Man beheaded in Paris (20 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
You could drop
I don't want it to be hopeless, I'm saying it feels hopeless. Given that, can you describe how to deal with militant islam? Shall we try bombing the fuck out of the Middle East a bit more?

I doubt that will work.

We could stop letting people who show serious signs of Islamic cultish behaviour wander the streets under observation (whatever that is)

We could monitor continuously anyone who has arrived in the country with no documentation until satisfied they pose no threat

We could offer anyone convicted of these crimes or plotting such atrocities to the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban, let them live the dream

I mean we have allowed these people to get to this stage ( beheading on streets of Europe) with barely a whimper so maybe time to think outside the box


Well-Known Member
You could drop

I doubt that will work.

We could stop letting people who show serious signs of Islamic cultish behaviour wander the streets under observation (whatever that is)

We could monitor continuously anyone who has arrived in the country with no documentation until satisfied they pose no threat

We could offer anyone convicted of these crimes or plotting such atrocities to the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban, let them live the dream

I mean we have allowed these people to get to this stage ( beheading on streets of Europe) with barely a whimper so maybe time to think outside the box

Some of those things the issue is funding. How do you continuously monitor every single person without documentation. And how does that stop the homegrown ones or those that enter legally? Or the ones that have no previous info suggesting radicalisation? They probably foil a lot more than people realise and these are the few that slip the net.


Well-Known Member
Some of those things the issue is funding. How do you continuously monitor every single person without documentation. And how does that stop the homegrown ones or those that enter legally? Or the ones that have no previous info suggesting radicalisation? They probably foil a lot more than people realise and these are the few that slip the net.

Oh without doubt, just a brain dump really but like I say it isn’t working now. Issue with this is it’s a creeping thing which gradually people just come to accept as part of life. Imagine the level of attacks we have had in last few years 20 years ago, but now it’s a bit of outrage, a quiet reminder not to offend anyone and we go again.
If the government can’t get a hold of it then plenty of nutters from all angles will be happy to fill the void and god knows what things look like in another 10-15 years


Well-Known Member
Oh without doubt, just a brain dump really but like I say it isn’t working now. Issue with this is it’s a creeping thing which gradually people just come to accept as part of life. Imagine the level of attacks we have had in last few years 20 years ago, but now it’s a bit of outrage, a quiet reminder not to offend anyone and we go again.
If the government can’t get a hold of it then plenty of nutters from all angles will be happy to fill the void and god knows what things look like in another 10-15 years

The numbers dead from terror attacks in the UK is historically low, it's just the attacks themselves are often random on individuals.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Yep....pissing in the wind to a certain extent, but I'm sure we could make some progress with regards fighting back against the online radicalization which seems to be the main feeder for a lot of these lone wolf type islamoterrorpricks.

But it's not just online radicalisation is it? When you have Erdogan and now Imran Khan stirring things up, what the hell can you do?


Well-Known Member
You could drop

I doubt that will work.

We could stop letting people who show serious signs of Islamic cultish behaviour wander the streets under observation (whatever that is)

We could monitor continuously anyone who has arrived in the country with no documentation until satisfied they pose no threat

We could offer anyone convicted of these crimes or plotting such atrocities to the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban, let them live the dream

I mean we have allowed these people to get to this stage ( beheading on streets of Europe) with barely a whimper so maybe time to think outside the box

With what man power?

Same as with the other major terrorist threat, right wing extremism, it’s very hard to find the line between standard lonely male internet nutter who will never get beyond the lower sections of Twitter comments, and those that will turn to violence.

Where’s the line between The Lurker and Tommy Mair? Where’s the line between the devoutly religious teenager and the one that picks up a knife?

So we have to monitor everyone, or bring about some restrictions on freedom that frankly most people won’t accept when they realise it doesn’t just apply to brown people.

You seem to think we can just move the line ok terrorism suspects and pick up the thousands of people that would catch with no repercussions.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
You could drop

I doubt that will work.

We could stop letting people who show serious signs of Islamic cultish behaviour wander the streets under observation (whatever that is)

We could monitor continuously anyone who has arrived in the country with no documentation until satisfied they pose no threat

We could offer anyone convicted of these crimes or plotting such atrocities to the Afghan or Pakistani Taliban, let them live the dream

I mean we have allowed these people to get to this stage ( beheading on streets of Europe) with barely a whimper so maybe time to think outside the box
And to all the do-gooders who say it's wrong to try and protect the democracy of our country I hope you never have a son, daughter, parent or grandparent blown to bits in a shopping centre.

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
I just feel sick at that. It’s such a provocation. France is pretty secular and always has been. Fundamentalist Muslims targeting Christians is crazy but so is all of this kind of thing. Nice guy shut all places of worship and the army are protecting churches. It’s madness


Well-Known Member
And to all the do-gooders who say it's wrong to try and protect the democracy of our country I hope you never have a son, daughter, parent or grandparent blown to bits in a shopping centre.

