Oh Jeremy Corbyn (7 Viewers)

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
Advocating a crime is different though isn't it? Just like someone attending a Eugenics conference and advocating genocide. But attending a conference on Paedophilia and discussing ways to stop children being harmed isn't wrong.

The fella who was at this conference, was advocating a change in the laws regarding sex with children, so he wasn't advocating committing a crime but not what I'd want to be listening to.
To be clear, I don't think he was saying this at this eugenics conference but has put this opinion forward in other forums.


Well-Known Member
So how is this charging policy for a Labour conference justified?

View attachment 8891

Because East Mids BAME are trying to increase participation from an under-represented section of the community. To do so they have received support enabling the price to be subsidised.
Why are the reduced rates for BAME members?
East Midlands BAME Labour recently successfully bid for support from the NEC to encourage participation from BAME members at events in the East Midlands

Captain Dart

Well-Known Member
Because East Mids BAME are trying to increase participation from an under-represented section of the community. To do so they have received support enabling the price to be subsidised.

Nonsense assumption black people can't afford this conference, frankly if you can pay £30 and want to go you can as well afford £40.

Anyway I thought discrimination over race was actually illegal?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Eugenics is an interesting topic. One that obviously has strong negative connotations because the Nazis and also one could argue Pol Pot used it alongside genocide, which I believe everyone here would condemn. However what if it were used, say, to ensure that children were born without sickle cell or other genetic issues? Would that necessarily be wrong?

I'm writing without very much understanding of the topic at all, so possibly others know much more (or possibly not if reading about it is abhorrent ).

Sickle cell anaemia serves an odd advantage in some countries since it provides near total immunity towards malaria. Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis is a different kettle of fish towards attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping. As horrible as it sounds, the more we cheat death through scientific advances the faster we will ultimately make the planet uninhabitable. Speaking as a scientist that is difficult to admit but it is an unavoidable consequence of our progress in medicine especially.


Well-Known Member
Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis is a different kettle of fish towards attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping.

Why do you think that? Don't you think that people with cystic fibrosis would prefer to have been born without it? We have to separate the benefits of technology used responsibility from an emotional response to history. Hitler was a vegetarian; should we therefore all eat meat?

As horrible as it sounds, the more we cheat death through scientific advances the faster we will ultimately make the planet uninhabitable. Speaking as a scientist that is difficult to admit but it is an unavoidable consequence of our progress in medicine especially.

I guess you are referring to over-population here? If so, I agree.


Well-Known Member
Why do you think that? Don't you think that people with cystic fibrosis would prefer to have been born without it? We have to separate the benefits of technology used responsibility from an emotional response to history. Hitler was a vegetarian; should we therefore all eat meat?

I guess you are referring to over-population here? If so, I agree.
I agree also,not just emotional history but the future too No one is ever going to vote for death though.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
Why do you think that? Don't you think that people with cystic fibrosis would prefer to have been born without it? We have to separate the benefits of technology used responsibility from an emotional response to history. Hitler was a vegetarian; should we therefore all eat meat?

I guess you are referring to over-population here? If so, I agree.

You misunderstood-I would wholeheartedly agree with gene therapy or engineering to eliminate such diseases. However, the more we circumvent nature's ways of curbing population growth the more difficult it becomes to distribute what is left.


Well-Known Member
Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis is a different kettle of fish towards attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping.

You misunderstood-I would wholeheartedly agree with gene therapy or engineering to eliminate such diseases.

I'll admit, I struggled to reconcile these two statement for many long hours into the night. The meaning of the first sentence seemed clear to me and yet the second appeared to be contradictory. However your assertion that it was my mistake rather than a miscommunication from you drove me on to seek wisdom from the Brighton texts.

Tired and unable to continue, my candle waning, I retired to bed.

As often with these things, the answer came to me in a dream. I had been a fool! The only explanation is that you see "attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping." as a positive thing. I cannot agree with you on that I'm afraid. There is no evidence that Aryans are in any way superior to any other race and more importantly he attempted to do it through genocide - which crosses the line for me.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I'll admit, I struggled to reconcile these two statement for many long hours into the night. The meaning of the first sentence seemed clear to me and yet the second appeared to be contradictory. However your assertion that it was my mistake rather than a miscommunication from you drove me on to seek wisdom from the Brighton texts.

Tired and unable to continue, my candle waning, I retired to bed.

