You just have revealed the dna of a football thug imhoSeen police be just as bad as fans, worst ever at man city away in the fa cup, but seriously some of you with your tales and the idiot minority of sex starved inbreds really need to grow up.
Seen police be just as bad as fans, worst ever at man city away in the fa cup, but seriously some of you with your tales and the idiot minority of sex starved inbreds really need to grow up.
They didn't lay into you.
For a Police Officer to arrest someone it's a pain in the arse these days. The amount of paperwork they will give you more lives than a cat.
If a Police officer uses a certain level of force on you then doesn't arrest you. Then questions would be asked.
They started on the lads for no reason. It reached the stage of pushing them about...maybe trying to get a reaction. When I went over to them I said I was reporting them. So they grabbed me and put one of my arms behind my back telling me that I was under arrest. Then we had a chat which I am unwilling to go into on an open forum.
I suppose you will be saying that they are all law abiding citizens nextYou get bad eggs in all walks of life. Glasgow officers are much worse than the Met. The last time I encountered them some of them had their numbers covered up. They ignored openly drug taking and went for us as we had English accents. And we were doing nothing wrong. Just in the wrong place at the wrong time. A mini riot had kicked off where we were drinking. They pulled one of us out and about 7 or 8 of them jumped on him. He had done nothing wrong at all. When I found out where they had taken him I went to the station to make a complaint and to get him out. They let him go whilst I was there but didn't tell me until I had been there about an hour. They said they would follow up my complaint with a phone call later that day. But I never got the call. And when I phoned them up they said they never had a record of my complaint. This was less than 2 years ago.
Astute I wasn't there so I will have to take your word for it. However I am gob smacked that two police officers at Cov verses Bristol walked up to two Young Cov fans doing nothing wrong at all and started pushing and shoving them for absolutely no reason at all?
Did nobody film it, once it started happening?
Of course there are bad eggs the Police are a massive organisation. On the whole these days there are very few bad eggs. The ones there are get caught out and when they do it appears all over the media and is sensationalised. Giving people the impression that every second copper is dodgy.
I am not saying there are not bad coppers out there. I am saying in today's age with social media. It is highly unlikely a cop will intentionally walk up to some completely innocent person and start on them.
CCTV and everybody else's mobile phones, will mean it would likely cost them their careers. It is a massive risk for them.
The other mini riot scenario you describe doesn't sound straight forward at all.
My real point is. We seem to be developing a society where it's always someone else's fault. Idiots do stuff wrong them blame every other man and their dog,
Like the shooting that led to the riots. The bloke was heading to rob some Columbian drug dealers he himself got shot, people are up in arms blaming the Police.
In this thread Millwall fans attack the Police. Someone mentions that the Millwall fans were defending an old man. People start reeling off their stories of police brutality of complete innocents.
I will put my neck on the block here. I haven't read about it yet. However I am going to guess the police didn't pick out an old man from the crowd doing nothing and decided to beat him up.
Leading to a load of millwal saviours defending his honour and all of the elderly from Police brutality.
I am going to guess he was been arse and they needed to arrest /eject him and he kicked off when they went to and Millwall fans attacked mob handed with people joining in who didn't even know what was happening but saw a chance to attack a police officer.
I hope I don't regret posting this when I have a look at what happened later!!!!
Well isn't that the thing, you are much more likely to want to be police officer if you're not in the right mind.This interesting as was chatting to some older friends at a boxing even in Bell Green last night. As I recall years ago the police did do a bit of the nasty stuff and to be honest it was expected and sometimes deserved but in those days you knew where you stood and if a Copper came after you it was for a reason.When I was younger it was always a matter of us or them and a common respect to some degree.
The modern copper generally has no idea of what the real life is all about, no common sense and is just a robot. A lot of them seem to be Universirty graduates, often under 5'8" in height and very little time or understanding for common issues. They just do not get the respect they used to have or should have.
When we were kids am sure lots of us wanted to be Police, now who in there right mind would join our police force?
Well isn't that the thing, you are much more likely to want to be police officer if you're not in the right mind.
Agree with this.My real point is. We seem to be developing a society where it's always someone else's fault. Idiots do stuff wrong them blame every other man and their dog,
Like the shooting that led to the riots. The bloke was heading to rob some Columbian drug dealers he himself got shot, people are up in arms blaming the Police.
In this thread Millwall fans attack the Police. Someone mentions that the Millwall fans were defending an old man. People start reeling off their stories of police brutality of complete innocents.
I will put my neck on the block here. I haven't read about it yet. However I am going to guess the police didn't pick out an old man from the crowd doing nothing and decided to beat him up.
Leading to a load of millwal saviours defending his honour and all of the elderly from Police brutality.
I am going to guess he was been arse and they needed to arrest /eject him and he kicked off when they went to and Millwall fans attacked mob handed with people joining in who didn't even know what was happening but saw a chance to attack a police officer.
I hope I don't regret posting this when I have a look at what happened later!!!!
I don't believe they do. The point at issue is what constitutes "nothing"Yes they do.
It is pathetic though. They never were, aren't & never will be "top dogs"During the days of the sadly long lost Rivals website, I spent many an hour lurking on their major website, Millwall Online. It was like looking into a whole new dimension such was their addiction to being top dogs bar none. I think a lot of it was to with the strictly working class (and proud of it...) attitude they revelled in. The same mind set still very much exists and if anyone ever thinks they've been finally tamed..... then think on. It's always simmering under the surface just waiting for an excuse for them to go kick crap out of some unsuspecting fans.
