/hysterical environment.

A local typical example is that of Jaguar Cars achieving unheard of working conditions during the '80s within an atmosphere of respect between management and unions with virtually nil days lost to disputes.

The majority of the "all out" brigade have long gone hence very few serious confrontations perpetrated by the few suffered by the many existing today.


Well-Known Member
Put her country before her popularity? Put her own country at war for her own popularity more like.
No-one mentioned her tacid support of apartheid and tin pot leader in Chile who killed dissident s

Why all the deep venom towards Thatcher, because she deserved it?

I guess you'll hate Blair even more then? He took this country to war for someone else's popularity!!!

The Falklands was a British territory occupied by someone else...will you welcome the Romanian gypsies into your garden to settle there when/if the floodgate opens?
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Well-Known Member
Exactly Torch...It's made me quite nauseous reading some of the gushing tributes for her today. Many from outside the UK and also from those that weren't born to witness how her ill judged and in the case of the poll tax unfair and immoral policies desyroyed whole communities. Growing up in Coventry we suffered more than most and I watched the effect her cut throat policies had on my parents who I saw buckling from the strain of one financial blow after another. I can't see how anyone in Coventry can praise her in such glowing terms as I've heard today. The Specials didn't write Ghost Town about the city for nothing. She encouraged selfishness and for people to believe 'greed was good' and to forget any sense of social consciousness at all. Well greed wasn't good and it still isn't. I'm not rejoicing in her demise but if the truth were known I wish she'd never been born at all.

Ghost town was only two years into her first overnment, the 70s and the demise of the car industry (under labur unionists who were too stuck in their ways ti change) was the reason for coventry's problems before thatcher came to power.unions had too much power our car industry that we created and allowed the germans to take to the next level could and should have been our kegacy but we were too blind to see it. My dad was at the jag and spoent most of the 70s on strike with a young family and eventually gave in to choose a different job like many others were frced to.


Well-Known Member
Must have posted ast same time johnnie, interesting that you also refer to the jag - one of the few to hsve now flourished too.


New Member
Ghost town was only two years into her first overnment, the 70s and the demise of the car industry (under labur unionists who were too stuck in their ways ti change) was the reason for coventry's problems before thatcher came to power.unions had too much power our car industry that we created and allowed the germans to take to the next level could and should have been our kegacy but we were too blind to see it. My dad was at the jag and spoent most of the 70s on strike with a young family and eventually gave in to choose a different job like many others were frced to.

Finally, a sensible post.:claping hands:

Bill Glazier

Active Member
Fascinating thread - so bitterly divided. All I'll say is, the union-dominated seventies was no utopia - and never sustainable. But also the gross greed and dishonesty we see now at the top everywhere is an uncomfortable (I think unintended) legacy. I think she thought industry would respond and fight back against the increased competition she exposed it to, but a lot of it just died and was out-sourced. Since then Britain has been borrowing to fill the gap, and that must and will end soon.


Well-Known Member
Mandela? Thatcher said he was a terrorist while being all cosy with the leaders of Apartheid.

I've edited the original comment invovling a bus as I went to check the accuracy of such a statement & couldn't (in the time I took at least) - so I retract that & just leave it as follows...
If I remember right - Mandela has been widely acknowledged as a terrorist...but I guess there will be others who think there was some kind of conspiracy to convict.
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Well-Known Member
Put her country before her popularity? Put her own country at war for her own popularity more like.
No-one mentioned her tacid support of apartheid and tin pot leader in Chile who killed dissident s

Why all the deep venom towards Thatcher, because she deserved it?

Btw the Chile example? That's unfair...successive governments have ignored various wrongdoings in other countries simply because it suits OUR country at the time. Look at Saddam Hussein...Taliban to name but two recent high profile ones.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't it - ironically - encouraging miners to strike and for daring to leave South Africa?

If I remember right - Mandela was sentenced for bombing a bus? An act of terrorism...but I guess there will be others who think there was some kind of conspiracy to convict.


Well-Known Member
Unfair? Did we invite Sadam over to stay then?

Btw the Chile example? That's unfair...successive governments have ignored various wrongdoings in other countries simply because it suits OUR country at the time. Look at Saddam Hussein...Taliban to name but two recent high profile ones.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Couldn't agree more. She only cared for those in the Home Counties. The rest of the country went to ruin.

And her old home territory of Lincolnshire-she shelved plans to store nuclear waste there and wanted it shunted to Wales instead.

Not as though I'd be complaining.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
So was Hitler... He stood up and fought to the bitter end. Like his politics or not, he was an even better leader.

He was an absolutely appalling leader, politically and militarily, who got his country destroyed and divided into two to face hatred for decades afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Wasn't it - ironically - encouraging miners to strike and for daring to leave South Africa?

I checked & edited my post on that one as couldn't trace it - I remember reading & having some discussion about his involvement at the time...but retracted the comment - although he has widely been acknowledged as being/supporting terrorist activities

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