Protect your democracy by ripping up due process. Good one. I hope you never have a son, daughter, parent or grandparent left to rot by an authoritarian government given absolute power by people scared of something less likely than a lottery win.

Fucks sake. We’re a robust democracy not some simpering little shit that needs to bend over backwards over a few loons blowing themselves to bits.

These are shark attacks: very graphic and very scary but very very infrequent.

I know you aren’t one, but many with this view will happily let thousands die from the virus to keep their liberty, but want to rewrite everything that makes us a liberal democracy after a relative handful get attacked.

We survived the IRA, we’ll survive this.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Protect your democracy by ripping up due process. Good one. I hope you never have a son, daughter, parent or grandparent left to rot by an authoritarian government given absolute power by people scared of something less likely than a lottery win.

Fucks sake. We’re a robust democracy not some simpering little shit that needs to bend over backwards over a few loons blowing themselves to bits.

These are shark attacks: very graphic and very scary but very very infrequent.

I know you aren’t one, but many with this view will happily let thousands die from the virus to keep their liberty, but want to rewrite everything that makes us a liberal democracy after a relative handful get attacked.

We survived the IRA, we’ll survive this.
Oh well, that's okay then. Let it continue. As long as it's not a member of your family.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Protect your democracy by ripping up due process. Good one. I hope you never have a son, daughter, parent or grandparent left to rot by an authoritarian government given absolute power by people scared of something less likely than a lottery win.

Fucks sake. We’re a robust democracy not some simpering little shit that needs to bend over backwards over a few loons blowing themselves to bits.

These are shark attacks: very graphic and very scary but very very infrequent.

I know you aren’t one, but many with this view will happily let thousands die from the virus to keep their liberty, but want to rewrite everything that makes us a liberal democracy after a relative handful get attacked.

We survived the IRA, we’ll survive this.
So you're advocating we roll over and let this happen as something of an inconvenience. Lets not stand up for democracy like the French do, otherwise you and I might end up in little pieces in Broadgate on a Saturday afternoon.
We survived the IRA, and WWII. How did we do that ?


Well-Known Member
So you're advocating we roll over and let this happen as something of an inconvenience. Lets not stand up for democracy like the French do, otherwise you and I might end up in little pieces in Broadgate on a Saturday afternoon.
We survived the IRA, and WWII. How did we do that ?

Let what happen? 5 terrorist deaths in the last 3 years in the UK? We've already got a very very heavy surveillance state with serious anti terrorist laws that encroach on everybody's civil liberties. It's very rare that a terrorist isn't on a watch list of some sort. What are you suggesting?


Well-Known Member
Let what happen? 5 terrorist deaths in the last 3 years in the UK? We've already got a very very heavy surveillance state with serious anti terrorist laws that encroach on everybody's civil liberties. It's very rare that a terrorist isn't on a watch list of some sort. What are you suggesting?

What about the Manchester bombing?

Oh yes, that just escaped your cut off date.


Well-Known Member
What about the Manchester bombing?

Oh yes, that just escaped your cut off date.
The point is there is no trend to suggest that it's a growing problem. Let's take 2017 into account too if you like, over the last 10 years 60 people have been killed in terror attacks of which 42 were in 2017.

I know from your comments on the corona thread that significant chunks of the population don't really matter and I bet some of the 60 were old or had underlying health problems. I mean, it hardly sounds like an issue at all.

On a serious note, the terror problem facing the UK at the minute is nothing compared to that of the IRA over 30 years. Not even close in terms of number of attacks, targets for attacks and numbers killed. Have a look at the numbers yourself.


Well-Known Member
When people say militant Islam, which really is just trying to deny the wider problem... All they are doing is trying to make people think the problem is smaller than it actually is..

There are without doubt hundreds of millions of radical Muslims around the world... There are still 12 or 13 countries where you can be killed for being homosexual... There are many countries that treat people like shit or second rate for having a vagina and its all under the guide of their religious beliefs.

Liberal values are supposedly about equality, freedom and expression without consequence,to live a life free of bigotry.... So it's a fact that it's not compatible with Islam and its beliefs, to suggest you can agree with Islamic teachings and continue with the trope that it's a peaceful religion and be a liberal is in itself an oxymoron

Christopher hitchens, Dawkins and their like say it best... Islam is dangerous

Keep burying your heads in the sand


Well-Known Member
When people say militant Islam, which really is just trying to deny the wider problem... All they are doing is trying to make people think the problem is smaller than it actually is..

There are without doubt hundreds of millions of radical Muslims around the world... There are still 12 or 13 countries where you can be killed for being homosexual... There are many countries that treat people like shit or second rate for having a vagina and its all under the guide of their religious beliefs.

