Man beheaded in Paris (17 Viewers)

Sky Blue Pete

Well-Known Member
The other elephant in the room is that the majority of muslim terrorism worldwide is within Islam


Well-Known Member
When people say militant Islam, which really is just trying to deny the wider problem... All they are doing is trying to make people think the problem is smaller than it actually is..

There are without doubt hundreds of millions of radical Muslims around the world... There are still 12 or 13 countries where you can be killed for being homosexual... There are many countries that treat people like shit or second rate for having a vagina and its all under the guide of their religious beliefs.

Liberal values are supposedly about equality, freedom and expression without consequence,to live a life free of bigotry.... So it's a fact that it's not compatible with Islam and its beliefs, to suggest you can agree with Islamic teachings and continue with the trope that it's a peaceful religion and be a liberal is in itself an oxymoron

Christopher hitchens, Dawkins and their like say it best... Islam is dangerous

Keep burying your heads in the sand

There are also many hardline Christian countries that see women as second class citizens and limit their rights. They also see homosexuality as something to be eradicated and gay people are at best ignored by society or are attacked with no chance of the perpetrators being punished by the authorities.

Liberal values aren't compatible with most religious beliefs.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Let what happen? 5 terrorist deaths in the last 3 years in the UK? We've already got a very very heavy surveillance state with serious anti terrorist laws that encroach on everybody's civil liberties. It's very rare that a terrorist isn't on a watch list of some sort. What are you suggesting?
So are you suggesting those under surveillance have never carried out their attack ? Slightly wrong there .


Well-Known Member
Yikes this thread.

Can any of the ranty lot explain their plan?

OK it’s all the Muzzies fault and the west is soft and Owen Jones makes people blow up kids or whatever. Fine.

What you gonna do?


Well-Known Member
Yikes this thread.

Can any of the ranty lot explain their plan?

OK it’s all the Muzzies fault and the west is soft and Owen Jones makes people blow up kids or whatever. Fine.

What you gonna do?

Just stand back and keep allowing this to carry on.. Sounds about what will be done anyway

Islam is a problem..not just with terrorist fuck heads... But in Islam the treatment of humans in general is abhorrant... its stinks... . The end
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Well-Known Member
Just stand back and keep allowing this to carry on.. Sounds about what will be done anyway

Islam is a problem..not just with terrorist fuck heads... But in Islam the treatment of humans in general is abhorrant... its stinks... . The end

It sounds like the terrorists have done a pretty good job of amping you up for the religious war they're trying to incite.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
Just stand back and keep allowing this to carry on.. Sounds about what will be done anyway

Islam is a problem..not just with terrorist fuck heads... But in Islam the treatment of humans in general is abhorrant... its stinks... . The end
Killing is one thing, cutting heads off is ever so slightly off the scale.

Alan Dugdales Moustache

Well-Known Member
It sounds like the terrorists have done a pretty good job of amping you up for the religious war they're trying to incite.
That's right. Keep quiet, roll over and it will all go away.


Well-Known Member
I am not playing it down. I have said that in numbers terms it is miniscule and no evidence that it is growing. You can't even disprove what I am saying. I have taken 2017 into account. I have told you to have a look and compare it with the threat posed by the IRA.
Thing is, IRA supporters have had decades of travelling between these islands. Fortunately now, other than the "real" IRA or whatever the current state is there - the IRA threat is supposed to have been dealt with thanks to the agreement made. The extreme Islam threat while relatively new to these shores, is very real and current.

That 60 you mentioned was beat in one single incident with the trucker in France. Then there's was the pre-planned attack in France at the footy and the concert. Just because it didn't happen in the UK doesn't mean it's not our problem - we are a massive target to these people.

Putting aside the kids being blown up in Manchester, if the scorecard is miniscule it's because we've been bloody lucky. The odd couple of nutballs trying to run around stabbing people will pale into insignificance should just one Islamic loony decide to take a truck to a match once crowds are allowed back into grounds.

Perhaps the Imams and the faith leaders are actively trying to root out the extremests, or ensure there are no hate preachers in the mosques or communities tying to radicalise their followers ... if not, the only reason it's not growing is the lack of opportunity to strike.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like the terrorists have done a pretty good job of amping you up for the religious war they're trying to incite.
Haha, really? Go ask the Hindus, the Sikhs the buddhas how they feel about Islam... Infact anybody for that matter

Anybody with a brain cell can see how vile it is


Well-Known Member
Just stand back and keep allowing this to carry on.. Sounds about what will be done anyway

Islam is a problem..not just with terrorist fuck heads... But in Islam the treatment of humans in general is abhorrant... its stinks... . The end

Its not “the end” though is it?

