Well-Known Member
I'm not sure we've had a decent, honest and truly impartial statesman or woman in charge of the UK or any other government around the world in my lifetime. If there has been they've probably been bumped off. Human nature and its traits of greed, vanity, power lust and personal advancement have ensured we have had whole successions of career politicians lining their own pockets. No-one worse than the Blairs though { Who I helped vote into power} and I hated that nation destroying idiot Brown as well. What's the solution ??
I believe the solution lies in the only decent policy that the Liberals held over the past 30 years and an idea they now seem to have shelved - proportional representation. Not necessarily in the way that they wanted it, but one that would mean every vote counted and would encourage MP's to "do the right thing" as opposed to point scoring and toeing the party line.