Liberal values are supposedly about equality, freedom and expression without consequence,to live a life free of bigotry.... So it's a fact that it's not compatible with Islam and its beliefs, to suggest you can agree with Islamic teachings and continue with the trope that it's a peaceful religion and be a liberal is in itself an oxymoron

Christopher hitchens, Dawkins and their like say it best... Islam is dangerous

Keep burying your heads in the sand

The conversation is about Islamic terrorism. It's a separate issue entirely from the other stone aged belief. There are 1.8bn muslims in the world, if it was so inherently violent why haven't predominantly Muslim countries been those to rage war all over the world?

I'm not burying my head in the sand, I don't even know what you mean by liberal, just sounds like a lazy trope to describe somebody you don't understand / agree with.

Deleted member 5849

I have known some liberal Muslims, sorry to disappoint.

They'd also greatly resent being lumped in with murderers, and by doing so it wouldn't be them driving a wedge.

Sometimes I wonder if people actually speak to others. It's possible for people to be proud of where they come from, be of a faith, but not accept all of what others do in the name of that faith.

I've also met homophobic atheists - of course China being an atheist state didn't and doesn't exactly make their state a liberal utopia, and even today homosexuality is still taught as being a mental disorder, even if it is 'legal'.

Oppression is not a religion, or an ideology - it's people who create atrocities in the name of those religions and ideologies, and who use them as a hook for human failings of the desire for control and power.


Well-Known Member
When people say militant Islam, which really is just trying to deny the wider problem... All they are doing is trying to make people think the problem is smaller than it actually is..

There are without doubt hundreds of millions of radical Muslims around the world... There are still 12 or 13 countries where you can be killed for being homosexual... There are many countries that treat people like shit or second rate for having a vagina and its all under the guide of their religious beliefs.

Liberal values are supposedly about equality, freedom and expression without consequence,to live a life free of bigotry.... So it's a fact that it's not compatible with Islam and its beliefs, to suggest you can agree with Islamic teachings and continue with the trope that it's a peaceful religion and be a liberal is in itself an oxymoron

Christopher hitchens, Dawkins and their like say it best... Islam is dangerous

Keep burying your heads in the sand

I could literally replace “Islam” with “right wing” in your argument and it would be just as coherent. You certainly understand why that argument would fall down, so I assume you can work out why yours does.


Well-Known Member
The conversation is about Islamic terrorism. It's a separate issue entirely from the other stone aged belief. There are 1.8bn muslims in the world, if it was so inherently violent why haven't predominantly Muslim countries been those to rage war all over the world?

I'm not burying my head in the sand, I don't even know what you mean by liberal, just sounds like a lazy trope to describe somebody you don't understand / agree with.
Nonsense, Islam is incompatible with Liberal values, all I ever see on social media when a terror attack occurs which is more often than you realise, for example 8000 in 2018 and 33000 deaths... Is how peaceful the religion is and how we are all islamophobic for suggesting otherwise..

It's dangerous, and passive reactions to the problem are actually allowing it to manifest.

Get tough, the religion is backward and not fit for 21st century life


Well-Known Member
I could literally replace “Islam” with “right wing” in your argument and it would be just as coherent. You certainly understand why that argument would fall down, so I assume you can work out why yours does.
But you couldn't, because for example hundreds of thousands have died over the last 15 years through Islamic terror... Yet you want to deflect and say right wing terror is as much a problem? You're thinking is kind of the problem here., this David lammy type response is fucking laughable . Head in sand

Come have a chat with my iraqi mate about Islam and what he has to hide from his family because he's scared they will kill him... Rather than assume you know... He'd also laugh at your right wing terror comparison

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Nonsense, Islam is incompatible with Liberal values, all I ever see on social media when a terror attack occurs which is more often than you realise, for example 8000 in 2018 and 33000 deaths... Is how peaceful the religion is and how we are all islamophobic for suggesting otherwise..

It's dangerous, and passive reactions to the problem are actually allowing it to manifest.

Get tough, the religion is backward and not fit for 21st century life

what do you mean, get tough? Stick a million people in camps like in China?


Well-Known Member
Nonsense, Islam is incompatible with Liberal values, all I ever see on social media when a terror attack occurs which is more often than you realise, for example 8000 in 2018 and 33000 deaths... Is how peaceful the religion is and how we are all islamophobic for suggesting otherwise..

It's dangerous, and passive reactions to the problem are actually allowing it to manifest.

Get tough, the religion is backward and not fit for 21st century life
Another war on terror should sort it


Well-Known Member
what do you mean, get tough? Stick a million people in camps like in China?

For starters we can stop allowing unchecked migrants into Europe?? Ban all underground sharia courts (which happen) in the UK... Arrest and give life sentences to people preaching terror and hate to the west, deport known terrorists not native to their country back to their own country's...

Act faster on known terror suspects, and come down harder on them before they are allowed to go out and kill people.

Close down any mosque known to preach against the west

Etc etc etc etc

You not bored of having these same discussions?


Well-Known Member
I mean for example Poland were part of the Iraq war... They don't seem to have many terror attacks... I wonder why not? It's almost as if there is a reason

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