As often with these things, the answer came to me in a dream. I had been a fool! The only explanation is that you see "attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping." as a positive thing. I cannot agree with you on that I'm afraid. There is no evidence that Aryans are in any way superior to any other race and more importantly he attempted to do it through genocide - which crosses the line for me.

What the hell


Well-Known Member
I'll admit, I struggled to reconcile these two statement for many long hours into the night. The meaning of the first sentence seemed clear to me and yet the second appeared to be contradictory. However your assertion that it was my mistake rather than a miscommunication from you drove me on to seek wisdom from the Brighton texts.

Tired and unable to continue, my candle waning, I retired to bed.

As often with these things, the answer came to me in a dream. I had been a fool! The only explanation is that you see "attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping." as a positive thing. I cannot agree with you on that I'm afraid. There is no evidence that Aryans are in any way superior to any other race and more importantly he attempted to do it through genocide - which crosses the line for me.
An absolutely staggering interpretation.


Well-Known Member
I'll admit, I struggled to reconcile these two statement for many long hours into the night. The meaning of the first sentence seemed clear to me and yet the second appeared to be contradictory. However your assertion that it was my mistake rather than a miscommunication from you drove me on to seek wisdom from the Brighton texts.

Tired and unable to continue, my candle waning, I retired to bed.

As often with these things, the answer came to me in a dream. I had been a fool! The only explanation is that you see "attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping." as a positive thing. I cannot agree with you on that I'm afraid. There is no evidence that Aryans are in any way superior to any other race and more importantly he attempted to do it through genocide - which crosses the line for me.
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Well-Known Member
OK, I'm being disingenuous - but to make a point. I invite you to read the two sentences and present an alternative logical conclusion. Ignore your preconceived assumptions about what he believes and read them as a logic exercise.

Had he written that he had miscommunicated his opinion and clarified what he intended to write it would be fine. But he didn't - the fault apparently is mine for misunderstanding something that he has no need to correct. In the first sentence he says that addressing these issues is a step toward Nazi purification and in the second that he agrees with addressing the issues. Hence he implies that he agrees with taking steps towards Nazi race cleansing.

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
OK, I'm being disingenuous - but to make a point. I invite you to read the two sentences and present an alternative logical conclusion. Ignore your preconceived assumptions about what he believes and read them as a logic exercise.

Had he written that he had miscommunicated his opinion and clarified what he intended to write it would be fine. But he didn't - the fault apparently is mine for misunderstanding something that he has no need to correct. In the first sentence he says that addressing these issues is a step toward Nazi purification and in the second that he agrees with addressing the issues. Hence he implies that he agrees with taking steps towards Nazi race cleansing.

How you can interpret that from a comment supporting the elimination of hereditary disease by genetic engineering is astonishing.

Sentence one: Genetic engineering to remove diseases is different to full blown Nazi eugenics.

Sentence two: I support genetic engineering to remove hereditary diseases.

Your conclusion: Nazi sympathiser. You're off your rocker.


Well-Known Member
How you can interpret that from a comment supporting the elimination of hereditary disease by genetic engineering is astonishing.

Sentence one: Genetic engineering to remove diseases is different to full blown Nazi eugenics.

Sentence two: I support genetic engineering to remove hereditary diseases.

Your conclusion: Nazi sympathiser. You're off your rocker.

He is saying one of the nazi ideas of an Ayrian race was to be superior which means free of disability and impurities - the very benefits you espouse.


Well-Known Member
How you can interpret that from a comment supporting the elimination of hereditary disease by genetic engineering is astonishing.

For Science grad you're surprising poor at verbal reasoning. Let me help:

Sickle cell anaemia serves an odd advantage in some countries since it provides near total immunity towards malaria. Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis is a different kettle of fish towards attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping.

Decomposed as: Statement A. Statement B is different to Statement A and Statement B implies a move towards Statement C.

Where Statement A = Sickle cell anaemia serves an odd advantage in some countries since it provides near total immunity towards malaria.
Statement B = Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis
Statement C = attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping.

OK so far?

Then you follow up with
You misunderstood-I would wholeheartedly agree with gene therapy or engineering to eliminate such diseases.

Or, I agree with Statement B (Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis)

It is therefore logical to conclude that given that you approve of Statement B and that Statement B implies a move towards Statement C, you approve of the move to Statement C.


Well-Known Member
Or at an even more basic level.

A implies B. I agree with A. Therefore I agree with B.


