It is a tragedy I agree. Christianity has only really started to have any level of tolerance in the last 20/30 years globally, bearing in mind it’s origins are about 2000 years old. Islam is much less developed as a religion origins suggest 1200/1300 years - as well as being more embedded in less developed parts of the world. That is absolutely not an excuse at all - but it’s modernisation has to come from within itself.And all I'm doing is saying exactly what I think. My iraqi mate won't even tell his family he's atheist... Because he thinks they will kill him.
There's millions and millions the same... It's a tragedy
You can have sex with a dead person in 4 American states - what’s your point?There are still over 10 countries where being homosexual is punishable by death... Any guess which countries and what religion /s
It is a tragedy I agree. Christianity has only really started to have any level of tolerance in the last 20/30 years globally, bearing in mind it’s origins are about 2000 years old. Islam is much less developed as a religion origins suggest 1200/1300 years - as well as being more embedded in less developed parts of the world. That is absolutely not an excuse at all - but it’s modernisation has to come from within itself.
Extremists using religions to pursue their own nefarious ends are not believers of that religion, they are manipulative fuckheads needing to hide behind a manipulated versions of centuries old text for justification, as they know it doesn’t exist elsewhere
I work with lots of kids that are Muslim, and they believe that their religion needs to come into the 21st century. We have to believe that the young people will force it to evolve.
That doesn’t mean we should stop challenging extremists and do everything in our power to stop it. I don’t know if you’ve ever looked at it but you should look at things like Prevent and Channel - education is key.
IMO we also need to move away from knobheads going on about things like Sharia Law being here in the UK - it’s patently bollocks and just pushes vulnerable people to introvert back into the hands of mentalists.
You can have sex with a dead person in 4 American states - what’s your point?
They are old laws - based on an old society that has no place now. It’s no different - they have failed to evolve.My point is that i imagine if I fucked a dead person in America id be called a weirdo... But if I was to be openly gay in Saudi Arabia I'd probably lose my head
Old laws that haven't changed are not comparible to laws that are acted upon
They are old laws - based on an old society that has no place now. It’s no different - they have failed to evolve.
I imagine if you fucked a dead person in America you’d get lynched by their family - and rightly so.
That's just it though. You can be of a faith and not take everything literally!I work with lots of kids that are Muslim, and they believe that their religion needs to come into the 21st century. We have to believe that the young people will force it to evolve.
That's just it though. You can be of a faith and not take everything literally!
I have known, and considered friends, Muslims, Jews, Catholics... and like most people their drivers are food on the table, keep their head down, get a roof over their heads.
That doesn't make them the problem! To be told they are the problem, purely on the basis of what faith they hold, is the surefire way to open up splits.
And often the most appreciative people are the ones who know otherwise to what they have, can celebrate the simple things such as no gunfire as a night-time soundtrack.
They're no more the problem than an atheist Chinese is automatically a human rights abuser, or a German wants a master race!
I’m sorry but Sharia Law thing is just bullshit. That doesn’t mean communities haven’t ‘dealt’ with issue within them (rightly or wrongly) but you would probably have this elsewhere in parts of the UK - perhaps without the religious connotation I don’t know.Whilst sharia law isn't in the uk, there are many cases of communities creating their own sharia courts and that should be stamped out like yesterday.... Look, Im not thick despite what you may think, I k ow that western Muslims are much more tolerable than those living in Islamic countries etc... But MY point is that we are always told its a minority... When the reality is there are what 1.5 billion muslims maybe more and there are hundreds of millions who hold extreme views... We allow these people unchecked (which is my biggest problem) and many do not share our values or believe in our way of life..... It's a fucking tragedy
I’m sorry but Sharia Law thing is just bullshit. That doesn’t mean communities haven’t ‘dealt’ with issue within them (rightly or wrongly) but you would probably have this elsewhere in parts of the UK - perhaps without the religious connotation I don’t know.
I don’t think you are thick at all, at least you are prepared to debate and read my points (even if you don’t agree with them)
Islam is probably now on par with Christianity as the most consistently practiced religion in the world. The proportion of extremists is minute and does not extend to 20/30% of their followers.
As a country we do not help ourselves when we trade weapons with one of the biggest facilitators of the ‘extremist’ ideas you despise. On one hand we’re saying that we expect Muslims in the UK to conform to our way of life, whilst on the other saying ‘have some bombs you people that murdered gays and kill innocent kids in the country next door’.
There is absolutely no doubt that we have a serious problem in Europe and the world with Islamic extremism..
I know a family of Muslims and they are the most beautiful, wonderful people you could imagine. They came over from Malaysia and have done nothing but good work in the community. They are very smiley, happy, kind and peaceful people.Look I'm atheist, I cannot stand religion..