Was the season Millwall played in the UEFA cup after losing the FA cup final to Manure who went into the Champions league. Millwall played away to Ferencvaros and the threads on Millwall Online made for disturbing, if ultimately fascinating, reading.
Prior to the game, 'Young 'Wall' turned up in number a day or so before the match but kept to small groups which were being easily picked off by the Fradi (the Ferencvaros firm). 'Old 'Wall' turned up a day later and organised everybody into one mass gang in the city centre and, in their own words, took the place over.... Too many different stories on their forum after the event to relate here but an old lady dying on a tube train through heart failure while it kicked off around her, stands firmly in my memory banks. Seems some of the Fradi, on the platform, started to kick the carriages and hurl abuse which made the Millwall lot pull the stop handle, force the doors open and chase after said Fradi.... Doors held open until they all had returned.
Millwall lost the tie and Ferencvaros were drawn against Hearts in the next round. Didn't stop some of them going up to Edinburgh to have another set to with the Hungarians.
Had an evening drinking with the MO website organiser in Norfolk (prior to a Norwich/Millwall Sunday game) He said there were 11 different firms following the team and not all of them saw eye-to-eye ! Not exactly a united front then. Gulp.....11 firms..... Back when I was a youth, they certainly had 3 that I knew about, namely The Medics (wore surgeons masks to hide identity), The F Troop and the Half Way Line. How many they have these days, Gawd knows, but being the most feared set of 'fans' is still uppermost, even amongst themselves.
I'm not condoning football related violence in any way, shape or form and even though CCFC has its few Biffo's, like any other club, I'm so glad we aren't anything like that particular club in SE London.
I don't believe they do. The point at issue is what constitutes "nothing"
A WBA probably doesn't feel he did anything wrong chucking a coin on the pitch after yesterday's game because he didn't mean to hit anyone with it. Reasonable people would probably say he has done something to warrant a bit of a slap from the Police
...onwards & upwards PUSB
It is pathetic though. They never were, aren't & never will be "top dogs"
They do have a pretty high proportion of nutters hell bent on having a ruck.. every team has those sort amongst their number though
Remember West Ham went & slapped them down a few years back? In my memory banks I recall Chelsea doing the same...& I am certain that on sheer numbers alone Spurs, Arsenal, Man Utd, Man City, Everton, Liverpool, Newcastle & a number of others could still muster enough nutters to put then back in their Den (see what I did there )
...onwards & upwards PUSB
I've experienced it myself and my back was covered in black and brown bruises.
Interfering with the police as they go about their business is always going to get you in trouble. Not astute Astute!!!It does still happen. Some of them are still on a power trip. But it happens much less because of CCTV. The last time it happened to me was against Bristol City. Two police officers started on a couple of our younger supporters. I stepped into it and they went to arrest me. After a little debate they let me go. Saw another one but can't remember where it was about the same time.
It is worse on away days. But we have had the occasional problem in our own ground when banners were taken in.
It doesn't mean something doesn't happen because you don't see it.
Astute I wasn't there so I will have to take your word for it. However I am gob smacked that two police officers at Cov verses Bristol walked up to two Young Cov fans doing nothing wrong at all and started pushing and shoving them for absolutely no reason at all?
Did nobody film it, once it started happening?
Of course there are bad eggs the Police are a massive organisation. On the whole these days there are very few bad eggs. The ones there are get caught out and when they do it appears all over the media and is sensationalised. Giving people the impression that every second copper is dodgy.
I am not saying there are not bad coppers out there. I am saying in today's age with social media. It is highly unlikely a cop will intentionally walk up to some completely innocent person and start on them.
CCTV and everybody else's mobile phones, will mean it would likely cost them their careers. It is a massive risk for them.
The other mini riot scenario you describe doesn't sound straight forward at all.
Watched a copper outside the Ricoh attack a bunch of youths (after the Crewe game last season IIRC) with a baton, then wanted further fighting saying "Come on then, make my day" aggressively.
Then when the mobiles came out to film him : "Under section.... I ask you all to leave the area"
Explain this to me Dongo.
Indeed, not been widely published that the lad who was wrongly arrested in that video got a five figure compensation pay out in the end.
Looks like everyone has forgotten this. As someone previously said, there's two sides to every story
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Watched a copper outside the Ricoh attack a bunch of youths (after the Crewe game last season IIRC) with a baton, then wanted further fighting saying "Come on then, make my day" aggressively.
Then when the mobiles came out to film him : "Under section.... I ask you all to leave the area"
Explain this to me Dongo.
If you saw a policeman run at a bunch of kids with his baton that were doing nothing wrong, trying to fight them. Then you should have filmed it yourself. This bloke sounds like a maniac and should not be on the streets as a normal person never mind a policeman.
I can't explain what you saw and I also can't explain how a mad man like that hasn't made the media yet.
I went to a game once and was walking home to Potters Green with 3 friends, I was 15 and two other lads 15 as well and the other one was 13.Watched a copper outside the Ricoh attack a bunch of youths (after the Crewe game last season IIRC) with a baton, then wanted further fighting saying "Come on then, make my day" aggressively.
Then when the mobiles came out to film him : "Under section.... I ask you all to leave the area"
Explain this to me Dongo.