Well-Known Member
For Science grad you're surprising poor at verbal reasoning. Let me help:

Decomposed as: Statement A. Statement B is different to Statement A and Statement B implies a move towards Statement C.

Where Statement A = Sickle cell anaemia serves an odd advantage in some countries since it provides near total immunity towards malaria.
Statement B = Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis
Statement C = attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping.

OK so far?

Then you follow up with

Or, I agree with Statement B (Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis)

It is therefore logical to conclude that given that you approve of Statement B and that Statement B implies a move towards Statement C, you approve of the move to Statement C.
Anyone remember Mr Logic from Viz Comic?

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
For Science grad you're surprising poor at verbal reasoning. Let me help:

Decomposed as: Statement A. Statement B is different to Statement A and Statement B implies a move towards Statement C.

Where Statement A = Sickle cell anaemia serves an odd advantage in some countries since it provides near total immunity towards malaria.
Statement B = Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis
Statement C = attempting to create a master race as the Nazis were hoping.

OK so far?

Then you follow up with

Or, I agree with Statement B (Genetic engineering to prevent things like Huntington's chorea or cystic fibrosis)

It is therefore logical to conclude that given that you approve of Statement B and that Statement B implies a move towards Statement C, you approve of the move to Statement C.

Leaving out: 'genetic engineering to remove fatal diseases IS DIFFERENT to attempting to creating a master race.' B does not imply a move towards C since we are not talking about the pursuit of perfection but the eradication of diseases which guarantee a painful death for the sufferer.

Take a look at yourself, accusing someone who is clearly left of centre of Nazi sympathies.


Well-Known Member
Freedom from death by Huntington's chorea makes me a Nazi?
I think what they are really suggesting is that introduction of what you are saying might be drifting towards opening the field up to 'cleanse' society. Bearing in mind there are still people in the most advanced societies & cultures in our modern world that think things like homosexuality is a disease. Others might argue that the ball on this started rolling with Edward Jenner & smallpox in 1700's

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Brighton Sky Blue

Well-Known Member
I think what they are really suggesting is that introduction of what you are saying might be drifting towards opening the field up to 'cleanse' society. Bearing in mind there are still people in the most advanced societies & cultures in our modern world that think things like homosexuality is a disease. Others might argue that the ball on this started rolling with Edward Jenner & smallpox in 1700's

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Which is the slippery slope fallacy.


Well-Known Member
On a lighter note I have put on a new signature

Could you please post it up as It doesn't show on my phone or in this format.
Have to say I think I could predict It.
Theresa has answered, although It won't be full frllls, I may be there.


Well-Known Member
I see the pro corbyn brigade vandelized a cafe in London that was a winston churchill themed cafe and called Churchill a racist and a against freedom of liberty.

Corbyns response is nothing. His office has been rung up for comment and there is none.

Deeply Shameful and insulting.

Any one else see this? Please tell me it’s not just me who is utterly horrified and insulted by this.


Well-Known Member
I see the pro corbyn brigade vandelized a cafe in London that was a winston churchill themed cafe and called Churchill a racist and a against freedom of liberty.

Corbyns response is nothing. His office has been rung up for comment and there is none.

Deeply Shameful and insulting.

Any one else see this? Please tell me it’s not just me who is utterly horrified and insulted by this.

The same Churchill who originally praised Hitler and Mussolini? Sent the army to take care of „Jewish anarchists“ with artillery on to the streets of London? Mocked Ghandi as a half naked fakir? I think the demonstrators are twats, but am aware that Churchill was no angel.

clint van damme

Well-Known Member
I see the pro corbyn brigade vandelized a cafe in London that was a winston churchill themed cafe and called Churchill a racist and a against freedom of liberty.

Corbyns response is nothing. His office has been rung up for comment and there is none.

Deeply Shameful and insulting.

Any one else see this? Please tell me it’s not just me who is utterly horrified and insulted by this.

seriously, with everything that's came out today is this all you've got to worry about?


Well-Known Member
The same Churchill who originally praised Hitler and Mussolini? Sent the army to take care of „Jewish anarchists“ with artillery on to the streets of London? Mocked Ghandi as a half naked fakir? I think the demonstrators are twats, but am aware that Churchill was no angel.

Oh I agree of course he wasn’t but I can’t have these protestors vandalizing a local shop/cafe and doing it under the guise of being the good guys.

Churchill fought against the nazis and for freedom of liberty and speech. Something the protestors should be lucky they have. The irony wasn’t lost on me. As you say they are twats. Stupid twats I may add.

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