Disappointed in this. We may be polar opposites politically, but I always had you down as one of the more sensible fasicts/tories

on ths board.
I am not stupid, but I can get behind a social democratic manifesto as outlined by the Labour Party in the last election - a manifesto not far removed from policies run by a number of perfectly forward looking European (not EU!) economies. I can also believe that although a Keynesian model may have become unfashionable post Thatcher/Reagan and monetarism... it's the way to improve a country and economy. Hell, even the US under Obama commissioned capital projects to boost the economy.
On a more basic level, I also think that nationalisation of state industries is also fine. If it's railways, the cross-subsidisation of profitable routes to pay for the loss making ones seems far more sensible than allowing outside investors (often from foreign countries) to take the profits, whilst we have to subsidise the loss-making routes. I also believe it's better to subsidise jobs than pay for unemployment benefit - same cost, but more advantage to the economy. Furthermore, I consider it morally bankrupt for shareholders to profit from people having running water, sewage facilities, and electricity.
Does that put me in any of the above categories? Nope. It's as much as me suggesting all Tory voters are either old, posh, toffs, self-centred bigots, or mad.