There is absolutely no doubt that we have a serious problem in Europe and the world with Islamic extremism..
It is a vile religion that suppresses human life and demeans the vulnerable in the name of power.
I cannot and will not sit here and say that its a peaceful religion when it's fucking not.. It's a problem
I have an Iraqi friend, we talk often on discord... He will tell you all about Islam... It's disturbing
IL take his actual life experiences over people on here who just constantly pretend to be offended
Say it louder for the people at the back ISLAM IS NOT PEACEFUL
Don’t agree with the last bit Jesus is all about freedom I know the religion often fails his leadership. Everything else I agree withMuslims kill Muslims
Muslims kill Jews
Jews kill Muslims
Muslims kill Christians
Christians kill Muslims
Christians kill Jews
Jews kill Christians
Jews kill Jews
Christians kill Christians
Ultimately you can’t mitigate for cunts.
Especially cunts that use text that is 1000’s of years old and interpret/manipulate it to suit their own wicked ends. Every religion IMO is out of date/backwards/regressive. It’s why they were invented in the first place - to control people.
So you also know what needs to happen, or atleast think you know what I think... Either way, we're on the same wavelength somewhere... And it will probably happen in the future at some point anyway
Just because it's a religion, doesn't mean we have to put up with it... It's fucking backward morals and the deaths happening in its name... If it was anything else it would be eradicated from our lands... But its a fucking cult that has millions of followers so its a tad difficult without causing flat out war
I’m not sure that’s true but the leaders and the powerful certainly believe soTrue, but you are also very aware that people in said countries are also very aware they could lose their life for coming out as gay... These countries laws and the majority of their population and their leaders believe homosexuality should be punishable by death
Here's another fucking one. Have your bigotry, your prejudice, your anger, and fuck right off now.
I would rather falsely be accused of being a bigot than a cowardly apologist for barbaric atrocities such as the ones we have seen this week.
Crusade should sort it out once and for allNo one is apologising though are they. Come on tell us what you want to do to 2bn people you fucking coward. Say it.
No one is apologising though are they. Come on tell us what you want to do to 2bn people you fucking coward. Say it.
That’s what happened to 80m African Caribbean slavesI genuinely want to know what their final solution is. The Chinese are trying concentration camps, is that our solution?
Hate this sad posturing as if you’re the hard man who will take action instead of all these pussies but too scared to say out loud what they want. Some hard man.
Same low rent racist fucks as they rant about. Two peas in a fucking pod the far right and Islamic fundamentalists. They don’t hate each other, they’ve got a symbiotic relationship where the feed off each other.
Chuck em all in the fucking sea.
“oh I just care about the gays honest guv”
Oh cool, then you’ll read this report and realise that homophobia is correlated to national income and being right wing not religion.
The Global Divide on Homosexuality Persists
Despite major changes in LGBT rights around the world, acceptance of homosexuality remains sharply divided by country, region and economic
Yeah they are. These threads are always the same. A collection of people who seem to do everything they can to make people feel bad for highlighting that there are serious issues with this religion. Some poor folks lost their lives in barbaric beheadings and all we hear is 'islamaphobia'. Apologists.
As for what I would do? Targeting 2 billion people is a bit harsh and you're putting words in my mouth. There has to be a zero tolerance policy though. Any mosque or individual found to be fanning the flames of extremism needs to be dealt with. Positive reinforcement for those in places of worship who whistle blow also.
That’s what happened to 80m African Caribbean slaves
Ok that sounds like what is being done. Education alongside intelligence and justice for criminal acts and planning of attacks. In addition you seem to be suggesting not allowing any Muslim into Europe or Britain. What would the test be?Yeah they are. These threads are always the same. A collection of people who seem to do everything they can to make people feel bad for highlighting that there are serious issues with this religion. Some poor folks lost their lives in barbaric beheadings and all we hear is 'islamaphobia'. Apologists.
As for what I would do? Targeting 2 billion people is a bit harsh and you're putting words in my mouth. There has to be a zero tolerance policy though. Any mosque or individual found to be fanning the flames of extremism needs to be dealt with. Positive reinforcement for those in places of worship who whistle blow also.
Cool. Now define “fanning the flames of extremism” and define “dealt with”.
Was just pointing out some history. And if there are millions of Islamic extremists who want to commit atrocities shmeee a asks a good question what do you do differently than is being done now?Just because anyone with half a brain says Islamic extremism needs to be dealt with, doesn't mean another holocaust is being proposed ffs.
Again, another reason why these threads are largely deserted these days.
Ok that sounds like what is being done. Education alongside intelligence and justice for criminal acts and planning of attacks. In addition you seem to be suggesting not allowing any Muslim into Europe or Britain. What would the test be?