You seem to think the problem is a lack of willingness to take action. So surely you know what action you want to take.

If you don’t feel comfortable typing it out that might be a good indicator to think how serious a solution you’ve got.


Well-Known Member
Its not “the end” though is it?

You seem to think the problem is a lack of willingness to take action. So surely you know what action you want to take.

If you don’t feel comfortable typing it out that might be a good indicator to think how serious a solution you’ve got.
Evo mentioned Poland as well, spooky

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Haha, really? Go ask the Hindus, the Sikhs the buddhas how they feel about Islam... Infact anybody for that matter

Anybody with a brain cell can see how vile it is

You might want to read up.on what Hindu nationalists have got since the rise of Modi


Well-Known Member
Its not “the end” though is it?

You seem to think the problem is a lack of willingness to take action. So surely you know what action you want to take.

If you don’t feel comfortable typing it out that might be a good indicator to think how serious a solution you’ve got.

So you also know what needs to happen, or atleast think you know what I think... Either way, we're on the same wavelength somewhere... And it will probably happen in the future at some point anyway

Just because it's a religion, doesn't mean we have to put up with it... It's fucking backward morals and the deaths happening in its name... If it was anything else it would be eradicated from our lands... But its a fucking cult that has millions of followers so its a tad difficult without causing flat out war


Well-Known Member
You might want to read up.on what Hindu nationalists have got since the rise of Modi

IL take 1/500 on it being nowhere near as bad as what Muslims do to every fucker else.

People call it islamophobia, which is nonsense because you can and should actively criticise something that is dangerous, twisted and fucking barbaric... It's called common sense

Also you get called racist for criticising Islam, which again is fucking nonsense as Islam has followers of all races

Excuse my honesty but I've about had enough of it so fuck it, say it how it is...
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clint van damme

Well-Known Member
IL take 1/500 on it being nowhere near as bad as what Muslims do to every fucker else.

People call it islamophobia, which is nonsense because you can and should actively criticise something that is dangerous, twisted and fucking barbaric... It's called common sense

Hindu nationalists have committed some horrendous atrocities.
But you can't debate with someone who's argument is I bet Muslims are worse.
It might also be worth looking up the demographic of the victims of Muslim fundamentalists, overwhelmingly Muslim. Yet you far all of them with the same brush.


Well-Known Member
Hindu nationalists have committed some horrendous atrocities.
But you can't debate with someone who's argument is I bet Muslims are worse.
It might also be worth looking up the demographic of the victims of Muslim fundamentalists, overwhelmingly Muslim. Yet you far all of them with the same brush.
I dont bet they are,they are.... India have had their own problems with Islam dating back before the British empire it was under Muslim rule for hundred of years, that rule made British rule look like fucking play school... The anti Islamic sentiment in India dates back hundreds of years


Well-Known Member
By the way clint, 100 thousand Hindus slaughtered every year ATLEAST for 800 years by the mughal empire in India decreasing the population by upto 80 million... That's why Hindus have a problem with Islam 🤷

Deleted member 5849

Fucking hell what...tell me what I've said that's incorrect... Politically incorrect yes but so what... Weve put up with this for years... Tell me what is wrong?

Is it because I can't stand the way they treat women, children, homosexuals... Is it because I can't stand the way they kill people who think differently?

Fucking hell what
honesty but I've about had enough of it so fuck it, say it how it is...
It is Islamaphobiaif you're blaming everybody for atrocities committed by some. What Muslims do to everybody else?!? Tell that to people I've known, tell them they're grouped into one big mass. They have come to this country, appreciated its openness, accepted my difference from them, and now you want to lump them in to some strange totalising mass.

That, is bigotry on a high scale.

You fuck off if you're going to tell me they're the problem.


Well-Known Member
Look at the populations of these countries... Do the math... That's your small minority right there.... It's fucking millions....

Backwards .. Isn't it?

You're wasting your time on these threads. Most sensible people have moved on already.

