I was just waiting for you to spot that, I didn’t think it would take long for such a pedant. So that it makes it 0.019%, or one in every 5143. I guess that makes all the difference, and clearly proves your agenda (and obvious wish) that the distribution has been an absolutely disaster

Ahh, the old “I was just testing” reply of someone who has got it wrong.
Of course I don’t wish that the distribution was an absolute disaster.
My only agenda is that I firmly believe that, having paid for a ticket and delivery, said ticket should be delivered by return rather than delaying delivery for weeks until only shortly before the event takes place. ”Immediate” delivery must be easy to facilitate given the electronic methods in place, obviously far more so than when an actual physical ticket is involved. The delayed distribution means that in any situation where delivery fails, there is very little time to resolve the matter.
i really don’t understand how anyone can take such a vehement stance against that agenda. Or be so dismissive of those whose tickets have not been delivered.