And so we see the object of this exercise...make out that most people agree with 'the KCIC way' and so other groups (I wonder who he means? He never says!

) are the 'small but noisy extremes'.
How about this Michael:
If you genuinely believe in fan unity stop slagging off other fans and misrepresenting their views and aims.
Instead of trying to undermine and alienate anther fans, get on with finding common ground so we can work together.
I, and other people involved with GCBttR have (until now!) purposely ignored all of the snide little attacks, lies and misrepresentations coming from you over the past few months and focussed on always giving credit for the work KCIC / NOPM have done over the past few years that has kept the issue in the spotlight and brought pressure on many of the sides in this dispute, from Sisu to the FA.
We've been happy to support Fix Football (although you seem to have got bored with that) and we would have been happy to try and get some answers out of Joy when you were pushing that line but you seem to have moved on from that too but we have common ground.
We've positioned ourselves as part of the circle of different fans groups that are surrounding the organisations that can actually affect change in this ridiculous saga and we are happy to acknowledge that we are only a part of a wider grouping of supporters and their views. You seem to take the more George W Bush position of 'you're either with us or against us' which isn't very helpful or unifying IMHO.
I keep getting people saying things like 'Why is Michael so upset with you?' and 'Why has he got it in for you?' and TBH I'm at a bit of a loss. Are you taking this as personally as some of your newsletters appear to be making out? Have we genuinely upset you by including the council on the list of organisations that should play a part in solving this mess?
Look, we can spend another endless round of chat arguing who did what and apportioning the correct amount of blame and all agreeing that this is a terrible situation and how bad everything is and so on & so forth.
Or...we can work on the actual solution so that we can see our club playing football in Coventry in the Ricoh.
Sisu don't need to build a new stadium and they can't seriously think that they can get the Ricoh all to themselves at a knock-down price. Conversely, the council can't expect a football club to have any kind of future when they are just paying rent.
The compromise has to be somewhere along the lines of CCFC taking over a decent leasehold on the arena based on proper valuations and some pretty major negotiations so that all other parties involved (Higgs, Compass, other linked businesses) have some satisfaction & recompense.
The freehold remains with the city so the asset is protected, the club have a chance at rebuilding from what looks like a decent start (young local talent, brilliant manager, community-minded development officer etc.) and Sisu can look at moving their investment on. A good side issue would be positioning fan ownership / representation into a future sale.
This would take compromise from all sides, working on trust issues and some pressure will need to be applied and co-ordinated as required.
Otherwise, as long as we are watching the courts more than we are watching the pitch, this will keep dragging on and on and on and on and on and get the picture.
So maybe the word for the day needs to be compromise so that unity can follow..?