There's a handful of posters who say they are against these attacks, yet seem to look for anything and everything they can to do mud the waters or get angry at those who are the most upset.

Just look at the state of the media in the last few days too. They don't help. It is getting to the stage where we cannot even call a spade a spade because it might be deemed offensive.

And yes, millions of people worldwide think the attacks are justified. We should never have let such an ideology enter Europe in the first place. It's too late now.

Deleted member 5849

You're wasting your time on these threads. Most sensible people have moved on already.

There's a handful of posters who say they are against these attacks, yet seem to look for anything and everything they can to do mud the waters or get angry at those who are the most upset.

Just look at the state of the media in the last few days too. They don't help. It is getting to the stage where we cannot even call a spade a spade because it might be deemed offensive.

And yes, millions of people worldwide think the attacks are justified. We should never have let such an ideology enter Europe in the first place. It's too late now.
Here's another fucking one. Have your bigotry, your prejudice, your anger, and fuck right off now.


Well-Known Member
Here's another fucking one. Have your bigotry, your prejudice, your anger, and fuck right off now.
What is it you like about Islam... Do tell?

Is it the forced conversions, the death penalties, the gay stoning, the women beating, the women stoning, the female child mutilation,the degradation of women's rights, the forced marriages, the abondoning of family members who think differently... The killings in the name of their god.... Which one?

How is it WRONG to despise such absolute vile nonsense

Bigotry? For saying its scum? You're on the wrong side of history


Well-Known Member
IL take 1/500 on it being nowhere near as bad as what Muslims do to every fucker else.

People call it islamophobia, which is nonsense because you can and should actively criticise something that is dangerous, twisted and fucking barbaric... It's called common sense

Also you get called racist for criticising Islam, which again is fucking nonsense as Islam has followers of all races

Excuse my honesty but I've about had enough of it so fuck it, say it how it is...

Muslims kill Muslims
Muslims kill Jews
Jews kill Muslims
Muslims kill Christians
Christians kill Muslims
Christians kill Jews
Jews kill Christians
Jews kill Jews
Christians kill Christians

Ultimately you can’t mitigate for cunts.

Especially cunts that use text that is 1000’s of years old and interpret/manipulate it to suit their own wicked ends. Every religion IMO is out of date/backwards/regressive. It’s why they were invented in the first place - to control people.


Well-Known Member
Muslims kill Muslims
Muslims kill Jews
Jews kill Muslims
Muslims kill Christians
Christians kill Muslims
Christians kill Jews
Jews kill Christians
Jews kill Jews
Christians kill Christians

Ultimately you can’t mitigate for cunts.

Especially cunts that use text that is 1000’s of years old and interpret/manipulate it to suit their own wicked ends. Every religion IMO is out of date/backwards/regressive. It’s why they were invented in the first place - to control people.

Look I'm atheist, I cannot stand religion..

There is absolutely no doubt that we have a serious problem in Europe and the world with Islamic extremism..

It is a vile religion that suppresses human life and demeans the vulnerable in the name of power.

I cannot and will not sit here and say that its a peaceful religion when it's fucking not.. It's a problem

I have an Iraqi friend, we talk often on discord... He will tell you all about Islam... It's disturbing

IL take his actual life experiences over people on here who just constantly pretend to be offended

Say it louder for the people at the back ISLAM IS NOT PEACEFUL


Well-Known Member
Look I'm atheist, I cannot stand religion..

There is absolutely no doubt that we have a serious problem in Europe and the world with Islamic extremism..

It is a vile religion that suppresses human life and demeans the vulnerable in the name of power.

I cannot and will not sit here and say that its a peaceful religion when it's fucking not.. It's a problem
No religions are peaceful by definition. They almost all exclusively originate with the idea that ‘their’ religion is the supreme one, and those not aligned to it are non-believers. It basic level indoctrination.

But you’ve said it yourself - the issue is extremism. There are extremists in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism too.


Well-Known Member
No religions are peaceful by definition. They almost all exclusively originate with the idea that ‘their’ religion is the supreme one, and those not aligned to it are non-believers. It basic level indoctrination.

But you’ve said it yourself - the issue is extremism. There are extremists in Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism too.

There are definitely, but for the sake of this argument if we put the statistics up and did an assessment on where the problem lies.... We looked at the last I don't know 50 years

Islam would come out rather badly on all counts.

Would you agree

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